This web page provides an introduction to the Artificial Intelligence for Health (MPAI-AIH) project. Also see the official MPAI-AIF homepage.
Artificial Intelligence for Health (MPAI-AIH) is an MPAI project addressing the secure collection, AI-based processing and secure access to health data.
This is the Reference Model of the MPAI-AIH project.
Keep up to date with the project
- Initial MPAI-AIH Architecture
- MPAI-AIH Progress report and plans
- MPAI-AIH Use-cases and functional requirements WD0.5
If you wish to participate in this work you have the following options
- Join MPAI
- Actively participate in the reference software implementation by sending an email to the MPAI Secretariat.
- Keep an eye on this page.
Return to the MPAI-AIH page.