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1 Introduction
2 Use Case Description Language
3 Friends meet in the metaverse 3.1 Description 3.2 Workflow 3.3 Elementary Messages
4 Virtual Lecture 4.1 Description 4.2 Workflow 4.3 Elementary Messages
5 Virtual Meeting 5.1 Description 5.2 Workflow 5.3 Elementary Messages
6 Hybrid working 6.1 Description 6.2 Workflow 6.3 Elementary Messages
7 eSports Tournament 7.1 Description 7.2 Workflow 7.3 Elementary Messages
8 Virtual Performance 8.1 Description 8.2 Workflow 8.3 Elementary Messages
9 AR Tourist Guide 9.1 Description 9.2 Workflow 9.3 Elementary Messages
10 Virtual Dance School 10.1 Description 10.2 Workflow 10.3 Elementary Messages
11 Virtual Car Showroom 11.1 Description 11.2 Workflow 11.3 Elementary Messages
12 Meeting in Connected Autonomous Vehicles 12.1 Description 12.2 Workflow 12.3 Elementary Messages
13 Co-design across metaverses 13.1 Description 13.2 Workflow 13.3 Elementary Messages

1        Introduction

This Informative Chapter collects M-Instance Use Cases in different contexts with the goal to verify that MMM-TEC V2.0 supports a range of representative Use Cases thus confirming validity of the Technical Specification.

Note that, unless disclaimed otherwise, a sentence like “A student attends a lecture held by a teacher in a classroom created by a school manager” s to be read as “A User representing a student attends a virtual lecture in a virtual classroom Authored by a User representing a school manager and MM-Embedded at an M-Location”.

2        Use Case Description Language

Metaverse Use Cases involve a plurality of Processes – Users, Devices, Services, Apps – requesting other Processes to perform Process Actions involving a variety of Items and Processes. In a Use Case:

  1. Processes (e.g., Users) are sequentially identified by one subscript.
  2. Items Acted on by a Process are identified by the subscript of the Process performing the Action followed by a sequential number of the Item.
  3. Objects, Scenes, Events, and Personae may be prefixed by S, A, V, AV, or AVH to indicate their Speech, Audio, Visual, Audio-Visual, or Audio-Visual-Haptic nature, respectively.
  4. The Location Item where the Actions take place are similarly identified by the subscript of the Process performing an Action at the Location followed by a sequential number.
  5. If the Actions are performed at different M-Instances, all Processes, Items, and Locations have a sequential capital letter as first suffix.

For instance:

  1. Useri MM-Embeds Personaj at M-Locationk.
  2. Useri MU-Embeds Itemj at U-Locationk.
  3. UserA,i MM-Sends Messagej to UserB.k.

All Use Cases assume that Actions are performed in an M-Instance. Action specified in the Universe are specifically noted.

The following conventions are used throughout:

MLoc M-Location
MData Model Data
MRights Model Rights
MTransaction Model Transaction
SA Spatial Attitude
ULoc U-Location

For graphical convenience, the following Service abbreviations are used:

Activity ACSrvc
Author AUSrvc
Communication COSrvc
Execution EXSrvc
Identification IDSrvc
Interoretation ITSrvc
Location LOSrvc
Parcel PASrvc
Registration RGSrvc
Resolution RESrvc
Rights RISrvc
Transact TRSrvc

Use Cases include the following:

  1. Description of Use Case
  2. Workflow in two parts:
    1. Declarations of all Processes and Items involved
      Note that Model Items are not declared as Items are declared.
    2. Operation of Use Case using the Inter-Process Protocol
  3. Elementary Messages used by the Use Case.

The Operation of a Use Case is described by a table whose columns have headers corresponding to the elements of a Process Action. Each Process Action is split in two lines, the first describing the Source sending the message and the second describing the destination sending a response back to the Source.

