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The MPAI Metaverse Model (MMM) is a project designed to facilitate the establishment of standards promoting Metaverse Interoperability. The industry is showing a growing interest in the Metaverse that is expected to create new jobs, opportunities, and experiences with transformational impacts on virtually all sectors of human interaction.

Standards and Artificial Intelligence are widely recognised as two of the main drivers for the development of the Metaverse. MPAI – Moving Picture, Audio, and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence – plays a role in both thanks to its status of international, unaffiliated, non-profit organisation developing standards for AI-based data coding with clear Intellectual Property Rights licensing frameworks.

This document is organised into areas and each area is described in a Chapter. The implementation of areas does not have to be sequential.

Chapter 2 – Definitions defines terms relevant to Metaverse standardisation. In this document, words beginning with a capital letter are defined in Table 1; words beginning with a small letter have the normal meaning consistent with their relevant context.

Chapter 3 – Assumptions lays down the assumptions underpinning the MMM project. Key among these are the following:

Assumption 1 MPAI is defining Metaverse Functionalities expressed by legitimate industry requirements.
Assumption 2 Appropriate Standards Developing Organisations (SDO) will develop the Common Metaverse Specifications (CMS) providing the Technologies to support the identified Functionalities.
Assumption 3 Appropriate entities will group the CMS Technologies into Profiles responding to industry needs. Implementers will select the Profiles that best suit them while retaining a level of Interoperability with other Metaverse Instances.

Chapter 4 – Use Cases analyses actual and potential Metaverse Instances from which to extract Functionalities.

Chapter 5 – Services analyses actual and potential services for Metaverse Instances from  which to derive Functionalities.

Chapter 6 – Functionalities provides a list of Functionalities organised in areas that appear useful to design appealing Metaverse Instances.

Chapter 7 – Technologies analyses how well the state of Technology can provide Tools needed to implement the Functionalities.

Chapter 8 – Governance analyses issues needing agreement related to the deployment and operation of Metaverse Instances and legal issues impacting the use of Metaverse Instances that are likely to emerge.

Chapter 9 – Development path identifies the steps that MPAI intends to carry out in the short term and those required to reach the eventual definition of Metaverse Profiles.

Chapter 10 – References provides relevant references organised by argument.

This version of the MPAI Metaverse Model – Functionalities has been developed by the Requirements Standing Committee. MPAI may issue revised versions of the MPAI Metaverse Model – Functionalities Technical Report.


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