1      Definition

A Data Type consisting of Text Words separated by spaces, typically of a limited length.

2      Functional Requirements

  1. A Text Segment may include the Time of the start and the end of the speech segment.
  2. When the Text Segment is the output of an ASR Implementation, a Confidence Score may be attached to the Text Segment.
  3. The Confidence Score is a number between 0 and 1.

3      Syntax


4      Semantics

Label Size Description
Header N1 Bytes Text Segment Header
– Standard-TextSegment 9 Bytes The characters “MMC-TXS-V”
– Version N2 Bytes Major version – 1 or 2 characters
– Dot-separator 1 Byte The character “.”
– Subversion N3 Bytes Minor version – 1 or 2 characters
MInstanceID N4 Bytes Identifier of M-Instance.
Time N5 Bytes Time of the start of Text Segment.
TextSegmentID N6 Bytes Identifier of Text Segment.
ConfidenceScore N7 Bytes The Confidence of the ASR in the correctness of the Text Segment.
TextSegmentData[] N8 Bytes Data of Text Segment.
– TextWord N9 Bytes Text represented by a string.
DescrMetadata N10 Bytes Descriptive Metadata