MPAI-14 Press Release Community Comments requested on MPAI-CAE standard

10 good reasons to join MPAI

Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) is an international, unaffiliated, non-profit organisation with the mission is to develop Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled data coding specifications, with clear Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) licensing frameworks,

  1. Of Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding, especially using new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, and
  2. That facilitate integration of Moving Picture, Audio and Data coding components into  systems.

The following is a 3 min long presentation of MPAI. A longer 6.5 min long presentation is here

By Data MPAI intends, by way of example, media, genomic, manufacturing, automotive, health and generic data. A notable example of Coding is Compression. An example of AI-enabled coding is “bringing out” aspects of the data semantics relevant to an application.

A key part of MPAI’s mission is to bridge the gap between Technical Specifications and their practical use through the development of IPR Guidelines, such as Framework Licences and other instruments that are expected to facilitate adoption and use of MPAI standards.

MPAI’s membership is defined by art. 4.1 of the Statutes: Any entity, such as corporation and individual firm, partnership, university, governmental body or international organisation supporting the mission of MPAI may apply for Membership, provided that it is able to contribute to the development of Technical Specifications for the efficient use of Data

Art. 4.2 of the Statutes identifies another specific membership type: Individuals representing technical departments of academic institutions may apply for Associate Membership, stating their qualification in their application.

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