About Why MPAI Statutes Operation How to join

Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) is a Geneva-based international, unaffiliated, not-for-profit organisation with the mission to promote the efficient use of Data by

  1. Developing Technical Specifications for:
    • Coding any type of Data, e.g. by compression and description, especially using new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, and
    • Technologies that facilitate integration of Data Compression components in ICT systems, and
  2. Bridging the gap between Technical Specifications and their practical use through the development of IPR Guidelines, such as Framework Licences and other instruments.

By Data MPAI intends, by way of example, media, manufacturing, automotive, health and generic data.

MPAI operates based on open international collaboration of interested parties who support the MPAI mission and the means to accomplish it.

The establishment of MPAI is driven by the acknowledgement that standard coding technologies are unique enablers of businesses that handle large amounts of data. However, the current state of technology is such that many patented technologies from multiple and numerous sources are required to integrate state of the art solutions.

The MPEG process has proved that it is possible to develop standards of excellent technical quality. However, the quality has not always been matched by the timely achievement of the natural consequence of the efforts that have produced the standard, namely where:

  • Patent holders are rewarded for their innovation brought into the standard and
  • Users know how much, to whom and how to pay for using the standard.

MPAI has devised a framework of a new process that promises to bridge the gap between standards and their practical use by defining a Framework Licence and having it acknowledged before work on a standard begins.