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Technical Specification: Connected Autonomous Vehicle (MPAI-CAV) – Technologies (CAV-TEC) builds on the results achieved by Technical Specification: Connected Autonomous Vehicle (MPAI-CAV) – Architecture (CAV-TEC) and provides technologies for use in the development of a Connected Autonomous Vehicle.

CAV-TEC specifies the following elements of:

  1. CAV Subsystems (AI Modules):
    1. Functions
    2. Reference Model
    3. I/O Data
    4. Functions of AI Modules
    5. I/O Data of AI Modules
  2. CAV Components (A Modules):
    1. Functions
    2. Reference Model
    3. I/O Data
    4. SubAIMs
    5. JSON metadata
    6. Profiles
  3. CAV Data Types
    1. Definitions
    2. Functional Requirements
    3. Syntax
    4. Semantics

This structure is adopted by all MPAI Technical Specifications that are based on Technical Specification: AI Framework (MPAI-AIF). CAV-TEC AI Modules. The AI Modules and Data Types are contained in a pool of AI Modules and Data Types contributed by Technical Specifications. Therefore, CAV-TEC-specified AI Modules and Data Types are used across CAV Subsystems and potentially by other MPAI Technical Specifications. CAV-TEC itself draws AI Modules and Data Types specified by other other Technical Specifications.


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