This is the public page of the Object and Scene Description (MPAI-OSD) standard project providing technical information. Also see the MPAI-OSD homepage and MPAI-OSD Technical Specification.

Technical Specification: Object and Scene Description V1.0 specifies:

  1. Spatial Attitude
  2. Visual, and Audio-Visual Objects
  3. Visual Scene Geometry and Descriptors and Audio-Visual Scene Geometry and Descriptors,
  4. Object Instance Identifier.

The Data Formats are widely used across MPAI Technical Specifications. This is a partial list of Use Cases that require the use of MPAI-OSD:

  1.  Conversation About a Scene (MMC-CAS)
  2. Human-CAV Interaction (MMC-HCI)
  3. Videoconference Client Transmitter
  4. Virtual Meeting Secretary
  5. Videoconference Client Receiver

The current goal is to develop a Reference Software implementation of the MPAI-PAF Technical Specification.

If you wish to participate in this work, you have the following options:

  1. Join MPAI
  2. Keep an eye on this page.

Return to the MPAI-OSD home page.