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Actions are activities performed by Processes in an M-Instance specified by functional requirements and metadata. Actions are grouped in 5 categories

1 General Actions 2 Call a Service 3 Metaverse to Metaverse 4 Metaverse to Universe 5 Universe to Metaverse
1.1 Register 2.1 Author 3.1 MM-Add 4.1 MU-Actuate 5.1 UM-Animate.
1.2 Change 2.2 Discover 3.2 MM-Animate 4.2 MU-Embed 5.2 UM-Capture.
1.3 Hide 2.3 Inform 3.3 MM-Disable 4.3 MU-Send 5.3 UM-Embed
1.4 Authenticate 2.4 Interpret 3.4 MM-Embed 4.4 Track 5.4 UM-Send
1.5 Identify 2.5 Post 3.5 MM-Enable
1.6 Modify 2.6 Transact 3.6 MM-Send
1.7 Validate 2.7 Convert
1.8 Execute 2.8 Resolve

1       General Actions

1.1      Register

Purpose The Action of a human requesting that a Service grant their elected Users the Rights to perform Actions in the M-Instance.
Time Request is issued
Source humanID
Destination ServiceID
Requested Action Register
InItem PersonalData ∨ PersonalDataID
InLocation Address
OutLocation ServiceID
OutRights Rights ∨ RightsID
Success OutItem Account ∨ AccountID
Error FaultyReq The Request is Faulty
Wallet Insufficient Value

1.2      Change

Purpose The Action of modifying the Rights of a User and providing OutRights, e.g., to further Change the Rights.
Time Request is issued
Source UserID
Destination ServiceID
Action Change
InItems UserID1 ∧ (Rights ∨ RightsID)
OutRights Rights ∨ RightsID
Success OutItem
Error FaultyReq The Request is Faulty
IDs Incorrect
Rights Missing or incomplete

1.3      Hide

Purpose The Action of making the ID of an Item unavailable and providing OutRights, e.g., to make the ID available again.
Time Request is issued
Source UserID
Destination ServiceID
Requested Action Hide
InItem Item ∨ ItemID
OutRights Rights ∨ RightsID
Success OutItem
Error FaultyReq The Request is Faulty
IDs Incorrect
Rights Missing or incomplete

1.4      Authenticate

Purpose The Action of requesting to confirm that an Entity is what it claims to be.
Time Request is issued
Source UserID
Destination ServiceID
Action Authenticate
InItems ServiceRequest ∨ ServiceRequestID
InLocation M-LocationID ∨ UserID1
OutLocation UserID
OutRights Rights ∨ RightsID
Success OutItem ServiceResponse ∨ ServiceResponseID
Error FaultyReq The Request is Faulty
IDs Incorrect
Rights Missing or incomplete
M-Location Out of range
U-Location Out of range

1.5      Identify

Purpose The Action of requesting to produce an Item from Data & Metadata.
Time Request is issued
Source Process ID
Destination ServiceID
Action Identify
InItems DataMdata
InLocation UserID
OutLocation ServiceID
OutRight Rights ∨ RightsID
Success OutItem Item ∨ ItemID
Error FaultyReq The Request is Faulty
IDs Incorrect
Rights Missing or incomplete

1.6      Modify

Purpose The Action of requesting to produce a new Item from an existing Item by providing new Data and Metadata with the OutRights to further Act on the new Item.
Time Request is issued
Source Process ID
Destination ServiceID
Action Modify
InItems Item ∧ DataMdata
InLocation ServiceID ∨ UserID
OutLocation ServiceID
OutRight Rights ∨ RightsID
Success OutItem Item ∨ ItemID
Error FaultyReq The Request is Faulty
IDs Incorrect
Rights Missing or incomplete

1.7      Validate

Purpose The Action of verifying that a Process has the Rights to perform or request a Process to perform a Process Action.
Time Request is issued
Source ProcessID
Destination ProcessID
Action Validate
InItem Request-Action ∨ Request-ActionID
InLocation ProcessID
OutLocation ProcessID
OutRights Rights ∨ RightsID
Success OutItem Item ∨ ItemID
Error Request Faulty
IDs Incorrect
Rights Missing or incomplete

1.8      Execute

Purpose The Action of executing a Contract.
Time Request is issued
Source UserID
Destination ProcessID
Action Execute
InItem Contract ∨ ContractID
OutRights Rights ∨ RightsID
Success OutItem
Error FaultyReq The Request is Faulty
IDs Incorrect
Rights Missing or incomplete

