1      Version


2     Functions

A Portable Avatar Multiplexing (PSD-PAM) AIM:

  1. Receives any number – including none – of the following elements: Avatar ID, Time, Audio-Visual Scene Description, Spatial Attitude, Avatar Model, Body Descriptors, Face Descriptors, Language Preference, Speech Type, Speech, Text, and Personal Status.
  2. Produces Portable Avatar.

3      Reference Architecture

Figure 1 depicts the Reference Architecture of the Portable Avatar Multiplexing AIM.

Figure 1 – The Portable Avatar Multiplexing AIM

4      I/O Data

Table 1 specifies the Input and Output Data of the Portable Avatar Multiplexing AIM.

Table 1 – I/O Data of the Portable Avatar Multiplexing AIM

Input Description
Avatar ID A string representing the ID of Machine
Time Time the Communication Items refers to (system time).
Audio-Visual Scene Descriptors Descriptors of the Scene includes in the Portable Avatar.
Spatial Attitude Spatial Attitude of the Avatar in the Environment.
Avatar Model Avatar model used.
Body Descriptors Body Descriptors of Avatar.
Face Descriptors Face Descriptors of Avatar.
Language Preference Language used by Machine.
Speech Type An Identifier of the Speech coding.
Speech Speech segment relevant to Time.
Text Text of Machine.
Personal Status Personal Status of Machine.
Output Description
Portable Avatar The output Portable Item.

5     SubAIMs

No SubAIMs.

6     JSON Metadata
