The XR Venues (MPAI-XRV) project develops Technical Reports and Specifications addressing a multiplicity of use cases enabled by Extended Reality (XR) and enhanced by Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies. MPAI-XRV specifies design methods for AI Workflows and Modules that automate complex processes in variety of application domains. Venue is used as a synonym for Real and Virtual Environments. | Technical Specification: XR Venues (MPAI-XRV) – Live Theatrical Performance (XRV-LTP) is being developed
Description of the MPAI-XRV project
What MPAI-XRV is about
XR Venues (MPAI-XRV) is an MPAI project developing standards supporting use cases enabled by AR/VR/MR/Immersive Reality, collectively called Extended Reality (XR), and enhanced by Artificial Intelligence technologies. The word venue is used as a synonym to Environment, both real and virtual.
The first standard specifies the AI Workflow required to implement the Live Theatrical Stage Performance use case, and the AI Modules enabling automation of live multisensory immersive stage performances which ordinarily require extensive on-site show control staff to operate.
See a summary of technologies requested at XR Venues – Live Theatrical Stage Performance
MPAI was seeking proposals of technologies that enable the implementation of standard components (AI Modules) to make real the MPAI-XRV – Live Theatrical Stage Performance described above. The deadline for submitting a response was 2023 November 20 at 23:59 UTC. Those intending to submit a response were requested to become fully familiar with the following documents:
Call for Technologies (closed) | html, pdf |
Use Cases and Functional Requirements | html, pdf |
Framework Licence | html, pdf |
Template for responses | html, docx |
See also the video recordings (YouTube, WimTV) and the slides of tthe presentation made on 12 September. Read What is the XR Venues – Live Theatrical Stage Performance Call for Technologies about?
The goals of the MPAI-XRV project are:
- To identify and characterise AI Modules (AIMs) re-usable across use cases.
- To develop requirements for the AI Workflows (AIWs) implementing the identified use cases and for AIM functions and input/output data.
- To draft and publish Calls for Technologies satisfying the identified functional requirements and the commercial requirements.
- To specify the enabling technologies in a series of MPAI standards.