Technical Specification: Connected Autonomous Vehicle (MPAI-CAV) – Architecture (CAV-ARC) V2.0 – in the following also called CAV-ARC V2.0 or MPAI-ARC – specifies the Architecture of a Connected Autonomous Vehicle (CAV) based on a Reference Model comprising:
- A CAV broken down into Subsystems for each of which the following is specified:
- The Functions
- The functional requirements of the input/output Data Types exchanged between Subsystems.
- The topology of Components
- Each Subsystem broken down into Components of which the following is specified:
- The Functions
- The functional requirements of the input/output Data Types exchanged between Components and between Components and Subsystems.
Each Subsystem is assumed to be implemented as an AI Workflow (AIW) made of Components implemented as AI Modules (AIM) executed in an AI Framework (AIF) as specified by Technical Specification: AI Framework (MPAI-AIF) V2.0.
CAV-ARC V2.0 is directly connected with Technical Specification: Connected Autonomous Vehicle (MPAI-CAV) – Technologies (CAV-TEC) which specifies the Data Types and Qualifiers exchanged by Subsystems (AIW) and Components (AIM) of CAV-ARC V2.0. CAV-ARC makes references to CAV-TEC specification elements and vice-versa.
Users of this Technical Specification should note that CAV-ARC:
- Does not mandate support of specified CAV Subsystems and Components.
- Specifies the software Interfaces with the mechanical components of a CAV, but not the mechanical components activated by the Interfaces.
- Allows implementations that merge sets of Components into one Components, on condition that the resulting external interfaces are preserved.
- Makes no assumption on the location carrying out the processing required by the CAV.
- Assumes that processing, collection, and storage of information is performed according to the applicable laws of the location.
CAV-ARC has been developed by the Connected Autonomous Vehicle Group of the Requirements Standing Committee. MPAI may publish additional Technical Reports and Specifications addressing the same or other aspects of Connected Autonomous Vehicles.