3        Friends meet in the metaverse

3.1       Description

3.2       Workflow

  1. Human1 registers with Registration Service.
  2. User1
    1. Buys land parcel.
    2. Buys room.
    3. Places room on land parcel.
    4. Tracks to Metaverse Square.
    5. Moves to its room.
  3. User2
    1. Registers with M-Instance
    2. Tracks at Metaverse Square.
  4. User1
    1. Checks that User2 is on.
    2. Invites User2 to its room
    3. Receives acceptance message
    4. Changes User2’s Rights to enter its room.
  5. User2 moves to User1’s room.
  6. User2 leaves User1’s room.
  7. User1 Changes User2’s Rights back to initial value.

3.2.1      Declarations

Declare human1 Friend#1.
Declare User1 Friend#1’s User.
Declare RGSrvc1 Registration Service.
Declare ACSrvc1 Activity Service
Declare AUSrvc1 Author Service
Declare COSrvc1 Communication Service
Declare Device1 Friend#1’s Device
Declare IDSrvc1 Identify Service
LOSrvc1 Location Service
PCSrvc1 Parcel Service
Account1.1 Friend#1’s Account.
PersonalProfile1.1 Friend#11’s Personal Profile.
ULoc1.1 Place in Universe where Friend#1 resides.
MLoc1.1 Place in Metaverse Square.
MLoc1.2 Place of Room.
MLoc1.3 Place close to Parcel.
MLoc1.4 Place in Room.
Message1.1 User1’s Message to ACSrvc1 “Is Friend#2 on?”.
Message1.2 ACSrvc1’s Message to Friend#1 “Yes”.
Message1.3 Message to Friend#2 “Come to my room”.
Message1.4 Message to Friend#2 “Looking forward to seeing you here”
Transaction1.1 Transaction to Parcel Service.
Transaction1.2 Transaction to Author Service.
Rights1.1 Rights to Parcel.
Rights1.2 Rights to Room.
Room1.1 Purchased Room.
Declare human2 Friend#2.
Declare User2 Friend#2’s User.
ULoc2.1 Place in Universe where Friend#2 resides.
MLoc2.1 Place in Metaverse Square where Friend#2 stays.
Message2.1 Friend#2’s Response to Friend#1’s invitation “OK”
Rights2.1 Friend#2’s Rights to enter Friend#1’s Room
Rights2.2 No Rights to Friend#2 to enter Friend#1’s Room

3.2.2      Operation

S-Process Action S-Complements D-Process D-Compl. Comments
human1 Register With PersonalProfile1.1 RGSrvc To human1 human1 registers with M-Instance
RGSrvc Account1.1 human1
User1 Transact With Transaction1.1 TRSrvc1 To User1 User1 buys Parcel
PCSrvc1 Rights1.1 User1
User1 Transact With Transaction1.2 AUSrvc1 To User1 User1 buys Room
AUSrvc1 Rights1.2 User1
User1 Track Persona1.1 From ULoc1.1 With SA At MLoc1.1 With SA LOSrvc1, Device1, IDSrvc1 Persona1.1 represents human1 (invisible)
User1 MM-Move Persona1.1 From MLoc1.1 To MLoc1.3 With SA LOSrvc1 Persona1.1 moved close to Parcel
LOSrvc1 User1
User1 MM-Add Room1.1 At MLoc1.2 With SA LOSrvc1 User1 places Room on Parcel
LOSrvc1 User1
User1 MM-Embed Persona1.1 At MLoc1.4 With SA LOSrvc1 Persona1.1 moved inside the Room (visible)
LOSrvc1 User1
User2 Track Persona2.1 From Uloc2.1 With SA At MLoc2.1 With SA LOSrvc1, Device1, IDSrvc1 Persona2.1 represents human2
User1 MM-Sends Message1.1 ACSrvc1 User1 checks User2’s whereabout
ACSrvc1 Message1.2 User1
User1 MM-Sends Message1.3 COSrvc1 To User2 User1 invites User2
COSrvc1 User1
User2 MM-Sends Message2.1 COSrvc1 To User1 User2 accepts
COSrvc1 User2  
User1 MM-Sends Message1.4 COSrvc1 To User2 User1 waits for User2
COSrvc1 User1
User1 Changes User2 With MRights2.1 RISrvc1 To User2 User1 gives User2 Rights to enter Room
RISrvc1 Rights2.1 User1  
User2 MM-Embed Persona2.1 At MLoc2.2 With SA LOSrvc1   Persona2 placed in Room
LOSrvc1 User2  
User2 MM-Move Persona2.1 From MLoc2.2 To MLoc2.1 With SA LOSrvc1   Persona2 leaves Room
LOSrvc1 User2  
User1 Changes User2 With MRights2.2 RISrvc1 To User2 Persona2‘s Rights restored
RISrvc1 Rights2.1 User1  

