Video satisfies the following specifications:

  1. Pixel shape: square.
  2. Bit depth: 8 or 10 bits/pixel.
  3. Aspect ratio: 4/3 or 16/9.
  4. 640 < # of horizontal pixels < 1920.
  5. 480 < # of vertical pixels < 1080.
  6. Frame frequency 24-120 Hz.
  7. Scanning: progressive or interlaced.
  8. Colorimetry: ITU-R BT709 or BT2020.
  9. Colour format: RGB or YUV.
  10. Compression, either:
    1. Uncompressed.
    2. Compressed according to one of the following standards: MPEG-4 AVC [11], MPEG-H HEVC [12], MPEG-5 EVC [13].

Video File: A Video in the MP4 File Format.