1      Definition

An Item containing Data submitted by a human Registering with an M-Instance.

2      Functional Requirements

Personal Profile includes humanID and First Name, Last Name, Age, Nationality, and Email of the human.

3      Syntax


4      Semantics

Label Size Description
Header N1 Bytes
– Standard 9 Bytes The characters “MMM-PPR-V”
– Version N2 Bytes Major version – 1 or 2 characters
– Dot-separator 1 Byte The character “.”
– Subversion N3 Byte Minor version – 1 or 2 characters
M-InstanceID N4 Bytes Identifier of M-Instance.
humanID N5 Bytes ID of the human the Personal Profile refers to.
PersonalProfileID N6 Bytes ID of Personal Profile.
PersonalProfile N7 Bytes The number of Bytes composing the Personal Profile.
– First Name N8 Bytes The human’s given name
– Last Name N9 Bytes The human’s family name
– Age N10 Bytes The human’s age
– Nationality N11 Bytes The human’s country
– Email N12 Bytes The human’s address
DescrMetadata N13 Bytes Descriptive Metadata

5      Data Formats

No Data Formats involved, save for Text for which MPAI has selected ISO/IEC 10646.

6      To Respondents

MPAI request comments on the Functional Requirements of Personal Profile.