3.3       Elementary Messages

S-Process Action S-Complements D-Process D-Compl Comments
human Register With PersonalProfile RGSrvc To human human registers with M-Instance
RGSrvc Account human
User Transact With Transaction TRSrvc To User User buys Parcel
PCSrvc Rights User
User Track Persona From ULoc With SA At MLoc With SA LOSrvc, Device, IDSrvc Persona represents human (invisible)
User MM-Move Persona From MLoc To MLoc3 With SA LOSrvc Persona moved close to Parcel
LOSrvc User
User MM-Add Room At MLoc With SA LOSrvc User places Room on Parcel
LOSrvc User
User MM-Embed Persona At MLoc4 With SA LOSrvc Persona moved inside the Room (visible)
LOSrvc User
User MM-Sends Message ACSrvc User checks User’s whereabout
ACSrvc Message User
User Changes User With MRights RISrvc To User User gives User Rights to enter Room
RISrvc Rights User  

4        Virtual Lecture

4.1       Description

  1. School Manager
    1. Authors a virtual classroom
    2. Makes transaction for the virtual classroom
    3. Embeds the virtual classroom in an M-Location on which it has Rights.
    4. Changes Rights to Teacher on Classroom.
  2. Teacher
    1. Is at home.
    2. Embeds their Persona at the classroom desk.
    3. Embeds and animates a 3D Object for the lecture.
  3. Student
    1. Is at home.
    2. Pays lecture fees with the right to make a copy of the Audio-Visual Event.
  4. School Manager
    1. Changes Rights to Students on Classroom after receiving lecture fees.
  5. Student
    1. Embeds their persona in the classroom.
    2. Approaches teacher’s desk to handle 3D Object with haptic gloves.
    3. Stores the lecture’s Audio-Visual Event.
    4. Returns Persona to home
  6. School manager pays Teacher.
  7. Teacher returns Persona to home.

4.2       Workflow

4.2.1      Declarations

Declare human1 School manager
Declare User1 School manager’s User
Room1.1 Classroom
MLoc1.1 Metaverse Location in which User1 holds Rights.
MLoc1.2 MLoc1.1’s Sub M-Location where classroom is located.
Transaction1.1 Payment for meeting room
Transaction1.2 Lecture consideration
Rights1.1 User1’s Rights in Room1.1 after Transaction1.1
Rights1.2 Teacher’s Rights in MLoc1.2
Rights1.3 Student’s Rights in MLoc1.2
Declare AUSrvc1 Author Service
Declare IDService Identification Service
Declare LOSrvc1 Location Service
Declare RISrvc1 Rights Service
Declare TRSrvc1 Transaction Service
Declare human2 Teacher
Declare User2 Teacher’s User
Persona2.1 Teacher’s Persona
MLoc2.1 Teacher’s home
MLoc2.2 Place of classroom desk
MLoc2.3 Place of object being experimented
Object2.1 Object being experimented
ULoc2.1 Location of Universe where the Teacher stays.
Declare human3 Student
Declare User3 Student’s User
Persona3.1 Student’s Persona
MLoc3.1 Student’s home
MLoc3.2 Classroom seat
MLoc3.3 Location close to Object being experimented
Transaction3.1 Lecture fees
Event3.1 Lecture
Address3.1 Address where Lecture Event Item is stored.

