1      Definition

A Data Type including the Objects of a Visual Scene, Visual Scenes, and their arrangement in the Scene.

2      Functional Requirements

Visual Scene Descriptors include Basic Scenes in addition to Objects.

3      Syntax


4      Semantics

Label Size Description
Header N1 Bytes
·       Standard-AVScene 9 Bytes The characters “OSD-VSD-”
·       Version N2 Bytes Major version – 1 or 2 characters
·       Dot-separator 1 Byte The character “.”
·       Subversion N3 Bytes Minor version – 1 or 2 characters
MInstanceID N4 Bytes Identifier of M-Instance.
VisualSceneDescriptorsID N5 Bytes Identifier of the AV Object.
ObjectCount N6 Bytes Number of Objects in Scene
VisualSceneDescriptorsSpaceTime N7 Bytes Data about Time
VisualSceneVisualObjects[] N16 Bytes Set of Visual Objects
·       VisualSceneVisualObjectID N17 Bytes ID of Attribute of Visual Object
o  VisualSceneVisualObjectSpaceTime N18 Bytes ID of Attribute Format of Visual Object
·       VisualSceneVisualObjectAttributes[] N19 Bytes Length of Attribute Format Data of Visual Object
o  VisualSceneVisualObjectAttributeID N20 Bytes URI of Attribute Format Data of Visual Object
o  VisualSceneVisualObjectAttributeFormatID N21 Bytes ID of Attribute Format of Visual Object
o  VisualSceneVisualObjectAttributeDataLength N22 Bytes Length of Attribute Format of Visual Object
o  VisualSceneVisualObjectAttributeDataURI N23 Bytes URI of Attribute Format Data of Visual Object
o  AVSceneAVObjectAttributeDataURI N31 Bytes URI of Attribute Format Data of AV Object
DescrMetadata N32 Bytes Descriptive Metadata