1     Version


2     Function

Visual Direction Identification:

  1. Receives
    1. Visual Scene Geometry
    2. Body Descriptors.
  2. Produces the direction of a line traversing the forefinger of the Entity.

3     Reference Architecture

Figure 1 depicts the Reference Architecture of the Visual Direction Identification AIM.

Figure 1 – The Visual Direction Identification AIM

4     I/O Data

Table 18 specifies the Input and Output Data of the Visual Direction Identification AIM.

Table 18 – I/O Data of the Visual Direction Identification AIM

Input Description
Body Descriptors The Descriptors of the Body Objects of Entities in the Visual Scene.
Visual Scene Geometry The digital representation of the spatial arrangement of the Visual Objects of the Scene.
Output Description
Anchored Direction The direction of the line traversing the forefinger of the target Entity.

5. SubAIMs

No SubAIMs.

6     JSON Metadata