4.2.2      Operation

S-Process Action S-Complements D-Process D-Compl. Comments
User1 Author With (Data1.1, Qualifier, MRights1.1) AUSrvc1 At AUSrvc1 User1 Authors Room
AUSrvc1 Room1.1 User1
User1 Transact With Transaction1.1 TRSrvc1 At User1 User1 pays for Room
TRSrvc1 Rights1.1 User1
User1 MM-Add Room1.1 From AUSrvc1 At MLoc1.2 LOSrvc1 Places Room (invisible)
LOSrvc1 User1
User1 MM-Enable Room1.1 LOSrvc1 Displays Room
LOSrvc1 User1
User1 Change User2 With MRights1.2 RISrvc At User2 User1 allows User2 to enter Room
RISrvc Rights1.2 User1
User2 Track Persona2.1 From Uloc2.1 With SA At MLoc2.1 With SA LOSrvc, Device, IDSrvc Persona2.1 represents User2 in Room (invisible)
User2 MM-Embed Persona2.1 At MLoc2.2 With SA LOSrvc Persona2.1 (visible) placed at desk
LOSrvc User2
User2 MM-Embed Object2.1 At MLoc2.3 LOSrvc1 User2 places experimental object.
LOSrvc1 User2
User1 Change User3.1 With MRights1.3 RISrvc At User3 User1 allows Student to enter Room
RISrvc Rights1.3 User1
User3 Track Persona3.1 From Uloc3.1 With SA At MLoc3.1 With SA LOSrvc, Device, IDSrvc Persona3.1 represents User3 in Room (invisible)
User3 Transact With Transaction3.1 User1 To User3 User3 pays for lecture and recording.
TRSrvc1 Rights3.1 User3
User3 MM-Embed Persona3.1 At MLoc3.2 With SA LOSrvc Persona3.1 placed at seat.
LOSrvc1 User2
User2 MM-Embed Speech2.1 At MLoc2.2 LOSrvc1 User2 lectures.
LOSrvc1 User2
User3 MM-Move Persona3.1 From MLoc3.2 To MLoc3.3 With SA LSrvc1 User3 gets closer to experimental object.
LOSrvc1 User3
User3 MU-Send Event3.1 At URI3.1 COSrvc1 User3 stores lecture.
COSrvc1 User3
User3 MM-Move Persona3.1 From MLoc3.3 To MLoc3.1 With SA LSrvc1 User3 returns Persona to home.
LOSrvc1 User3
User1 Transact With Transaction1.2 TRSrvc1 At User1 User1 pays teacher.
TRSrvc1 Rights1.2 User1
User2 MM-Move Persona2.1 From MLoc2.3 To MLoc2.1 With SA LSrvc1 User2 returns Persona to home.
LOSrvc1 User2

4.3       Elementary Messages

S-Process Action S-Complements D-Processes D-Complements
User Author With (Data, Qualifier, MRights) AUSrvc At AUSrvc
AUSrvc Room User
User Transact With Transaction TRSrvc At User
TRSrvc Rights User
User MM-Add Room From AUSrvc At MLoc LOSrvc
LOSrvc User
User MM-Enable Room LOSrvc
LOSrvc User
User Change User With MRights RISrvc At User
RISrvc Rights User
User UM-Capture Media At ULoc Device At Device
Device Data With Qualifier User
User Identify Data With Qualifier IDrvc At User
IDSrvc Stream With Rights User
User MM-Animate Persona With Stream LOSrvc
LOSrvc Rights User
User UM-Actuate MLoc At ULoc With Spatial Attitude Device3
Device User
User MM-Move Persona From MLoc At MLoc With SA LOSrvc
LOSrvc User
User MM-Enable Persona At MLoc LOSrvc
LOSrvc User
User MM-Embed Object At MLoc LOSrvc
LOSrvc User
User MM-Embed Speech At MLoc LOSrvc
LOSrvc User
User MU-Send Event At URI COSrvc
COSrvc User

