Technical Specification: Artificial Intelligence for Health (MPAI-AIH) V1.0 specifies:

  1. The architecture of an end-to-end system called AI Health Secure Platform composed of:
    1. End User Front Ends tasked with acquiring, AI-based processing, and licensing Health Data via Smart Contracts to a Back End.
    2. A Back End tasked with
      1. Collecting, AI-based processing, providing access to and enabling Third-Party users through Smart Contract-based licenses to process Health Data.
      2. Collecting, updating via federated learning, and redistributing AI Models to Front Ends.
    3. A Blockchain tasked with managing Smart Contracts.
  2. The Data Types used by the AI Health Secure Platform.

The AI Health Data Type Qualifiers are specified by Technical Specification: Data Types, Formats, and Qualifiers V1.1.

AI-based Data processing is performed by AI Workflows executed in AI Frameworks specified by Technical Specification: Artificial Intelligence Framework (MPAI-AIH) V2.1.

The functionalities of the project should be provided in compliance with the relevant applicable legal frameworks such as the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or the Artificial Intelligence Act.

Technical Specification: Artificial Intelligence for Health data (MPAI-AIH) V1.0 has been developed by the AI Health Development Committee (AIH-DC). MPAI may extend this Technical Specification with new Versions or develop new Technical Specifications.