Call for Technologies

Use Cases and Functional Requirements

Framework Licence

Template for responses

MPAI requests parties having rights to technologies satisfying the Use Cases and Functional Requirements and the Framework Licence of the planned Technical Specification: Up-sampling Filter for Video applications (MPAI-UFV) V1.0 to respond to the Call for Technologies preferably using the Template for responses. MPAI-UFV V2.0 seeks to develop a Technical Specification for an up-sampling filter providing optimal performance when used to generate a video with a higher number of lines and pixels from a lower resolution video. MPAI has published the documents above and requests responses to be sent to the MPAI Secretariat by 2025/02/11T23:59 UTC.
If you do not wish to submit a response but you are interested in this work you have the following options:

  1. Join MPAI
  2. Keep an eye on this page.

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