5        Virtual Meeting

5.1       Description

  1. A meeting manager
    1. Authors a meeting room.
    2. Pays for the authoring service.
    3. Places the room at a location which is a subset of a larger location that meeting manager has Rights in.
    4. Grants participants the Rights to Act in meeting room to.
    5. Places their avatar at a location in the room to act as virtual meeting secretary.
    6. Executes a virtual meeting secretary program tasked to produce a summary of the conversations.
    7. Summary is displayed in the meeting room for participants to comment.
  2. Participant #1 joins the meeting.
  3. Participant #2 joins the meeting.
  4. Participant #1 speaks.
  5. Participant #2
    1. Does not understand the speech.
    2. Pays an interpretation service to get a translation.
    3. Responds to Participant #1 speech.
  6. Virtual meeting secretary displays meeting summary.

5.2       Workflow

5.2.1      Declarations

Declare human1 Meeting manager
Declare User1 Meeting manager’s User
Room1.1 Meeting room
Transaction1.1 Transaction effected by Meeting Manager to Authoring Service
MLoc1.1 M-Instance estate Meeting Manager has Rights in.
MLoc1.2 Location of Meeting Manager’s estate portion where meeting room is placed.
Persona1.1 Avatar of Virtual Meeting Secretary.
Anim1.1 Program animating Virtual Meeting Secretary.
MLoc1.3 Place in Room where Virtual Meeting Secretary sits.
MLoc1.4 Place where Summary is displayed.
Rights1.1 User1’s Rights in meeting room.
Summary1.1 Summary posted by Executed Amim1.1
Declare AUSrvc1 Authoring Service.
Declare EXsrvc1 Program Execution Service.
Declare IDSrvc Identification Service
Declare TRSrvc1 Transaction Service.
Declare human2 Participant #1.
Declare User2 Participant #1’ User.
Persona2.1 User2’s Persona.
MLoc2.1 Participant #1’s location in meeting room.
Speech2.1 Speech uttered by Participant #1.
ULoc2.1 Universe Location where Participant #1 is located.
Declare Device2 Device of human2
Declare human3 Participant #2.
Declare User3 Participant #2’s User.
Persona3.1 User3’s Persona.
MLoc3.1 Place in meeting room assigned to Persona3.1
Speech3.1 Speech uttered by Participant #2.
ULoc3.1 Universe Location where Participant #2 is located.
Declare ITSrvc1 Interpretation Service

5.2.2      Operation

S-Proc. Action S-Complements D-Proc. D-Compl. Comments
User1 Authors With (Data1.1, Qualifier, MRights1.1, Transaction1.1) AUSrvc1 At User1 User1 authors Room paying for Rights
AUSrvc1 Room1.1 With Rights1.1 User1
User1 MM-Embed Room1.1 At MLoc1.2 LOSrvc1 User1 embeds Room
LOSrvc1 User1
User1 MM- Embed Persona1.1 At MLoc1.2 LSrvc1 User1 embeds Virtual Secretary
LOSrvc1 User1
User1 Execute Anim1.1 With Persona1.1 At MLoc1.2 EXsrvc1 User1 animates Virtual Secretary
EXSrvc1 User1
User2 Track Persona2.1 From Uloc2.1 With SA At MLoc2.1 With SA LOSrvc, Device2, IDSrvc Persona2.1 represents invisible User2
User2 MM-Enable Persona2.1 At MLoc2.1 LOSrvc1 Persona2.1 is made visible
LOSrvc1 User1
User3 Track Persona3.1 From Uloc3.1 With SA At MLoc3.1 With SA LOSrvc, Device3, IDSrvc Persona3.1 represents invisible User3
User3 MM-Enable Persona3.1 At MLoc3.1 LOSrvc1 Persona3.1 is made visible
LOSrvc1 User1
User2 MM-Embed Speech2.1 At MLoc2.1 LOSrvc1 User2 speaks
User3 Interpret With (Interpretation3.1, Transaction3.1) ITSrvc1 At User3 User3 requests interpretation of speech
ITSrvc1 User3
User3 MM-Embed Speech3.1 At MLoc3.1 LOSrvc1 User3 speaks
LOSrvc1 User3
User1 MM-Embed Summary1.1 With Qualifier At MLoc1.3 LOSrvc1 Virtual Secretary displays Summary
LOSrvc1 User1

