Standards – ProjectsStages

Title Acronym Title Acronym
AI Framework MPAI-AIF Context-based Audio Enhancement MPAI-CAE
Connected Autonomous Vehicle MPAI-CAV Compression and Understanding of Industrial Data MPAI-CUI
Governance of the MPAI Ecosystem MPAI-GME Human and Machine Communication MPAI-HMC
Multimodal Conversation MPAI-MMC MPAI Metaverse Model MPAI-MMM
Neural Network Watermarking MPAI-NNW Object and Scene Description MPAI-OSD
Portable Avatar Format MPAI-PAF AI Module Profiles MPAI-PRF
Data Types, Formats, & Attributes MPAI-TFA

StandardsProjects – Stages

The table report all current AI projects.
The first column gives the project status: Version of the Standard (Vx.y), Community Comments (CC), Call for Technologies (CfT), and Under Development (Dev).

Status Title Acronym
V2.1 Artificial Intelligence Framework MPAI-AIF
V1.0-Dev Artificial Intelligence for Health  MPAI-AIH
Context-based Audio Enhancement MPAI-CAE
V2.3-CC Use Cases CAE-USC
V1.0-Dev Six Degrees of Freedom CAE-6DF
Connected Autonomous Vehicles MPAI-CAV
V1.2-Dev Architecture CAV-ARC
V1.0-Dev Technologies CAV-TEC
V2.0-Dev Compression and Understanding of Industrial Data MPAI-CUI
Dev AI-based End-to-End Video Coding  MPAI-EEV
V1.0-CfT AI-Enhanced Video Coding MPAI-EVC
Dev Integrative Genomic/Sensor Analysis  MPAI-GSA
V1.1 Governance of the MPAI Ecosystem MPAI-GME
V2.0-CC Human and Machine Communication MPAI-HMC
V2.3-CC Multimodal Conversation MPAI-MMC
MPAI Metaverse Model MPAI-MMM
V1.2 Architecture CAV-ARC
V1.0 Technologies MMM-TEC
V1.0 Neural Network Watermarking  MPAI-NNW
V1.0-CC Neural Network Traceability MPAI-NNT
V1.2-CC Object and scene description MPAI-OSD
V1.3-CC Portable Avatar Format MPAI-PAF
V1.0 AI Module Profiles MPAI-PRF
V1.0-Dev Server-based Predictive Multiplayer Gaming MPAI-SPG
V1.2 Data Types, Formats, and Attributes MPAI-TFA
V1.0-Dev Extended Reality Venues MPAI-XRV

Currently, MPAI has a total of 17 projects at different stages of development. The first column of the table gives the status of the project: V (version of standard), CfT (Call for Technologies), Dev (under development CC (draft published for Community Comments). The second column gives the title of the project and a link to the project’s web page. The third column gives the project acronym.

See also the MPAI Work Plan and MPAI Timeline. See a succint MPAI presentation.

StandardsProjects – Stages

MPAI develops mostly AI-based standards following a well-defined sequence of steps (see Annex I of the Statutes for more details)

# Acr Name Description
1 IC Interest Collection New project is identified, proposal submitted, interested parties found
2 UC Use cases Proposals of use cases, their description and merger of compatible use cases.
3 FR Functional Requirements Identification of the functional requirements that the standard should satisfy.
4 CR Framework Licence Development of the Framework Licence of the standard by the IPR SAC.
5 CT Call for Technologies Preparation and publication of a document calling for technologies supporting the requirements.
6 SD Standard development Development of the standard in a specific Development Committee (DC).
7 CC Community Comments Publication of the draft Technical Specification with a request from comments on the part of anybody.
8 TS Technical Specification The standard has been successfully completed and all Members have made the appropriate declarations.

The MPAI General Assembly approves promotion of a project from a stage to the next stage.