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1 Function 2 Reference Model 3 Input/Output Data
4 SubAIMs 5 JSON Metadata 6 Profiles
7 Reference Software 8 Conformance Texting 9 Performance Assessment

1 Functions

Visual Scene Creation (PAF-VSC) V1.4 adds Avatars with specified Spatial Attitudes to a Visual Scene with given Visual Descriptors and produces Visual Scene Descriptors with the Spatial Attitudes of the Avatars’ mouths:

Receives Avatar ID
Audio-Visual Scene Descriptors Descriptors of the full AV Scene.
Avatars Avatars in the Visual Scene
Spatial Attitude Spatial Attitudes of Avatars
Produces Visual Scene Descriptors where the Avatars have been added to input AV Scene Descriptors
Spatial Attitude of Avatars’ Mouths The Mouths of the Avatars’ Spatial Attitude

2 Reference Model

Figure 1depicts the Reference Architecture of the PS-Face Interpretation AIM ( (PAF-VSC)).

Figure 1– The Visual Scene Creation (PAF-VSC) AIM

3 Input/Output Data

Table 1specifies the Input and Output Data of the Visual Scene Creation (PAF-VSC) AIM.

Table 1– I/O Data of the Visual Scene Creation (PAF-VSC) AIM

Input Description
Avatar IDs IDs of Participants’ and MVS’ Avatars
Audio-Visual Scene Descriptors Descriptors of the Initial Visual Scene
Avatars Avatars of Participants and VMS
Spatial Attitudes Spatial Attitudes of Participants’ and VMS’ Avatars
Speech Objects Speech Objects of Participants’ and VMS’ Avatars
Text Objects Text Objects of Participants’ and VMS’ Avatars
Output Description
Visual Scene Descriptors Descriptors of the entire Visual Scene
Mouth Spatial Attitudes The Spatial Attitudes of the Mouths of Participants’ and VMS’ Avatars

4 SubAIMs

No SubAIMs.

5 JSON Metadata


6 Profiles

No Profiles

7 Reference Software

8 Conformance Testing

Table 2 provides the Conformance Testing Method for PAF-VSC AIM.

If a schema contains references to other schemas, conformance of data for the primary schema implies that any data referencing a secondary schema shall also validate against the relevant schema, if present and conform with the Qualifier, if present.

Table 2 – Conformance Testing Method for PAF-VSC AIM

Receives Avatar ID Shall be string or validate against Instance ID Schema.
Audio Visual Scene Descriptors Shall validate against AV Scene Descriptors Schema.
Avatars Shall validate against Avatar Schema.
Avatar Data shall conform with 3D Model Qualifier.
Face Descriptors Shall validate against Face Descriptors Schema.
Produces Visual Scene Descriptors Shall validate against Visual Scene Descriptors Schema.
Spatial Attitude of Avatars’ Mouths Shall validate against Spatial Attitude Schema.

9 Performance Assessment


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