1     Functions

Personal Status Extraction (MMC-PSE):

Receives Text Object or Text Descriptors
Text Selector indicating whether Text or Text Descriptors should be used
Speech Object or Speech Descriptors
Speech Selector indicating whether Speech or Speech Descriptors should be used
Face Object or Face Descriptors
Face Selector indicating whether Face or Face Descriptors should be used
Body Object or Gesture Descriptors
Body Selector indicating whether Body or Gesture Descriptors should be used.
Computes and then Interprets depending on whether the Descriptors of a Modality (Text, Speech, or Face) have been received:
Text Descriptors; alternatively, Interprets the received Descriptors and produces Personal Status of the Text Object (PS-Text).
Speech Descriptors; alternatively, Interprets the received Descriptors and produces Personal Status of the Speech Object (PS-Speech).
Face Descriptors; alternatively, Interprets the received Descriptors and produces Personal Status of the Face Object (PS-Face).
Gesture Descriptors; alternatively, Interprets the received Gesture Descriptors of the Body Object.
Multiplexes the results of the interpretations.
Produces the Personal Status of the Entity.

2      Reference Architecture

Figure 1 depicts the Reference Architecture of the Personal Status Extraction AIM.

Figure 1 – The Personal Status Extraction Composite AIM

3      I/O Data

Table 1 specifies the Input and Output Data of the Personal Status Extraction AIM.

Table 1 – I/O Data of the Personal Status Extraction AIM

Input data From Description
Text Selector An external signal Text/Descriptors Selector
Text Object Keyboard or AIM Text or Recognised Text.
Text Descriptors An upstream AIM Functionally equivalent to Text Description.
Speech Selector An external signal Speech/Descriptors Selector.
Speech Object Microphone/upstream AIM Speech of Entity.
Speech Descriptors An upstream AIM Functionally equivalent to Speech Description.
Face Selector An external signal Face/Descriptors Selector.
Face Object Visual Scene Description The face of the Entity.
Face Descriptors An upstream AIM Functionally equivalent to Face Description.
Body Selector An external signal Body/Descriptors Selector
Body Object Visual Scene Description The body of the Entity.
Gesture Descriptors An upstream AIM Functionally equivalent to Body Description.
Output data To Description
Personal Status A downstream AIM For further processing

4      SubAIMs

MMC-PSE Personal Status Extraction X
MMC-ITD Entity Text Description X
MMC-ISD Entity Speech Description X
PAF-IFD Entity Face Description X
PAF-IBD Entity Body Description X
MMC-PTI PS-Text Interpretation X
MMC-PSI PS-Speech Interpretation X
PAF-PFI PS-Face Interpretation X
PAF-PGI PS-Gesture Interpretation X
MMC-PMX Personal Status Multiplexing X

5     JSON Metadata


6     Profiles

The Profiles of Personal Status Extraction are specified.