1   Definition

AMS-HCI Messages are exchanged between the Ego CAV’s Human-CAV Interaction Subsystem (HCI) and the Autonomous Motion Subsystem (AMS).

2   Functional Requirements

HCI sends Messages to AMS  requesting to:

  1. Send
    1. A Route connecting the current and the destination Poses, possibly including intermediate Poses and desired Times. Poses refer to a Offline Map.
    2. The selected Route as a result of an exchange of Routes between HCI and AMS.
    3. One of the following Commands:
      1. Execute a Route.
      2. Suspend a Route.
      3. Resume a Route.
      4. Change a Route.
      5. Stop a Route.
  2. Request to stream the M-Location corresponding to the human-specified U-Location via Point of View.

AMS sends AMS-HCI Messages to HCI to:

  1. List of Route options in response to an HCI-AMS Message requesting it.
  2. Information, such as:
    1. Road State.
    2. CAV State.
    3. Failure ID of equipment.

The message set is extensible.

3   Syntax


4   Semantics

Label Size Description
Header N1 Bytes AMS-HCI Message Header
– Standard-AMSHCIMessage 9 Bytes The characters “CAV-AHM-V”
– Version N2 Bytes Major version – 1 or 2 Bytes
– Dot-separator 1 Byte The character “.”
– Subversion N3 Bytes Minor version – 1 or 2 Bytes
AMSHCIMessageID N4 Bytes Identifier of AMS-HCI Message.
HCIMessageData N4 Bytes Data in HCI to AMS Message.
– RequestedRoutes[] N5 Bytes Requested Route with Stops
  – Route N6 Bytes A Requested Route
  – OfflineMapID N7 Bytes Reference Offline  Map ID
– SelectedRouteID N9 Bytes ID of selected Route
– RouteCommands N10 Bytes “Execute”, “Suspend”, “Resume”, “Change”, “Stop”
– StreamPointOfView N11 Bytes Coordinates of Point from where to watch environment.
– ULocation N12 Bytes U-Location that passenger wishes to see from Point of View
AMSMessageData N13 Bytes Data in AMS to HCI Message.
– RouteList N14 Bytes List of Routes
– FailureID N15 Bytes CAV Failure ID.
– CAVState N16 Bytes CAV State information.
– RoadState N17 Bytes Road State information.
DescrMetadata N18 Bytes ID of AMS Messages