5.3       Elementary Messages

S-Proc Action S-Complements D-Proc D-Compl
User Authors With (Data, Qualifier, Mrights, Transaction) AUSrvc At User
AUSrvc Room With Rights User
User MM-Embed Room At MLoc LOSrvc
LOSrvc Rights User
User Execute Anim With Persona At MLoc EXSrvc
EXSrvc Rights User
User UM-Capture MediaAt ULoc Device At Device
Device Data With Qualifier User
User Identify Data With Qualifier IDrvc At User
IDSrvc Stream With Rights User
User MM-Animate Persona With Stream LOSrvc
LOSrvc Rights User
User UM-Actuate MLoc At ULoc With Spatial Attitude Device3
Device User
User MM-Embed Speech With Qualifier At MLoc LOSrvc
LOSrvc User
User3 Interpret With (Interpretation, Transaction) ITRSrvc At User
RISrvc Rights User
User MM-Embed Summary With (Qualifier, Rights) At MLoc LOSrvc
LOSrvc User

6        Hybrid working

6.1       Description

  1. Workers of a company implementing a mixed in-presence and remote policy may attend in one of two ways:
    1. Physically (called R-Workers) attending the Real Venue.
    2. Virtually (called V-Workers) attending the Virtual Venue.
  2. The Virtual Venue
    1. Is an accurate replica of the Real Venue.
    2. Includes Rights to V-Workers to Act.
  1. All Workers
    1. Are Authenticated when entering the Company’s Real or Virtual Venue.
    2. Are also present in the Virtual Venue if present in the Real Venue.
    3. Share their speech objects with:
      1. The Virtual Venue, if they are in the Real Venue.
      2. The Real Venue, if they are in the Virtual Venue,.
  1. Participate in virtual and real meetings.
  1. V-Worker
    1. Sends speech message to R-Worker.
    2. Moves its V-Persona to R-Worker’s place.
    3. Moves its V-Persona to Meeting Room.
  1. R-Worker Moves its R-Persona to Meeting Room.
  2. Company manager
    1. Places Whiteboard in Meeting Room
    2. Animates Whiteboard.

6.2       Workflow

6.2.1      Declarations

Declare human1 Company manager
Declare User1 Company manager’s User
Office1.1 Company Office
Persona1.1 Persona representing the Office Gatekeeper.
Whiteboard11 Virtual Whiteboard in Office.
MLoc1.1 A location in the M-Instance where Office is located.
MLoc1.2 Gatekeeper’s location in Office.
MLoc1.3 Location of Meeting Room in Office.
MLoc2.4 Place of Whiteboard in Office.
Declare Anim11 Process animating the Office Gatekeeper.
Declare Anim1.2 Process animating Whiteboard.
Declare human2 R-Worker
Declare User2 R-Worker’s User
Authentication2.1 Authentication Item for User2.
Persona2.1 R-Worker’s Persona (R-Persona)
MLoc2.1 Place of R-Worker’s desk in Office.
MLoc2.2 Location close to R-Worker’s virtual desk.
Declare human3 V-Worker
Declare User3 V-Worker’s User
Authentication3.1 Authentication Item for User3.
Persona3.1 V-Worker’s Persona (V-Persona)
MLoc3.1 Place of V-Worker’s desk in Office.
Object3.1 V-Worker’s Speech Object.
MLoc3.2 A place in Meeting Room.

