1. Functions 2. Reference Model 3. Input/Output Data
4. Functions of AI Modules 5. Input/output Data of AI Modules 6. AIW, AIMs, and JSON Metadata

1. Functions

The Front End

  1. Gathers various types of Health Data through it sensors,
  2. Processes Health Data, produces AIH Data, and updates its Neural Network Model.
  3. Entrusts AIH Data to the Back End together with Licence Data.
  4. May discover that there may be risks in the AIH Data and send Anomaly and Risk Alert to the Back End.
  5. May be requested to send its trained NN Model to the Backend for Federated Learning.

2. Reference Model

Figure 1 depicts the Reference Architecture of the Health Back End (AIH-HBE).

Figure 1 – Reference Model of the Health Back End (AIH-GBE) AIW

3. Input/Output Data

Table 2 specifies the Input and Output Data.

Table 1 – I/O Data of Health Front End

Input Description
Output Description

4. Functions of AI Modules

Table 2 specifies the Function of the AI Modules.

Table 2 – Functions of Health Front End AI Modules

AI Module Description

5. Input/output Data of AI Modules

Table 2 specifies the Function of the AI Modules.

Table 3 – Functions of Health Front End AI Modules

AI Module Receives Produces

6. AIW, AIMs, and JSON Metadata

Table 4 provides the links to the AIW and AIM specifications and to the JSON syntaxes. AIMs/1 indicates that the column contains Composite AIMs and AIMs indicates that the column contains their Basic AIMs.

Table 4 – AIW, AIMs, and JSON Metadata

AIH-HFE Health FrontEnd X