
Text Descriptors is a Data Type representing an input text such as syntactic and semantic information. It results from natural language (text analysis) and consists of the following elements:

The “meaning” consists of the following elements.

  • POS_tagging
  • NE_tagging
  • Dependency_tagging
  • SRL_tagging

Meaning is synonym of Text Descriptors.



Name Definition
Meaning Provides an abstract of description of natural language analysis results.
POS_tagging Indicates POS tagging results including information on the POS tagging set and tagged results of the User question. POS: Part of Speech such as noun, verb, etc.
NE_tagging Indicates NE tagging results including information on the NE tagging set and tagged results of the User question. NE: Named Entity such as Person, Organisation, Fruit, etc.
dependency_tagging Indicates dependency tagging results including information on the dependency tagging set and tagged results of the User question. Dependency indicates the structure of the sentence such as subject, object, head of the relation, etc.
SRL_tagging Indicates SRL (Semantic Role Labelling) tagging results including information on the SRL tagging set and tagged results of the User question. SRL indicates the semantic structure of the sentence such as agent, location, patient role, etc.