<– Content Representation Go to ToC Perception of the Metaverse by the Universe –>
Perception of the Universe by the Metaverse
This Section identifies the Functionalities of a Metaverse Environment to perceive a Universe Environment that are common to all Data Types.
Other Data
2 General
This Section identifies the Functionalities of a Metaverse Environment to perceive a Universe Environment that are common to all Data Types.
Area | 4. Perception of the Universe by the Metaverse |
Subarea | 4.1 General |
Title | 4.1.1 Universe Environment sensing |
Description | A User requests a Device to sense and make available a particular Universe Environment to themselves. |
Comment | The User can then 1. Select Objects 2. Store 3. Instantiate 4. Animate (using an Object Model) 5. Render the Environment or its Objects. |
3 Audio
This subsection identifies and defines the Functionalities of Audio Data sensed from the Universe by the Metaverse.
Area | 4. Perception of the Universe by the Metaverse |
Subarea | 4.2 Audio |
Title | 4.2.1 Audio Scene Description |
Description | The audio from a Universe Environment is sensed to create a digital representation of the audio component of that Environment (Audio Scene Description). |
Comment | The Metaverse Environment perceives the human playing a piano and the singer walking in an Environment as two Audio Objects, one static and the other with a moving position and orientation. |
Area | 4. Perception of the Universe by the Metaverse |
Subarea | 4.2 Audio |
Title | 4.2.2 Audio Scene Objects |
Description | The Audio Scene Description provides the individual Audio Objects, their Spatial Attitude, and other Metadata. |
Comment | The Metaverse should be able to access the individual Audio Objects to achieve a more complete understanding of the Audio Scene. |
Area | 4. Perception of the Universe by the Metaverse |
Subarea | 4.2 Audio |
Title | 4.2.3 Personal Status in Digital Humans |
Description | The Audio Scene Description of a Universe Environment populated by humans is used to extract the Personal Status of a particular Digital Human who may be present in the Metaverse Environment or attending from another Environment in the same or different Metaverse or from the Universe. |
Comment | At a meeting in a Metaverse Environment, a Virtual Secretary is tasked to draft a report using the Speech uttered by the attending Digital Humans and their Personal Statuses. |
Area | 4. Perception of the Universe by the Metaverse |
Subarea | 4.2 Audio |
Title | 4.2.4 Group Status in Digital Humans |
Description | The Audio Scene Description of a Universe Environment populated by a group of humans is used to extract the Group Status from the Digital Humans. |
Comment | The Personal Status can express the degree of happiness or excitement of a group of thousands of Digital Humans attending an event. |
4 Visual
This subsection identifies and defines the Functionalities of Visual Data sensed from the Universe by the Metaverse.
Area | 4. Perception of the Universe by the Metaverse |
Subarea | 4.3 Visual |
Title | 4.3.1 Visual Scene Description |
Description | The visual component of a scene of a Universe Environment is sensed to create its digital representation (Visual Scene Description). |
Comment | A CAV creates a digital representation of a Physical Environment using a variety of technologies such as Radar, Lidar, Video camera, and Ultrasound. |
Area | 4. Perception of the Universe by the Metaverse |
Subarea | 4.3 Visual |
Title | 4.3.2 Visual Scene Objects |
Description | The Visual Scene Description includes the individual Visual Objects, their Spatial Attitude, and other Metadata. |
Comment | The individual Digital Objects perceived by a CAV may have attributes such as Timestamp, Object Type (e.g., Audio or Visual), ID and ID of corresponding object of different Type, Motion State, Spatial Attitude, and Predicted Trajectory. |
Area | 4. Perception of the Universe by the Metaverse |
Subarea | 4.3 Visual |
Title | 4.3.3 Personal Status in Digital Humans |
Description | The Visual Scene Description is of an Metaverse Environment populated by Digital Humans is used to extract the Personal Status of a particular Digital Human who may be present in the Metaverse Environment or attending from another Environment in the same or different Metaverse or from the Universe. |
Comment | At a meeting in a Metaverse Environment, a Virtual Secretary is tasked to draft a report using the face and gesture expression displayed by the attending Digital Humans and their Personal Statuses. |
Area | 4. Perception of the Universe by the Metaverse |
Subarea | 4.3 Visual |
Title | 4.3.4 Group Status in Digital Humans |
Description | A Metaverse uses the Visual Scene Description of a Metaverse Environment populated by Digital Humans to extract the Group Status from that group of Digital Humans. |
Comment | The Personal Status can express the degree of happiness or excitement of a group of thousands of Digital Humans attending an event. |
5 Tactile
This subsection identifies and defines the Functionalities of Tactile Data sensed from the Universe by the Metaverse.
Area | 4. Perception of the Universe by the Metaverse |
Subarea | 4.4 Tactile |
Title | 4.4.1 Haptic Objects |
Description | A Metaverse Environment perceives the tactile characteristics of the surfaces of the objects in a Universe Environment. |
Comment | A haptic sensor captures the details of a surface. |
This subsection identifies and defines the Functionalities of Smell Data.
Area | 4. Perception of the Universe by the Metaverse |
Subarea | 4.5 Smell |
Title | 4.5.1 Smell Objects |
Description | A Metaverse Instance has machine olfaction capabilities (electronic nose). |
Comment | Smell comes from different chemical substances such as those affecting the humans’ normal life or substances used in chemical processes (and possibly obnoxious). |
This subsection identifies and defines the Functionalities of Taste Data.
Area | 4. Perception of the Universe by the Metaverse |
Subarea | 4.6. Taste |
Title | 4.6.1 Taste Objects |
Description | A Metaverse Instance senses and classifies tastes. |
Comment | Taste is often strictly connected to olfaction. |
This subsection identifies and defines the Functionalities of Other Data sensed from the Universe by the Metaverse.
Area | 4. Perception of the Universe by the Metaverse |
Subarea | 4.7 Other Data |
Title | 4.7.1 Data from devices |
Description | A Metaverse Environment uses Devices to acquire information other than the 5 human senses from a Universe Environment. |
Comment | A Metaverse Environment, e.g., a Twin Environment, acquires data from IoT devices deployed in the Universe Environment that it mirrors, e.g., a vineyard. |
Area | 4. Perception of the Universe by the Metaverse |
Subarea | 4.7 Other Data |
Title | 4.7.2 BCI Data |
Description | A Metaverse Environment captures the signals generated by a Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Device applied to a human. |
Comment | Currently, BCI Devices are commercially available. However, there are no standards for the Interface of a BCI Device. |
Area | 4. Perception of the Universe by the Metaverse |
Subarea | 4.7 Other Data |
Title | 4.7.3 Atmospheric Data |
Description | A Metaverse Environment captures air temperature, air pressure, and humidity. |
Comment | The Metaverse Environment acquires the temperature of the room and provides an interface to change the temperature in the Universe. |
Area | 4. Perception of the Universe by the Metaverse |
Subarea | 4.7 Other Data |
Title | 4.7.4 Visual Object Data not in the visible range |
Description | A Metaverse Environment captures electromagnetic signals at frequencies that are outside the visual range or multi-frequency signals. |
Comment | An Autonomous Vehicle uses Radar and Lidar, and even Ultrasound to create a Digital Twin of Universe Environment where it is. |
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