2       Call a Service

2.1      Author

Purpose The Action of requesting an Item with associated OutRights to Act on the Item.
Time Request is issued
Source UserID
Destination ServiceID
Action Author
InItems Item ∨ ItemID ∨ DataMdata
InLocation UserID ∨ Address
OutLocation UserID ∨ ServiceID
OutRights Rights ∨ RightsID
Success OutItem Item ∨ ItemID
Error FaultyReq The Request is Faulty
IDs Incorrect
Rights Missing or incomplete
Wallet error Insufficient Value

2.2      Discover

Purpose The Action of requesting a to provide Item IDs or Process ID relevant to the request to Discover.
Time Request is issued
Source UserID
Destination ServiceID
Action Discover
InItem ServiceRequest ∨ ServiceRequestID
InLocation UserID ∨ ServiceID
OutLocation UserID
OutRights Rights ∨ RightsID
Success OutItem ServiceResponse ∨ ServiceResponseID
Error FaultyReq The Request is Faulty
IDs Incorrect
Rights Missing or incomplete

2.3      Inform

Purpose The Action of requesting information about an Item or Process, such as Metadata.
Time Request is issued
Source UserID
Destination ServiceID
Action Inform
InItem ServiceRequest ∨ ServiceRequestID
InLocation M-LocationID
OutLocation UserID
OutRights Rights ∨ RightsID
Success OutItem ServiceResponse ∨ ServiceResponseID
Error FaultyReq The Request is Faulty
IDs Incorrect
Rights Missing or incomplete

2.4      Interpret

Purpose The Action of requesting interpretation of an Item, such as translation or extraction of Personal Status.
Time Request is issued
Source UserID
Destination ServiceID
Action Interpret
InItem ServiceRequest ∨ ServiceRequestID
InLocation M-LocationID ∨ ServiceID
OutLocation UserID
OutRights Rights ∨ RightsID
Success OutItem ServiceResponse ∨ ServiceResponseID
Error FaultyReq The Request is Faulty
IDs Incorrect
Rights Missing or incomplete

2.5      Post

Purpose The Action of requesting that a Marketplace include an Asset to its repertory of Assets.
Time Request is issued
Source UserID
Destination ServiceID
Action Post
InItem Asset ∨ AssetID
InLocation UserID ∨ ServiceID
OutLocation ServiceID
OutRights Rights ∨ RightsID
Success OutItem
Error FaultyReq The Request is Faulty
IDs Incorrect
Rights Missing or incomplete
Wallet Insufficient Value

2.6      Transact

Purpose The Action of a User1 (“sender”) requesting that a Service:
1.     Assign Rights on an Asset to User2 (“receiver”).
2.     Cause:
2.1.  Wallet1 of User1 to be increased by Value1.
2.2.  Wallet2 of User2 to be decreased by Value2.
2.3.  Wallet3 of the Service enabling/facilitating the Transaction to be increased by Value3 (optionally).
Time Request is issued
Source UserID
Destination ServiceID
Action Transact
InItem Transaction ∨ TransactionID
InLocation UserID ∨ ServiceID
OutLocation UserID ∨ ServiceID
OutRights Rights ∨ RightsID
Success OutItems AssetID ∧ WalletID1 ∧ WalletID2 ∧ WalletID
Error FaultyReq The Request is Faulty
IDs Incorrect
Rights Missing or incomplete
Wallet Wallet2 has insufficient Value

2.7      Convert

Purpose The Action of requesting changing the Data of an Item according to a given Qualifier.
Time Request is issued
Source UserID
Destination ServiceID
Action Convert
InItem (Item ∨ ItemID) ∧ FormatID
InLocation ServiceID ∨ M-LocationID
OutLocation ServiceID
OutRights Rights ∨ RightsID
Success OutItem Item ∨ ItemID
Error FaultyReq The Request is Faulty
IDs Incorrect
Rights Missing or incomplete

2.8      Resolve

Purpose The Action of requesting that a Service in an M-Instance forward a Request-Resolve or a Response-Resolve Item to a Resolution Service of another M-Instance.
Time Request is issued
Source ProcessID
Destination ServiceID
Requested Action Resolve
InItem (Request-Action ∨ Request-ActionID) ∨ (Response-Action ∨ Response-ActionID)
InLocation ProcessID
OutLocation ProcessID
OutRights Rights ∨ RightsID
Success OutItem Item ∨ ItemID
Error FaultyReq The Request is Faulty
IDs Incorrect
Rights Missing or incomplete

