1. Definition 2. Functional Requirements 3. Syntax 4. Semantics

1. Definition

Metadata that associates measurable elements of the Script (e.g., characters, objects, participants, operator consoles) with data sources specific to the Real and Virtual Venue, as defined by the Qualifiers in the Venue Specification.

2. Functional Requirements

Associations defines the correspondence between data elements from the Real and Virtual Environments as defined by the Real and Virtual Venue Specifications and elements of the Script listed below:

  1. Performance designations
    1. Designations  of character instances
      • Name (name of character in the Script)
      • Nickname
      • Mnemonic
      • Performers’ avatars, including autonomous avatars and their properties (Spatial Attitudes, animations, lighting, textures/materials, and effects).
    2. Theatrical Set list
      • Describes sets of objects for all scenes in the Real and Virtual Environments including Terrain, foliage, architectural structures.
      • A Theatrical Set list is designated as
        • Name (name of Theatrical Set in the Script)
        • Nickname
        • Mnemonic
      • Each object instance within the Theatrical Set list is designated as
        • Name
        • Nickname
        • Mnemonic
        • Avatar (autonomous)
      • Relevant Performance Statuses
        • A list of Real and Virtual Performance Status Elements with parameters required for all Cue Conditions in the Script (see Performance Status)
        • Relevant Status Elements include a Performers’ or Objects’ behaviours (e.g., gestures, position, orientation, utterances)
      • Participant designations
        • Participant instance general designations
          • Meta-name (name in the Script to be converted to the actual participant name based on a variety of participant features or behaviours as described in the Script)
          • Nickname
          • Mnemonic
          • Participants’ avatars and their properties (Spatial Attitudes, animations, lighting, textures/materials, and effects).
        • Relevant Participant Statuses
          • A list of Real and Virtual Participant Status Elements with parameters required for all Cue Conditions in the Script (see Participant Status)
          • Relevant Status Elements include a Participants’ behaviours (e.g., gestures, position, orientation, utterances, controllers, apps)
        • Operator designations
          • Operator instance general designations
            • Real or Virtual Console Name
            • Mnemonic
          • Relevant Operator Statuses
            • A list of Real and Virtual Operator Status Elements with parameters required for all Cue Conditions in the Script (see Operator Status)
            • Relevant Status Elements include all relevant console actions by Operator.
          • Relevant Action Descriptors
            • A list of Real and Virtual Action Descriptor Elements with parameters required for all Cue Actions in the Script.
            • Relevant Action Elements include list of Actions called out in the Script.

3. Syntax

4. Semantics

Label Size Description
Header N1 Bytes Header
– Standard- 9 Bytes The characters “CAE-ECS-V”
– Version N2 Bytes Major version – 1 or 2 characters
– Dot-separator 1 Byte The character “.”
– Subversion N3 Bytes Minor version – 1 or 2 characters
MInstanceID N4 Bytes Identifier of M-Instance.
ID N5 Bytes Identifier of
SpaceTime N7 Bytes  Space-Time info of CogState.