1     Definition 2     Functional Requirements 3     Syntax
4     Semantics 5    Conformance Testing 6     Performance Assessment

1      Definition

Annotation is Data attached to an Object or a Scene. As opposed to Qualifier that describes intrinsic properties of an Object, an Annotation is spatially and temporally local and changeable.

2      Functional Requirements

Elements of an Annotation are:

  1. M-Instance ID
  2. Annotation ID
  3. Annotation Space-Time
  4. Annotation Data
    1. JSON Text Objects
    2. Annotation Space-Time in Object or Scene
    3. Permitted Actions on Annotated Data

Annotation Data is text containing the JSON code conforming to the JSON Schema of the Item intended as Annotation. Examples of such Items are Perceptible Entities, Intention, Meaning, and Personal Status and Its components.

3      Syntax


4      Semantics

Label Size Description
Header N1 Bytes Annotation Header
– Standard-Annotation 9 Bytes The characters “OSD-ANN-V”
– Version N2 Bytes Major version – 1 or 2 Bytes
– Dot-separator 1 Byte The character “.”
– Subversion N3 Bytes Minor version – 1 or 2 Bytes
MInstanceID N4 Bytes the Virtual Space where Annotations are attached to Objects
AnnotationID N5 Bytes Identifier of Annotation.
AnnotationSpaceTime N6 Bytes Space-Time information proper of of Annotation
AnnotationData[] N7 Bytes Path Data set
– AnnotationJSONText N8 Bytes Text of the JSON representing the Data Type used in the Annotation.
– AnnotationSpaceTime N9 Bytes Where/when Annotation is attached.
– ProcessActions[] N10 Bytes What is possible to do with the Annotation
  – ProcessActionID N11 Bytes List of possible Process Actions
DescrMetadata N12 Bytes Descriptive Metadata

5     Conformance Testing

A Data instance Conforms with MPAI-OSD V1.2 Annotation (OSD-ANN) if:

  1. The Data validates against the Annotation’s JSON Schema.
  2. All Data in the  Annotation’s JSON Schema
    1. Have the specified type
    2. Validate against their JSON Schemas
    3. Conform with their Data Qualifiers if present.

6     Performance Assessment