3       Manage Entities (Metaverse to Metaverse)

3.1      MM-Add

Purpose The Action of adding an Entity at an M-Location with a Spatial Attitude and providing OutRights to Act on the MM-Added Entity.
Time Request is issued
Source UserID
Destination ServiceID
Action MM-Add
InItem (Entity ∨ EntityID) ∧ Spatial Attitude
InLocation UserID ∨ ServiceID ∨ M-LocationID
OutLocation M-LocationID
OutRights Rights ∨ RightsID
Success OutItem Entity ∨ EntityID
Error FaultyReq The Request is Faulty
IDs Incorrect
Rights Missing or incomplete
Clash Entity clashes with another Entity
M-Location Out of range

3.2      MM-Animate

Purpose The Action of MM-Embedding a Model at an M-Location using a Process to change its features and providing the OutRights to Act on the MM-Added Model.
Time Request is issued
Source UserID
Destination ProcessID
Action MM-Animate
InItem (Model ∨ ModelID) ∧ Spatial Attitude
InLocation ServiceID
OutLocation M-LocationID
OutRights Rights ∨ RightsID
Success OutItem
Error FaultyReq The Request is Faulty
IDs Incorrect
Rights Missing or incomplete
Item mismatch Entity and Animation Stream Data Types.

3.3      MM-Disable

Purpose The Action of stopping to MM-Enable selected Entities Embedded at an M-Location and providing OutRights to Act on the MM-Disabled Entities.
Time Request is issued
Source UserID
Destination ServiceID
Action MM-Disable
InItem List of EntityIDs
InLocation M-LocationID
OutLocation M-LocationID
OutRights Rights ∨ RightsID
Success OutItem
Error FaultyReq The Request is Faulty
IDs Incorrect
Rights Missing or incomplete
M-Location Out of range

3.4      MM-Embed

Purpose The Composite Action of requesting that a Service MM-Add and MM-Enable an Entity either located at a Service or at an M-Location at a destination M-Location with a Spatial Attitude and providing OutRights to Act on the MM-Embedded Entity.
Time Request is issued
Source UserID
Destination ServiceID
Action MM-Embed
InItem (Entity ∨ EntityID) ∧ Spatial Attitude
InLocation ServiceID ∨ M-LocationID
OutLocation M-LocationID
OutRights Rights ∨ RightsID
Success OutItem
Error FaultyReq The Request is Faulty
IDs Incorrect
Rights Missing or incomplete
Clash Entity clashes with another Entity
M-Location Out of range

3.5      MM-Enable

Purpose The Action of implementing requests to MM-Send selected Items MM-Added at an M-Location per the Rights of the requesting User and providing OutRights to act on the selected M-Entities.
Time Request is issued
Source UserID
Destination ServiceID
Action MM-Enable
InItem Entity ∨ EntityID
InLocation M-LocationID
OutLocation M-LocationID
OutRights Rights ∨ RightsID
Success OutItem
Error FaultyReq The Request is Faulty
IDs Incorrect
Rights Missing or incomplete
M-Location Out of range

3.6      MM-Send

Purpose The Action of sending an Item, or Data/Metadata to a Process with OutRights given to the Destination Process to Act on the Item or Data/Metadata.
Time Request is issued
Source ProcessID
Destination ProcessID
Action MM-Send
InItem Item ∨ ItemID ∨ DataMdata
InLocation ProcessID ∨ M-Location
OutLocation ProcessID ∨ M-Location
OutRights Rights ∨ RightsID
Success OutItem Item ∨ ItemID ∨ DataMdata
Error Request Faulty
IDs Incorrect
Rights Missing or incomplete

4       Manage Entities (Metaverse to Universe)

4.1      MU-Actuate

Purpose The Action of presenting an Item available at a Device to a U-Location as Media with a Spatial Attitude.
Time Request is issued
Source UserID
Destination DeviceID
Action MU-Actuate
InItem (Entity ∨ EntityID) ∧ Spatial Attitude
InLocation DeviceID
OutLocation U-LocationID
OutRights Metadata
Success OutItem Media
Error FaultyReq The Request is Faulty
IDs Incorrect
Rights Missing or incomplete
U-Location Out of range

