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6.1  General: 6.2  Account: 6.3  Activity Data: 6.4 Asset:
6.5 DiscoverIn: 6.6  DiscoverOut: 6.7 Event: 6.8 Experience:
6.9  Identifier: 6.10 InformIn: 6.11 InformOut: 6.12 Interaction:
6.13  InterpretIn: 6.14 InterpretOut: 6.15 Ledger: 6.16 Map:
6.17  M-Environment: 6.18 Message: 6.19 M-Instance: 6.20 M-Location
6.21 Model: 6.22 Object: 6.23 Personal Profile: 6.24  Provenance:
6.25 Rights: 6.26 Rules: 6.27 Scene: 6.28  Social Graph:
6.29 Stream: 6.30  Transaction: 6.31 U-Location: 6.32 User Data:
6.33  Value: 6.34  Wallet:

1.1       General

This chapter specifies the Items that are subject to an Action in at least one Functionality Profile. Items are specified using the following format:

Table 8 – Item Format

Purpose A functional description of the Item.
Data In general, the Item Data Format(s) is(are) not provided.

Actions and Entities related to the Item are provided where available.

Initial Functional Requirements are provided where possible.

Acted on Metadata
ItemID ID of the Item.
UserID ID of the User who holds Rights on the Item with ItemID.
WalletID ID of the Wallet held by User with UserID
InRightsID ID of the Rights the User with UserID has on the Item with ItemID.
OutRightsID ID of the Rights a User may acquire on the Item with ItemID.
AuthorID ID of the User who Authored the Item with ItemID.
AuthorToolID ID of the Service who provided the AuthorTool.
ParentItemID ID of the Item that spawned the Item.
ServiceID ID of the Service that is Called.
ServiceWalletID ID of the Wallet of a Service.
InItemID ID of the Item to be Acted on.
TargetUserID ID of the User to be affected by the Action.
TargetWalletID ID of the Wallet of the User to be affected by the Action.
UserDataID ID of a User Data.
PersonaID ID of a User’s Persona.
PersonalDataID ID of a User’s Personal Data.
ActivityDataID ID of a User’s Activity Data.
DescrMdata Any additional descriptive Metadata of the Item.

Table 9 provides a view of the Metadata Elements of each Items. For reason of space, ItemIDs and Descriptive Metadata are not reported.

Table 9 – Elements of Item Metadata

User/human InRights InItem OutRights OutItem Service ParentItem Author AuthoringTool Target User User Data Persona Personal Data ActivityData Social Graph Wallet Target Wallet Service Wallet
Account x x x
ActionIn x x x x
ActionOut x x x x
Activity Data x x x x
Asset x x x x x
DiscoverIn x x x x
DiscoverOut x x x
Event x x x x
Experience x x x x
Identifier x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
InformIn x x x
InformOut x x x
Interaction x x x
InterpretIn x x x
InterpretOut x x x
Map x x x x x
M-Environment x x x
Message x x
M-Instance x x x
M-Location x x x
Model x x x x x
Object x x x x x
Personal Profile x x x
Provenance x x x
Request-Action x x x x x
Response-Action x x x x x
Rights x x x
Rules x x x x
Scene x x x x x
Service x x x
Social Graph x x x
Stream x x x
Transaction x x x x x x x x
U-Location x x x
User Data x x x
Value x x
Wallet x x

1.2       Account

Elements Definitions
Purpose An Item issued by an M-Instance/M-Environment that uniquely identifies a human who is Registered with the M-Instance/M-Environment.
Data TBD
AccountID The ID of the Account.
humanID The ID of the Account holder.
PersonalProfileID The ID of the human’s subset of the Personal Profile.
InRightsID The ID of the human’s Rights in the M-Instance/M-Environment.
ServiceID The ID of the Service the Account refers to.
DescrMdata Any description of the Account.

