MPAI OSD V1.2 Technical Specification (Community Comments)

MPAI OSD V1.1 Technical Specification

What MPAI-OSD is about

Description of the standard

Watch video recording of OSD online presentation (YouTube, WimTV)

Watch video recording of OSD-TMA Reference Sw  online presentation (YouTube, WimTV)

Read OSD PowerPoint presentation.

Read OSD-TMA Reference SW PowerPoint presentation.

What MPAI-OSD is about


Technical Specification Object and Scene Description (MPAI-OSD) V1.1 (pdf)

MPAI thanks Seunggeun Baek, Andrea Bottino, Alessandro D’Amelio, and Marian Alexandru Ilies who participated in the development of MPAI-OSD V1.1.


MPA thanks Andrea Basso, Mattia Bergagio, Francesco Gallo, Muhammad Yasir Shabi, and Gianluca Torta who participated in the development of the OSD-TMA Reference Software Implementation.

The Object and Scene Description (MPAI-OSD) project develops Technical Reports and Specifications targeting digital representation of  spatial information of Audio and Visual Objects and Scenes for use across MPAI Technical Specifications.

The MPAI-OSD V1.2 Technical Specification is published with a request for Community Comments. Anybody can submit comments to the MPAI Secretariat until 2024/12/12T 23:59 UTC. Comments will be considered when drafting the final text of MPAI-HMC V1.2.

Technical Specification: Object and Scene Description (MPAI-OSD) V1.0 specifies:

  1. Spatial Attitude
  2. Visual, and Audio-Visual Objects
  3. Visual Scene Geometry and Descriptors and Audio-Visual Scene Geometry and Descriptors,
  4. Object Instance Identifier.

The Data Formats are widely used across MPAI Technical Specifications.

Material about MPAI-OSD

The 39th MPAI General Assembly (MPAI-39) has published a WD of Technical Specification – Object and Scene Description (MPAI-OSD) WD for Community comments. Anybody wss entitled to send comments to the MPAI Secretariat for consideration in the final draft of MPAI-OSD V1 if received by 2024/01/17T23:59 UTC.

MPAI was seeking proposals of technologies to enable the implementation of AI Modules making real the above-described goal. The deadline for submitting a response was September 20 at 23:59 UTC. Those intending to submit a response should become fully familiar with the following documents:

Call for Technologies (closed) html,  pdf
Use Cases and Functional Requirements htmlpdf
Framework Licence htmlpdf
Template for responses htmldocx

See also the video recordings (YouTube, WimTV) and the slides of the presentation made on 07 September. Read What is the Object and Scene Description (MPAI-OSD) Call for Technologies about?.

See the public MPAI-OSD documents:

  1. MPAI-OSD Progress report and plans
  2. Application Note
  3. Technical Specification – Visual Object and Scene Description (MPAI-OSD) WD0.2

Visit the About MPAI-OSD page.

As this MPAI activity targets the development of use cases and functional requirements of neural network watermarking, it is open to non MPAI members. Contact the MPAI secretariat for more information.