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4.1 App 4.2 Device  4.3 Service 4.4 User

A Request-Action contains an appropriate subset of the Data of Table 2. In the following, the logical ∨ symbol is used to indicate that either or both the elements at the left and the right of ∨ may be used, and the logical ∧ symbol is used to indicate that both elements at the left and the right of ∧ shall be used.

Table 2 – The elements of the Request-Action Item

Source ProcessID
Destination ProcessID
Action One of the Actions
InItem ActionIn ∨ ActionInID ∨ Item ∨ ItemID ∨ Data & Metadata ∨ Spatial Attitude
InLocations M-LocationID ∨ U-LocationID ∨ ProcessID
OutLocations M-LocationID ∨ U-LocationID ∨ ProcessID
OutRights Rights ∨ RightsID

ActionIn is an Item specifically required by some Actions. For instance, DiscoverIn describes the type of Items a User is requesting a Discover Service to find with the Rights to Act on the DiscoverIn Item granted to the Discover Service.

Table 3 provides the semantics of the components of a Request-Action.

Table 3 – Semantics of the elements of the Request-Action Item

Time The Time the Request-Action is issued.
Source The Process making the request.
Destination The Process receiving the request.
Action The Action that the Source requests that the Destination perform on the InItems.
InItems Items or Data & Metadata provided as input to the requested Action.
InLocations The Locations of the InItems.
OutLocations The requested Locations of the OutItems.
OutRights The Rights requested by the Source on the OutItems.

Note1: A Request need not contain all the elements above.

Note2: The InRights and the OutRights are contained in the InItem and OutItem, respectively.

The Response-Action Item to a Request-Action Item is expressed by Table 4:

Table 4 -The Response-Action Item

Success OutItem OutItem ∨ OutItemID ∨ ActionOut ∨ ActionOutID
Error FaultyReq. Faulty
IDs Incorrect
Rights Missing or incomplete
Unsupported Item not supported
Mismatch Item type mismatch
User Data Faulty
Wallet Insufficient Value
Clash Entity clashes with another Entity
M-Location Out of range
U-Location Out of range
Address Incorrect

ActionOut is an Item required by some Actions. For instance, DiscoverOut is an Item that contains the results provided by a Discover Service with the Rights to Act on the DiscoverOut Item granted to the requesting Process.

The semantics of the elements of the Response are provided by Table 5.

Table 5 – Semantics of the Response-Action Item

Success The execution of the requested Action was successful.
OutItem The Items requested in the Request-Action.
Error The execution of the Request failed.
FaultyReq The content of the Request is Faulty.
IDs Some IDs in the Request are incorrect.
Rights Some Rights are missing or incomplete.
Unsupported An Item is not supported.
Mismatch Mismatch between Items.
User Data Faulty User Data.
Wallet The Wallet is not sufficient for the required Transaction.
Clash An Entity clashes with another Entity.
M-Location There is no such M-Location.
U-Location There is no such U-Location.
Address There is no such Address.

InItems and OutRights of a Request-Action and OutItems of a Response-Action may be expressed either as Items and Rights or as IDs.

In the following Subsections, the types of Processes are described.

1.1       App

Purpose An application-specific Program executed on a Device.
Data TBD
AppID The ID of the App.
UserID The ID of the User having Rights to Act on the App.
InRightsID The ID of the User’s Rights to Act granted to the App.
OutRightsID The ID of the Rights a User may acquire on the App.
DescrMdata Any description of the App.

1.2       Device

Purpose A Process able to:

1.     UM-Capture Data from a U-Location

2.     UM-Send Data and Metadata to a User.


1.     MM-Send an Entity from an M-Location to the Device.

2.     MU-Render an Entity at a U-Location.

Data TBD
DeviceID The ID of the Device.
UserID The ID of the User having Rights to Act on the Device.
InRightsID The ID of the User’s Rights to Act granted to the Device.
OutRightsID The ID of the Rights a User may acquire on the Device.
DescrMdata Any description of Device.

1.3       Service

Purpose A Process that can be Called to provide Functionalities.
Data TBD
ServiceID The ID of the Service.
UserID The ID of the User having Rights to Act on the Service.
InRightsID The ID of the User’s Rights to Act granted to the Service.
OutRightsID The ID of the Rights to Act on the Service a User may acquire.
DescrMdata Any description of the Rights.

1.4       User

Purpose A Process representing an MM-Captured human as a Persona that is either UM-Animated by a Stream or MM-Animated by an autonomous agent.
Data TBD
UserID ID of User.
RightsID ID of Rights held by User
AccountIDs IDs of Accounts held by User.
WalletIDs IDs of Wallets held by User.
UserDataID ID of User Data.
DescrMdata Any description of the User.


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