1.3       Activity Data

Purpose An Item containing the record of the Actions of a User.
Data TBD
ActivityDataID The ID of the Activity Data.
UserID The ID of the User “having Rights to Act on the Activity Data”.
InRightsID The ID of the User’s Rights to Act on the Activity Data.
OutRightsID The ID of the Rights a User may acquire on the Activity Data.
ServiceID The ID of the Service the Account refers to.
Descriptive Metadata Any description of the Activity Data.

1.4       Asset

Purpose An Item Embedded at an M-Location or Posted to a Service that may be the object of a Transaction.
Data The Data of an Asset conform to the Format of the Item that has spawned it
AssetID The ID of the Asset.
UserID The ID of the User “having Rights to Act on the Asset”.
InRightsID The ID of the User’s Rights to Act on the Asset.
OutRightsID The ID of the Rights a User may acquire on the Asset.
DescrMdata Any description of the Asset.

1.5       DiscoverIn

Purpose An Item containing a description of the Items to be Discovered.
Data TBD
DiscoverInID The ID of the DiscoverIn Item.
UserID The ID of the User generating the DiscoverIn Item.
ServiceID The ID of the Service providing Discovery Services.
RightsID The ID of the Rights “to Act on the DiscoverIn Item” granted to the Discovery Service.
DescrMdata Any description of the DiscoverIn Item.

1.6       DiscoverOut

Purpose An Item containing the description of the Items Discovered.
Data TBD
DiscoverOutID The ID of the Request-Discover Item.
ServiceID The ID of the Service providing the DiscoverOut Item.
UserID The ID of the User having requested the DiscoverOut Item.
RightsID The ID of the Rights “to Act on the DiscoverOut Item” granted to UserID.
DescrMdata Any description of the DiscoverOut Item.

1.7       Event

Purpose The set of Entities that are MM-Embedded at an M-Location from Start Time until End Time.
StartTime The start Time of the Event.
EndTime The end Time of the Event.
EventID The ID of the Event.
UserID The ID of the User “having Rights to Act on the Event”.
InRightsID The ID of the Rights “to Act on the Event”.
OutRightsID The ID of the Rights a User may acquire on the Event.
ParentItemID The ID of the Entity “from which the Event is derived”.
DescrMdata Any description of the Event.

1.8       Experience

Purpose An Event as a User MM-Captured it and the User’s Interactions with the Entities belonging to the Entity that spawned the Event.
Time1 Entity1 Interaction1 M-Location1
Time2 Entity2 Interaction2 M-Location2
Timen Entityn Interactionn M-Locationn
ExperienceID The ID of the Experience.
UserID The ID of the User “having Rights to the Experience”.
InRightsID The ID of the Rights “to Act on the Experience”.
OutRightsID The ID of the Rights a User may acquire on the Experience.
ParentEntityID The ID of the Event spawning the Experience.
DescrMdata Any description of the Experience.

1.9       Identifier

Purpose An Item that uniquely references an Item. An Item can have more than one Identifier.
Data [M-InstanceID] [M-EnvironmentID] [M-Location] [ItemID].

Any of the elements preceding [ItemID] can be absent.

The Format of an Identifiers depends on the Technology it is based on, e.g.:

1.     Multi-factor.

2.     Device Biometrics (iris, fingertips, voice, face, gestures, hand motions, body motions, etc.).

3.     Behavioural Biometrics.

4.     Cryptographic Security Keys.

5.     Certificate-based authentication.

6.     Hardware Security Keys.

7.     Device Identity Technologies.

8.     Decentralised Identifiers (DIDs)

9.     Self-Sovereign Identifiers (SSIs)

Metadata No metadata

1.10   InformIn

Purpose An Item containing a description of the Item on which information is requested.
Data TBD
InformInID The ID of the InformIn Item.
UserID The ID of the User generating the InformIn Item.
ServiceID The ID of the Service providing Inform Services.
RightsID The ID of the Rights “to Act on the InformIn Item” granted to the Inform Service.
DescrMdata Any description of the InformIn Item.

1.11   InformOut

Purpose An Item containing the description of the Item.
Data TBD
InformOutID The ID of the InformOut Item.
ServiceID The ID of the Service providing the InformOut Item.
UserID The ID of the User having requested the InformIn Item.
RightsID The ID of the Rights “to Act on the InformOut Item” granted to UserID.
DescrMdata Any description of the InformOut Item.