6.2.2      Operation


S-Proc Action S-Complements D-Process D-Compl. Comments
User1 MM-Embed Office At MLoc1.1 With SA LOSrvc User1 places Office
LOSrvc User1    
User1 MM-Embed Persona1.1 At MLoc1.2 With SA LOSrvc User1 places guard
LOSrvc User1
User1 Execute Anim1.1 With Persona1.1 At MLoc1.2 EXsrvc1 User1 animates guard
EXSrvc1 User1
User2 Track Persona2.1 From Uloc2.1 With SA At MLoc2.1 With SA LOSrvc, Device2, IDSrvc Persona2.1  (invisible) appears
User2 MM-Embed Persona2.1 At MLoc2.1 LOSrvc Persona2.1  made visible
LOSrvc User1
User1 Authenticates Persona2.1  With Authentication2.1 ATSrvc1 At User1 Guard Authenticates Persona2.1
User1 Authentication ATSrvc1    
User3 Track Persona3.1 From Uloc3.1 With SA At MLoc3.1 With SA LOSrvc, Device3, IDSrvc Persona3.1  (invisible) appears
User3 MM-Embed Persona3.1 At MLoc3.1 LOSrvc Persona3.1  made visible
LOSrvc User1
User1 Authenticates Persona2.1  With Authentication2.1 ATSrvc1 At User1 Guard Authenticates Persona3.1
ATSrvc1 Authentication User1    
User3 MM-Send Speech3.1 LOSrvc To User2 User3 privately talks to User2
LOSrvc User3    
User3 MM-Move Persona3.1 From MLoc3.1 To MLoc3.2 With SA LOSrvc1   User3 moves to User2’s desk
LOSrvc User3    
User2 MM-Move Persona2.1 From MLoc2.1 To MLoc1.3 With SA LOSrvc1   User2 moves to meeting room
LOSrvc User2    
User3 MM-Move Persona3.1 From MLoc3.2 To MLoc1.3 With SA LOSrvc1   User3 moves to meeting room
LOSrvc User3    
User1 MM- Embed Whiteboard1.1 At MLoc2.4 With SA LOSrvc1   User1 places whiteboard
LOSrvc User1    
User1 Execute Anim1.2 With Whiteboard1.1 At MLoc1.4 With SA LOSrvc1   User1 animates whiteboard
LOSrvc User1    

6.3       Elementary Messages

S-Proc Action S-Complements D-Proc D-Compl
User MM-Embed Office At MLoc With SA LOSrvc
LOSrvc User  
User MM-Embed Persona At MLoc With SA LOSrvc
LOSrvc User
User Execute Anim With Persona At MLoc EXsrvc
EXSrvc User
User Track Persona From Uloc With SA At MLoc With SA LOSrvc, Device, IDSrvc
User Authenticates Persona  With Authentication ATSrvc At User
ATSrvc Authentication User  
User MM-Send Speech LOSrvc To User
LOSrvc User  
User MM-Move Persona From MLoc At MLoc With SA LOSrvc  
LOSrvc User  
User MM- Embed Whiteboard At MLoc With SA LOSrvc  
LOSrvc User  
User Execute Anim1.1 With Whiteboard At MLoc With SA LOSrvc  
LOSrvc User  

7        eSports Tournament

7.1       Description

  1. Site manager
    • Develops a game landscape.
    • Places it at a location where it has rights.
  2. Game manager
    • Acquires rights to location.
    • Places and animates autonomous characters.
    • Places and animates virtual cameras and microphones in the landscape.
  3. Players
    • Place their Personae in the Game Landscape.
    • Track themselves in their Personae
  4. Captured AV from game landscape is displayed onto a dome screen and streamed online.