4.2      MU-Embed

Purpose The Composite Action of requesting that:

  1. A Service MM-Send an Scene MM-Embedded at an M-Location to a Device.
  2. The Device MU-Actuate Scene at a U-Location with a Spatial Attitude.
Time Request is issued
Source UserID
Destination ServiceID
Action MU-Embed
InItem Scene ∧ Spatial Attitude
InLocation M-Location
OutLocation U-Location
OutRights Rights ∨ RightsID
Success Action result Media
Error FaultyReq The Request is Faulty
IDs Incorrect
Rights Missing or incomplete
M-Location Out of range

4.3      MU-Send

Purpose The Action of requesting that a Process store an Item at an Address.
Time Request is issued
Source ProcessID
Destination ServiceID
Action MU-Send
InItem Item ∨ ItemID
InLocation M-LocationID ∨ ProcessID
OutLocation Address
OutRights Rights ∨ RightsID
Success OutItem
Error FaultyReq The Request is Faulty
IDs Incorrect
Rights Missing or incomplete
Address Incorrect

4.4      Track

Purpose The Composite Action of requesting that a Service:

  1. MM-Embed a Model at an M-Location with a Spatial Attitude.
  2. UM-Animate the Model MM-Embedded at an M-Location.
  3. MU-Embed specified Entities at the M-Location to a U-Location.
Time Request is issued
Source UserID
Destination ServiceID
Action Track
InItem (Model ∨ ModelID) ∧ Spatial Attitude ∧ M-LocationID
InLocation ServiceID
OutLocation U-LocationID
OutRights Rights ∨ RightsID
Success OutItem Media
Error FaultyReq The Request is Faulty
IDs Incorrect
Rights Missing or incomplete
M-LocationID Out of range
U-LocationID Out of range

5       Manage Entities (Universe to Metaverse)

5.1      UM-Animate

Purpose The Composite Action of requesting:

  1. A Device to
    1. UM-Capture an animation stream extracted from an object at a U-Location.
    2. UM-Send the animation stream and Metadata to a User.
  2. A Service to Identify the Animation Stream.
  3. A Service to  MM-Embed a Model at anM-Location and MM-Animate it using the Animation Stream.
Time Request is issued
Source UserID
Destination DeviceID
Action UM-Animate
InItem object ∧ (Model ∨ ModelID)
InLocation U-LocationID
OutLocation M-LocationID
OutRights Rights ∨ RightsID
Success OutItem Entity ∨ EntityID
Error FaultyReq The Request is Faulty
IDs Incorrect
Rights Missing or incomplete
U-Location Out of range
M-Location Out of range

5.2      UM-Capture

Purpose The Action of capturing Media from a scene at a U-Location.
Time Request is issued
Source UserID
Destination DeviceID
Action UM-Capture
InItem scene
InLocation U-LocationID
OutLocation DeviceID
Success OutItem Media
Error FaultyReq The Request is Faulty
IDs Incorrect
Rights Missing or incomplete
U-Location Out of range

5.3      UM-Embed 

Purpose The Composite Action of requesting:

  1.  A Device to:
    1. UM-Capture a scene at U-Location.
    2. MM-Send Data and Device-provided Metadata to a User.
  2. A Service to:
    1. Identify an Entity from UM-Sent Data and Metadata.
    2. MM-Embed the Entity at an M-Location with a Spatial Attitude.
Time Request is issued
Source UserID
Destination DeviceID
Action UM-Embed 
InItem scene ∧ Spatial Attitude
InLocation U-LocationID
OutLocation M-LocationID
OutRights Rights ∨ RightsID
Success OutItem Entity ∨ EntityID
Error FaultyReq The Request is Faulty
IDs Incorrect
Rights Missing or incomplete
Clash Item clashes with another Item
M-Location Out of range
U-Location Out of range

5.4      UM-Send

Purpose The Action of transmitting Data & Metadata from the Universe  to a Process.
Time Request is issued
Source DeviceID
Destination ProcessID
Action UM-Send
InItem DataMdata
InLocation DeviceID ∨ Address
OutLocation ProcessID
OutRights Metadata
Success OutItem DataMdata
Error Request Faulty
IDs Incorrect
Rights Missing or incomplete
U-Location Out of range

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