1.12   Interaction

Purpose An Item containing the list of Actions made by a User on the Entities MM-Embedded at an M-Locations and the corresponding Times.
Action1 Entity1 M-Location1 Time1
Action2 Entity2 M-Location2 Time2
Actionn Entityn M-Locationn Timen

Current Actions are Authenticate, Author, Discover, MU-Export, Hide, Identify, Interpret, MM-Add, MM-Capture, MM-Disable, MM-Embed, MM-Enable, MM-Send, MU-Render, Post, UM-Render, UM-Send, UM-Animate, UM-Sense, Transact.

InteractionID The ID of the Interaction.
UserID The ID of the User “having Rights to Act on the Interaction”.
InRightsID The ID of the Rights “to Act on the Interaction”.
OutRights The ID of the Rights a User may acquire on the Interaction.
EntityID The ID of Entity “User Interacted with”.
DescrMdata Any description of the Interaction.

1.13   InterpretIn

Purpose An Item containing a description of the Item to be Interpreted.
Data TBD
InterpretInID The ID of the InterpretIn Item.
UserID The ID of the User generating the InterpretIn Item.
ServiceID The ID of the Service providing Interpret Services.
RightsID The ID of the Rights “to Act on the InterpretIn Item” granted to the Interpret Service.
DescrMdata Any description of the InterpretIn Item.

1.14   InterpretOut

Purpose An Item containing the description of the Item.
Data TBD
InterpretOutID The ID of the InterpretOut Item.
ServiceID The ID of the Service providing the InterpretOut Item.
UserID The ID of the User having requested the InterpretIn Item.
RightsID The ID of the Rights “to Act on the InterpretOut Item” granted to UserID.
DescrMdata Any description of the InterpretOut Item.

1.15   Ledger

Purpose An Item containing a list of Transactions involving Assets.
Data TBD
LedgerID The ID of the Ledger.
UserID The ID of the User who “has Rights on the Ledger”.
InRightsID The ID of the Rights “to Act on the Ledger”.
OutRightsID The ID of the Rights “to Act on the Ledger” a User may acquire.
DescrMdata Any descriptive Metadata.

1.16   Map

Purpose An Item containing a structure establishing a correspondence between U-Locations with M-Locations.
Data TBD.
MapID The ID of the Map.
UserID The ID of the User “having Rights to Act on the Map”.
InRightsID The ID of the User Rights “to Act on the Map”.
OutRightsID The ID of the Rights of a User may acquire on the Map.
AuthorID The ID of the User “who Authored the Map”.
Authoring­ToolID The ID of the Service “who provided the Authoring Tool”.
DescrMdata Any description of the Map.

1.17   M-Environment

Purpose A portion of an M-Instance covered by an Account
Data TBD
M-EnvironmentID The ID of the M-Environment.
UserID The ID of the User “having Rights to Act on the M-Environment”.
InRightsID The ID of the Rights “to Act on the M-Environment”.
OutRightsID The ID of the Rights a User may acquire on the M-Location.
DescrMdata Any description of the M-Environment, e.g., about Persistence and Accessibility (Public/Private).

1.18   Message

Purpose An Item containing application-specific Data MM-Sent by Source to Destination.
Data Source


Message content

MessageID The ID of the Map.
Descriptive Metadata Any description of the Message.

1.19   M-Instance

Purpose A Metaverse implementation.
Data TBD
M-InstanceID The ID of the M-Instance.
UserID The ID of the User “having Rights to Act on the M-Instance”.
InRightsID The ID of the Rights “to Act on the M-Instance”.
OutRightsID The ID of the Rights a User may acquire on the M-Instance.
DescrMdata Any description of the M-Instance.

