1 Definition | 2 Functional Requirements | 3 Syntax |
4 Semantics | 5 Conformance Testing | 6 Performance Assessment |
1 Definition
Face Descriptors is a Data Type representing the features of the Face of an Entity.
2 Functional Requirements
The Face Descriptors represent the effect of the motion of the muscles of a human face.
The Face Descriptors Syntax represents the Actions Units of the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) originally developed by Carl-Herman Hjortsjö, adopted by Paul Ekman and Wallace V. Friesen (1978) and updated by Ekman, Friesen, and Joseph C. Hager (2002).
3 Syntax
4 Semantics
Header | N1 Bytes | Orientation FaceDescriptors | |
– Standard-FaceDescriptors | 9 Bytes | The characters “OSD-FCD-V” | |
– Version | N2 Bytes | Major version – 1 or 2 characters | |
– Dot-separator | 1 Byte | The character “.” | |
– Subversion | N3 Bytes | Minor version – 1 or 2 characters | |
FaceDescriptorsID | N4 Bytes | Identifier of Face Descriptors. | |
AU | Description | N5 Bytes | Facial muscle generating the Action |
1 | Inner Brow Raiser | 1 Byte | Frontalis, pars medialis |
2 | Outer Brow Raiser | 1 Byte | Frontalis, pars lateralis |
4 | Brow Lowerer | 1 Byte | Corrugator supercilii, Depressor supercilii |
5 | Upper Lid Raiser | 1 Byte | Levator palpebrae superioris |
6 | Cheek Raiser | 1 Byte | Orbicularis oculi, pars orbitalis |
7 | Lid Tightener | 1 Byte | Orbicularis oculi, pars palpebralis |
9 | Nose Wrinkler | 1 Byte | Levator labii superioris alaquae nasi |
10 | Upper Lip Raiser | 1 Byte | Levator labii superioris |
11 | Nasolabial Deepener | 1 Byte | Zygomaticus minor |
12 | Lip Corner Puller | 1 Byte | Zygomaticus major |
13 | Cheek Puffer | 1 Byte | Levator anguli oris (a.k.a. Caninus) |
14 | Dimpler | 1 Byte | Buccinator |
15 | Lip Corner Depressor | 1 Byte | Depressor anguli oris (a.k.a. Triangularis) |
16 | Lower Lip Depressor | 1 Byte | Depressor labii inferioris |
17 | Chin Raiser | 1 Byte | Mentalis |
18 | Lip Puckerer | 1 Byte | Incisivii labii superioris and Incisivii labii inferioris |
20 | Lip stretcher | 1 Byte | Risorius with platysma |
22 | Lip Funneler | 1 Byte | Orbicularis oris |
23 | Lip Tightener | 1 Byte | Orbicularis oris |
24 | Lip Pressor | 1 Byte | Orbicularis oris |
25 | Lips part | 1 Byte | Depressor labii inferioris or relaxation of Mentalis, or Orbicularis oris |
26 | Jaw Drop | 1 Byte | Masseter, relaxed Temporalis and internal Pterygoid |
27 | Mouth Stretch | 1 Byte | Pterygoids, Digastric |
28 | Lip Suck | 1 Byte | Orbicularis oris |
41 | Lid droop | 1 Byte | Relaxation of Levator palpebrae superioris |
42 | Slit | 1 Byte | Orbicularis oculi |
43 | Eyes Closed | 1 Byte | Relaxation of Levator palpebrae superioris; Orbicularis oculi, pars palpebralis |
44 | Squint | 1 Byte | Orbicularis oculi, pars palpebralis |
45 | Blink | 1 Byte | Relaxation of Levator palpebrae superioris; Orbicularis oculi, pars palpebralis |
46 | Wink | 1 Byte | Relaxation of Levator palpebrae superioris; Orbicularis oculi, pars palpebralis |
61 | Eyes turn left | 1 Byte | Lateral rectus, medial rectus |
62 | Eyes turn right | 1 Byte | Lateral rectus, medial rectus |
63 | Eyes up | 1 Byte | Superior rectus, Inferior oblique |
64 | Eyes down | 1 Byte | Inferior rectus, Superior oblique |
5 Conformance Testing
A Data instance Conforms with Face Descriptors (PAF-FCD) V1.4 if t
- The Data validates against the Face Descriptors’ JSON Schema.
- All Data in the Face Descriptors’ JSON Schema
- Have the specified type.
- Validate against their JSON Schemas.
6 Performance Assessment
7 Mapping of AUs to Personal Status (Informative)
MPAI has defined a set of Cognitive States, Emotions, and Social Attitudes included in Personal Status. The Table below defines an informative mapping of some elements of Personal Status to Action Units.
Personal Status | Emotion | PS Code | Components Action Units |
Emotion | Happy | 17 | 12, 25 [6 (51%)] |
Emotion | Sad | 32 | 4, 15 [1 (60%), 6 (50%), 11 (26%), 17 (67%)] |
Emotion | Fearful | 13 | 1, 4, 20, 25 [2 (57%), 5 (63%), 26 (33%)] |
Emotion | Angry | 2 | 4, 7, 24 [10 (26%), 17 (52%), 23 (29%)] |
Emotion | Disgusted | 11 | 9, 10, 17 [4 (31%), 24 (26%)] |
Cognitive State | Surprised | 18 | 1, 2, 25, 26 [5 (66%)] |
This Table was obtained through a series of experiments with human subjects. AUs used by a subset of the subjects are shown in brackets with the percentage of the subjects using this less common AU in parentheses [].