1 Definition 2 Functional Requirements 3 Syntax 4 Semantics

1 Definition

ECG Qualifier is a set of Data providing additional information on EEGData for potential use by a machine.

EEG Object is specified by AIH-HSP V1.0.

2 Functional Requirements

EEG Qualifier should allow the expression of the following Elements:

  1. Sub-Type
  2. Format
  3. Attributes

Users needing support of new Qualifiers of additional entries in the existing Qualifiers should make a documented request to the MPAI Secretariat. Requests will be considered by the appropriate MPAI committee.

3 Syntax


4 Semantics

  1. Sub-Types

    1. Electroencephalography (EEG)
    2. Magnetoencephalography (MEG)
      1. Yokogawa MEG
      2. Biosemi EEG
      3. NeuroMag MEG
  2. Formats

    1. EEG
      1. Minimum EEG-MAT
      2. Standard EEG-MAT format
    2. MEG
      1. Minimum MEG-MAT
      2. Standard MEG-MAT format
  3. Attributes

5 References

  1. Standard data format MEG/EEG; https://vbmeg.atr.jp/docs/v22/attachFile/vbmeg2_job_functions/Standard-format-MEG_EEG_2_0_0_en.pdf