
Technical Specification: Artificial Intelligence for Health (MPAI-AIH) V1.0 – in the following also called MPAI-AIH V1.0 or MPAI-AIH – supports advanced forms of health services provided by an end-to-end system – called Back End – that collects, accesses and processes Health Data running AI Workflows in its internal AI Framework, and collects and re-distributes AI Models updated via federated learning techniques. End Users collect, process, and upload their (processed) Health Data using devices called Front Ends that process Health Data running AI Workflows in their internal AI Frameworks and produce processed Health Data. Both processed and unprocessed Health Data are called AI Health Data (AIH Data). End Users’ AIH Data are licensed to the Back End that processes and sublicenses End Users’ AIH Data to Third-Party Users according to the terms of the End Users’ licences.

Chapters, Sections, and Annexes are Normative unless they are explicitly identified as Informative. Terms beginning with a capital letter are defined in Table 1 if specific of this MPAI-AIF Technical Specification, or in  Table 2 is used across MPAI Standards.

MPAI-AIH has been developed by Moving Picture, Audio, and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI), the international, unaffiliated, non-profit organisation developing standards for AI-based data coding. The development of MPAI-AIH V1.0 was stimulated by the AIM Health Portuguese project. Following the MPAI Process, the AIH Development Committee developed the Use Cases and Functional Requirements, the the IPR Support Advisory Committee developed the Framework Licence, and General Assembly #37 issued the Call for Technologies developing MPAI-AIH V1.0.