Technical Report: Server-based Predictive Multiplayer Gaming (MPAI-SPG) – Mitigation of Data Loss effects (SPG-MDL) V1.0

What MPAI-SPG is about

Description of MPAI-SPG

The Server-based Predictive multiplayer Gaming (MPAI-SPG) project is developing Technical Reports and Specifications in the Server-based Predictive Multiplayer Gaming domain. The current focus is on for data loss mitigation.

MPAI will make an online presentation of the main results of the SPG-MDL V1.0 Technical Report at 15 UTC on 12th of February 2025. Register at to attend.

What MPAI-SPG is about

MPAI-DPG Mitigation of Data Loss effects (SPG-MDL) V1.0

Technical Report – Server-based Predictive Multiplayer Gaming (MPAI-SPG) – Data Loss Mitigation effects (SPG-MDL) V1.0 (pdf)

MPAI thanks the following individuals for their valuable contributions to the development of for their contributions to the design and drafting of the SPG-MDL Technical Report, and to the development of the example Reference Software: Davide Cavagnino, Giorgio Gamba, Antonio Guarino, Maurizio Lucenteforte, Marco Mazzaglia, Daniele Spina, Francesco Strada.

See the public MPAI-SPG documents:

  1. Requirements(SPG) Progress report and plans
  2. Use Cases and Functional Requirements
  3.  Technical Report – Guidelines for mitigation of data loss and cheating in online multiplayer gaming WD0.4
  4. Application Note

Visit the About MPAI-SPG page