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Perception of the Universe by the Metaverse

1        Introduction

This Section identifies the Functionalities of a Metaverse Environment to perceive a Universe Environment that are common to all Data Types.

Other Data

2        General

This Section identifies the Functionalities of a Metaverse Environment to perceive a Universe Environment that are common to all Data Types.

Area 4. Perception of the Universe by the Metaverse
Subarea 4.1 General
Title 4.1.1 Universe Environment sensing
Description A User requests a Device to sense and make available a particular Universe Environment to themselves.
Comment The User can then
1.      Select Objects
2.      Store
3.      Instantiate
4.      Animate (using an Object Model)
5.      Render
the Environment or its Objects.

3        Audio

This subsection identifies and defines the Functionalities of Audio Data sensed from the Universe by the Metaverse.

Area 4. Perception of the Universe by the Metaverse
Subarea 4.2 Audio
Title 4.2.1 Audio Scene Description
Description The audio from a Universe Environment is sensed to create a digital representation of the audio component of that Environment (Audio Scene Description).
Comment The Metaverse Environment perceives the human playing a piano and the singer walking in an Environment as two Audio Objects, one static and the other with a moving position and orientation.
Area 4. Perception of the Universe by the Metaverse
Subarea 4.2 Audio
Title 4.2.2 Audio Scene Objects
Description The Audio Scene Description provides the individual Audio Objects, their Spatial Attitude, and other Metadata.
Comment The Metaverse should be able to access the individual Audio Objects to achieve a more complete understanding of the Audio Scene.
Area 4. Perception of the Universe by the Metaverse
Subarea 4.2 Audio
Title 4.2.3 Personal Status in Digital Humans
Description The Audio Scene Description of a Universe Environment populated by humans is used to extract the Personal Status of a particular Digital Human who may be present in the Metaverse Environment or attending from another Environment in the same or different Metaverse or from the Universe.
Comment At a meeting in a Metaverse Environment, a Virtual Secretary is tasked to draft a report using the Speech uttered by the attending Digital Humans and their Personal Statuses.
Area 4. Perception of the Universe by the Metaverse
Subarea 4.2 Audio
Title 4.2.4 Group Status in Digital Humans
Description The Audio Scene Description of a Universe Environment populated by a group of humans is used to extract the Group Status from the Digital Humans.
Comment The Personal Status can express the degree of happiness or excitement of a group of thousands of Digital Humans attending an event.

4        Visual

This subsection identifies and defines the Functionalities of Visual Data sensed from the Universe by the Metaverse.

Area 4. Perception of the Universe by the Metaverse
Subarea 4.3 Visual
Title 4.3.1 Visual Scene Description
Description The visual component of a scene of a Universe Environment is sensed to create its digital representation (Visual Scene Description).
Comment A CAV creates a digital representation of a Physical Environment using a variety of technologies such as Radar, Lidar, Video camera, and Ultrasound.
Area 4. Perception of the Universe by the Metaverse
Subarea 4.3 Visual
Title 4.3.2 Visual Scene Objects
Description The Visual Scene Description includes the individual Visual Objects, their Spatial Attitude, and other Metadata.
Comment The individual Digital Objects perceived by a CAV may have attributes such as Timestamp, Object Type (e.g., Audio or Visual), ID and ID of corresponding object of different Type, Motion State, Spatial Attitude, and Predicted Trajectory.
Area 4. Perception of the Universe by the Metaverse
Subarea 4.3 Visual
Title 4.3.3 Personal Status in Digital Humans
Description The Visual Scene Description is of an Metaverse Environment populated by Digital Humans is used to extract the Personal Status of a particular Digital Human who may be present in the Metaverse Environment or attending from another Environment in the same or different Metaverse or from the Universe.
Comment At a meeting in a Metaverse Environment, a Virtual Secretary is tasked to draft a report using the face and gesture expression displayed by the attending Digital Humans and their Personal Statuses.
Area 4. Perception of the Universe by the Metaverse
Subarea 4.3 Visual
Title 4.3.4 Group Status in Digital Humans
Description A Metaverse uses the Visual Scene Description of a Metaverse Environment populated by Digital Humans to extract the Group Status from that group of Digital Humans.
Comment The Personal Status can express the degree of happiness or excitement of a group of thousands of Digital Humans attending an event.

5        Tactile

This subsection identifies and defines the Functionalities of Tactile Data sensed from the Universe by the Metaverse.

Area 4. Perception of the Universe by the Metaverse
Subarea 4.4 Tactile
Title 4.4.1 Haptic Objects
Description A Metaverse Environment perceives the tactile characteristics of the surfaces of the objects in a Universe Environment.
Comment A haptic sensor captures the details of a surface.

6        Smell

This subsection identifies and defines the Functionalities of Smell Data.

Area 4. Perception of the Universe by the Metaverse
Subarea 4.5 Smell
Title 4.5.1 Smell Objects
Description A Metaverse Instance has machine olfaction capabilities (electronic nose).
Comment Smell comes from different chemical substances such as those affecting the humans’ normal life or substances used in chemical processes (and possibly obnoxious).

7        Taste

This subsection identifies and defines the Functionalities of Taste Data.

Area 4. Perception of the Universe by the Metaverse
Subarea 4.6. Taste
Title 4.6.1 Taste Objects
Description A Metaverse Instance senses and classifies tastes.
Comment Taste is often strictly connected to olfaction.

8        Other Data

This subsection identifies and defines the Functionalities of Other Data sensed from the Universe by the Metaverse.

Area 4. Perception of the Universe by the Metaverse
Subarea 4.7 Other Data
Title 4.7.1 Data from devices
Description A Metaverse Environment uses Devices to acquire information other than the 5 human senses from a Universe Environment.
Comment A Metaverse Environment, e.g., a Twin Environment, acquires data from IoT devices deployed in the Universe Environment that it mirrors, e.g., a vineyard.
Area 4. Perception of the Universe by the Metaverse
Subarea 4.7 Other Data
Title 4.7.2 BCI Data
Description A Metaverse Environment captures the signals generated by a Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Device applied to a human.
Comment Currently, BCI Devices are commercially available. However, there are no standards for the Interface of a BCI Device.
Area 4. Perception of the Universe by the Metaverse
Subarea 4.7 Other Data
Title 4.7.3 Atmospheric Data
Description A Metaverse Environment captures air temperature, air pressure, and humidity.
Comment The Metaverse Environment acquires the temperature of the room and provides an interface to change the temperature in the Universe.
Area 4. Perception of the Universe by the Metaverse
Subarea 4.7 Other Data
Title 4.7.4 Visual Object Data not in the visible range
Description A Metaverse Environment captures electromagnetic signals at frequencies that are outside the visual range or multi-frequency signals.
Comment An Autonomous Vehicle uses Radar and Lidar, and even Ultrasound to create a Digital Twin of Universe Environment where it is.

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