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Technical Specification: Human and Machine Communication (MPAI-HMC) – referred to in the following as MPAI-HMC – enables new forms of communication involving communicating participants called Entities, that is:

humans present in a real space, or
represented in a Virtual Space as speaking avatars, or
Machines represented in a Virtual Space as speaking avatars, or
rendered in the real space as speaking avatars.

Entities communicate

– Using text, speech, face, and/or gesture.
– Conveying a Context.
– Acting in an audio-visual scene.

The current MPAI-HMC Version 1.1 specifies the Communicating Entities in Context Use Case.

MPAI-HMC has been developed by CAE-DC, MMC-DC, and PAF-DC.

MPAI may develop future versions of this Technical Specification or new Technical Specifications addressing the Human and Machine Communication area.


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