1.20   M-Location

Purpose An identifiable delimited portion of an M-Environment.
Data TBD
M-LocationID The ID of the M-Location Item.
UserID The ID of the User “having Rights to Act on M-Location”.
InRightsID The ID of the Rights “to Act on the M-Location.
OutRightsID The ID of the Rights of a User may acquire on the M-Location.
DescrMdata Any description of the M-Location.

1.21   Model

Purpose An Object representing an object with its features ready to be UM-Animated by a Stream or to be MM-Animated by an autonomous agent.
Data Objects represented are:

1.     An inanimate Object (e.g., a table)

2.     An autonomous Object (e.g., a robot)

3.     An animal, possibly with high accuracy

4.     A human, possibly with high accuracy

ModelID The ID of the Object Model.
UserID The ID of the User “having Rights to Act on Object Model”.
InRightsID The ID of the Rights “to Act on the Object Model”.
OutRightsID The ID of the Rights a User may acquire on the Object Model.
AuthorID The ID of the User “who Authored the Object Model”.
AuthoringToolID The ID of the Service “who provided the Authoring tool”.
DescrMdata Any description of the Model.

1.22   Object

Purpose An Entity representing an object. Currently, the following types of Objects are supported: Audio, Visual, and Haptic.
Data 1.     Audio Data representation

1.1.  Mono (e.g., speech)

1.2.  Stereo

1.3.  Multichannel

1.4.  Microphone array

1.5.  Spatial Audio

2.     Image Data representation

3.     Visual Data representation

3.1.  Mono

3.2.  Camera array

3.3.  Light field

3.4.  Holography

4.     Haptic Data representation

Object ID The ID of the Object Identified by ObjectID.
UserID The ID of the User “having Rights to Act on the Object”.
InRightsID The ID of the Rights “to Act on the Object”.
OutRightsID The ID of the Rights a User may acquire on the Object.
AuthorID The ID of the User “who Authored the Object”.
Authoring­ToolID The ID of the Service “who provided the Authoring tool”
DescrMdata Any description of the Object.

1.23   Personal Profile

Purpose An Item containing the Data about the human represented by User.
Data 1.     First Name

2.     Last Name

3.     Address

4.     Country

5.     Age

6.     Interests

7.     Biometric data

8.     …

PersonalDataID The ID of the Personal Data.
UserID The ID of the User “Having Rights on the Personal Data”.
InRightsID The ID of the Rights “to Act on the Personal Data”.
OutRightsID The ID of the Rights a User may acquire on the Personal Data.
DescrMdata Any description of the Personal Data.

1.24   Provenance

Purpose The list of all Transactions executed on an Asset starting from the first and including the last.
Transaction1 Time1
Transaction 2 Time2
Transaction n Timen
ProvenanceID The ID of the Provenance.
UserID The ID of the User who “has Rights on the Provenance”.
InRightsID The ID of the Rights “to Act on the Provenance”.
OutRightsID The ID of the Rights “to Act on the Provenance” a User may acquire.
AssetID The ID of the Asset the Provenance refers to.
DescrMdata Any descriptive Metadata.

1.25   Rights

Purpose An Item expressing the ability of a User to perform an Action on an Item until a Time.
Data Expiration Time.
RightsID The ID of the Rights.
UserID The IDs of the User “having Rights”.
ActionID The ID of the Action “User may perform”.
ItemID The ID of the Item “User can perform Actions on”.
OutRightsID The ID of the Rights “to Act on the Item” a User may acquire.
DescrMdata Any description of the Rights.

1.26   Rules

Purpose An Item expressing the terms and conditions under which a User operates in an M-Instance/Environment.
Data Rules establish the Rights of a User to the Items they Act on an M-Instance/M-Environment. The jurisdiction of the M-Instance/M-Environment may specify Rights that must be granted to a User.
RulesID The ID of the Rules.
UserID The ID of the User having Rights on the Rules.
InRightsID The ID of the Rights “to Act on the Rules”.
M-InstanceID The ID of the M-Instance “where the Rules hold (if an M-Instance)”.
M-EnvironmentID The ID of the M-Environment “where the Rules hold (if an M-Environment)”.
DescrMdata Any descriptive Metadata.

