1      Definition

An Item representing:

  1. The Amount, the WalletID and the Rights on an Asset of a User transferring Rights to another User (Sender).
  2. The Amount, the WalletID and the Rights on on the Asset of another User receiving the Rights  (Receiver).
  3. Optionally the Amount and the WalletID of the Service Provider facilitating/enabling the Transaction.

2      Functional Requirements

The Transaction shall represent:

  1. The Time the Transaction is performed.
  2. The ID of the Sender’s Wallet.
  3. The Value moving from the Receiver’s Wallet into the Sender’s Wallet.
  4. The ID of the Sender’s Rights to Act on the Asset after Transaction Time.
  5. The ID of the Receiver’s Wallet.
  6. The ID of the Receiver’s Rights to Act on the Asset after Transaction  Time.
  7. The ID of the Service Provider’s Wallet.
  8. The Value moving from the Sender or Receiver Wallet into the Service Provider’s Wallet.

3      Syntax


4      Semantics

Label Size Description
Header N1 Bytes Transaction Header
– Standard – Transaction 9 Bytes The characters “MMM-TRA-V”
– Version N2 Byte Major version – 1 or 2 characters
– Dot-separator 1 Byte The character “.”
– Subversion N3 Byte Minor version – 1 or 2 characters
MInstanceID N4 Bytes Identifier of M-Instance.
TrasactionID N5 Bytes Identifier of Transaction.
TransactionData N7 Bytes Set of Data related to Transaction
– AssetID N8 Bytes The ID of the Asset the Transaction refers to.
– TransactionTime N6 Bytes Time the Transaction is performed.
– SenderData N9 Bytes Sender dataset.
  – SenderID N10 Bytes The ID of Sender “who grants the Rights” after Time.
  – SToSPValue N11 Bytes The Value entering the Service Provider’s Wallet from the Sender’s Wallet.
  – SenderRightsID N12 Bytes The ID of the Rights held by Sender after Transaction Time.
  – SenderWalletID N13 Bytes The ID of the Sender’s Wallet.
– ReceiverData N14 Bytes Receiver dataset.
  – ReceiverID N15 Bytes The ID of Receiver “who is granted the Rights”.
  – RToSValue N11 Bytes The Value entering the Sender’s Wallet from the Receivers Wallet.
  – RToSPValue N11 Bytes The Value entering the Service Provider’s Wallet from the Receiver’s Wallet.
  – ReceiverRightsID N17 Bytes The ID of the Rights “granted to Receiver” after Transaction Time.
  – ReceiverWalletID N18 Bytes The ID of the Receiver’s Wallet.
– ServiceProviderData N19 Bytes Service Provider’s dataset.
  – ServiceProviderID N20 Bytes The ID of the Service Provider.
  – ServiceProviderWalletID N22 Bytes The ID of the Service Provider’s Wallet.
DescrMetadata N22 Bytes Any description of the Transaction.