1      Definition

3D Model Qualifier is a set of Data providing additional information on 3D Model Data for potential use by a machine.

3D Model is specified by MMM-PAF V1.4.

2      Functional Requirements

3D Model Qualifier allow the expression of the following Elements:

  1. SubTypes
  2.  Formats
    1. Content
    2. Transport

Users needing support of new Qualifiers of additional entries in the existing Qualifiers should make a documented request to the MPAI Secretariat. Requests will be considered by the appropriate MPAI committee.

3      Syntax


4      Semantics

  1. Sub-Types
    1. Source
      1. Virtual
        1. Definition: the 3D Model instance is fully composed of synthetic data.
      2. Hybrid
        1. Definition: the 3D Model instance is composed of data that are partly synthetic and partly obtained from the digtial capture of visual information.
    2. Type
      1. Static
        1. Definition: the 3D Model instance does not include time information.
      2. Dynamic
        1. Definition: the 3D Model instance includes time information.
        2.  Types
          1. Human:
            1. Definition: the 3D Model instance represents a human or humanoid.
          2. Non-human
            1. Definition: Definition: the 3D Model instance represents a generic object.
  2. Formats
    1. Content
      1. Definition: the type of data organisation used to represent a 3D Model.
      2. Types
        1. Static
          1. Definition: the 3D Model instance does not contain time information
          2. Types
            1. 3DS
            2. glTF
            3. OBJ
            4. USD
        2. Dynamic
          1. Definition: the 3D Model instance includes time information
          2. Types
            1. FBX
            2. glTF
            3. USD.
    2. Transport
      1. Definition: the type of data organisation used to used to transport a 3D Model
      2. Types:
        1. DASH
        2. HTTP Live Streaming
  1. Attributes