1.27   Scene

Purpose A possibly hierarchical Composition of Objects each having a Spatial Attitude.
Data TBD
SceneID The ID of the Scene Identified by SceneID
UserID The ID of the User “having Rights to Act on the Scene”.
InRightsID The ID of the Rights “to Act on the Scene”.
OutRightsID The ID of the Rights “to Act on the Scene” a User may acquire.
AuthorID The ID of the User “who created the Scene”.
Auth.ToolID The ID of the Service “who provided the Creation tool”.
DescrMdata Any description of the Scene.

1.28   Social Graph

Purpose A representation of the network of connections of a User with Items, Processes, and Services.
Data TBD
SocialGraphID The ID of the Social Graph.
UserID The ID of the User “having Rights on the Social Graph”.
inRightsID The ID of the Rights “to Act on the Social Graph”.
OutRightsID The ID of the Rights “to Act on the Social Graph” a User may acquire.
DescrMdata Any description of the Social Graph.

1.29   Stream

Purpose An Item made by a continuous flow of Data.
Data TBD
StreamID The ID of the Stream.
UserID The ID of the User “having Rights to Act on the Stream”.
InRightsID The ID of Rights “to Act on the Stream”.
OutRightsID The ID of the Rights “to Act on the Stream” a User may acquire.
DescrMdata Any description of the Stream.

1.30   Transaction

Purpose Item representing the changed state of the Account and the Rights of one or more Users and optionally of the Service facilitating/enabling the Transaction of an Asset:

1.     The Value moving into the Wallet of User 1 (seller).

2.     The Value moved from the Wallet of User2 (buyer).

3.     The Value moved into the Wallet of User 3 (service) – optional.

4.     The Time the Values were moved.

5.     The Rights to Act owned by User1 before Time.

6.     The Rights to Act owned by User2 after Time.

Value1 The Value moved into the seller’s Wallet.
Value2 The Value moving from the buyer’s Wallet.
Value3 The Value moved into the Marketplace’s Wallet (optional).
Time The Time when the Transaction is carried out.
TransactionID The ID of the Transaction.
AssetID The ID of the Asset the Transaction refers to.
UserID The ID of User1 “who grants the Rights”.
InRightsID The ID of the Rights of User1.
WalletID1 The ID of the Wallet of UserID1.
TargetUserID The ID of the User2 “who is granted the Rights”.
OutRightsID The ID of the Rights “granted to User2”.
TargetWalletID The ID of the Wallet of UserID2.
ServiceID The ID of the Marketplace.
ServiceWalletID The ID of the Wallet of the Marketplace.
DescrMdata Any description of the Transaction.

1.31   U-Location

Purpose An identifiable delimited portion of a Universe Environment.
Data TBD
U-LocationID The ID of the U-Location.
UserID The ID of the User “having Rights to Act on the U-Location”.
RightsID The ID of the Rights “to perform Actions on the U-Location”.
OutRightsID The ID of the Rights “to perform Actions on the U-Location” a User may acquire.
DescrMdata Any description of the U-Location.

1.32   User Data

Purpose An Item containing Activity Data, Personae, Social Graph, and User Profile of a User.
Data TBD
UserDataID ID of UserData.
UserID ID of User having Rights on UserData
RightsID ID of Rights held by User
PersonaIDs IDs of Personae held User.
PersonalDataID ID of Personal Data.
ActivityDataID ID of Activity Data
SocialGraphID ID of SocialGraph
DescrMdata Any description of the User.

1.33   Value

Purpose An Amount and the Currency with which the Amount is expressed.
Data TBD
ValueID The ID of the Value.
UserID The ID of the User who has used the Value for a Transaction.
DescrMdata Any description of the User.

1.34   Wallet

Purpose A container of Currency units. In general, a Wallet is implemented outside of the Environment.
Data A list of Values with the Time of the last Transaction.
WalletID The ID of the Wallet.
UserID The ID of the User “having Rights to the Wallet”.
InRightsID The ID of the Rights “User has on the Wallet”.
DescrMdata Any description of the User.

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