1. Definition 2. Functional Requirements 3. Syntax 4. Semantics

1. Definition

The focused status data obtained by observing the individual and collective behaviour of Participants in the Real Environment by interpreting the descriptors, per the current Cue Point, including behaviour, Emotion, Cognitive State, and Social Attitude, as needed by:

  1. The Action Generation AIM to service the current cue point.
  2. The Cue Point Identification AIM to trigger the next cue point.

Components from the Real Environment as data describing relevant Participants in the Real Environment.

2. Functional Requirements

  1. Spatial position and orientation of relevant Participant
    1. Per area/zone
    2. Motion vector
    3. Orientation of body and head
  2. Gesture descriptors:
    1. Raising arms
    2. Waving
    3. Jumping
    4. Pointing to a direction
    5. Dancing
  3. Social clustering:
    1. Coordinates of cluster centroids and the variances along the three principal axes.
    2. Percentage of total Participants in each cluster.
    3. Identity of individual Participant within each cluster and their distance from the centroid.
  4. Objects in field of vision and gaze direction:
    1. List of objects/performers either present or represented in the Real Environment or their components that are being observed (granularity of target set by Script).
    2. Percent of participants observing a particular object/performer/component.
  5. Participant audio activity
    1. Number of participants doing a certain activity per area/zone, e.g., Laughing, Clapping, Booing, Shouting, Singing.
    2. Participant intensity of the activity per avatar per area/zone.
    3. Number of Participants uttering a particular phrase/text per area/zone.

3. Syntax

4. Semantics