7.2       Workflow

7.2.1      Declarations

Declare human1 Site Manager.
Declare User1 Site Manager’s User.
Declare AUSrvc1 Author Service.
Declare LOSrvc1 Location Service.
Declare TRSrvc1 Transaction Service.
Landscape1.1 Game Landscape.
MLoc1.1 Game Landscape Location in M-Instance.
Rights1.1 Rights to Landscape
Declare human2 Game Manager.
Declare Anim2.i Processes animating Autonomous Characters.
Declare Device1 Microphone/Camera control.
Declare Device2 Dome Screen.
Declare MediaAnimk Processes operating Microphones/Cameras.
Declare User2 Game Manager’s User.
M-Loc2.i Place in Game Landscape for Persona2.i.
Persona2.i Autonomous characters deployed by Game Manager.
M-Loc2.k Place in Game Landscape for MediaDevice2.k
MediaDevice2.k Visual Object operated by MediaAnimk
Rights2.1 Acquired Rights to Landscape.
Transaction2.1 Fees paid by Game Manager to rent Game Landscape.
Scene2.1 Game’s Scene.
Declare Userj eSports Game Players.
Personaej.1 Players’ characters.
M-Locj.1 Location in Game Landscape for player characters.
Declare Processi Process Animating i-th Autonomous character.
Declare humann Online subscriber.
Declare Usern Online subscriber’ User.
Declare ULocn.1 Place in Universe of .nline subscriber.
Declare MLocn.1 Place in Landscape of online subscriber’s invisible Persona.

7.2.2      Operation

S-Process Action S-Complements D-Process D-Compl. Comments
User1 Author With (Item, Data, Qualifier, ModelRights1.1) AUSrvc1 Landscape1.1 At MLoc1.1 User1 Authors Landscape & places it invisible
AUSrvc1 Rights1.1 User1    
User1 MM-Enable Landscape1.1 With SA LOSrvc1   Landscape is made visible
LOSrvc1 User1    
User2 Transact With Transaction2.1 TRSrvc1 At User2 Game manager rents Landscape
TRSrvc1 Rights2.1    
User2 MM-Embed Personae2.i At MLoc2.i LOSrvc1   Game manager places NPCs
LOSrvc1 User2    
User2 Execute Anim2.i With Persona2.i EXSrvc1   Game manager animates NPCs
EXSrvc1 User2    
User2 MM-Embed MediaDevice2.k At MLoc2.k With SA LOSrvc1   Game manager places media devices
LOSrvc1 User2    
User2 Execute MediaAnim2.k MediaDevice2.k At MLoc2.k EXSrvc1   Game manager animates media devices
LOSrvc1 User2    
Userj Track Personaj.1 From Ulocj.1 With SA At MLocj.1 With SA LOSrvc1, Device1, IDSrvc1   Invisible Personaj.1 placed in Landscape
Userj MM-Embed Personae2.j At MLoc2.j LOSrvc1   Personaj.1 made visible
LOSrvc1 User2    
Userj Track Personan.1 From Ulocn.1 With SA At MLocn.1 With SA LOSrvc1, Device1, IDSrvc1   Online human places invisible Persona
Usern MU-Actuate MLocn.1 At ULocn.1 With SA LOSrvc1   Online human views game.
LOSrvc1 Usern    

7.3       Elementary Messages

S-Process Action S-Complements D-Process D-Compl
User Author With (Item, Data, Qualifier, ModelRights) AUSrvc Landscape At MLoc
AUSrvc Rights User  
User MM-Enable Landscape With SA LOSrvc  
LOSrvc User  
User Transact With Transaction TRSrvc At User
TR Srvc Rights  
User MM-Embed Personaei At MLoci LOSrvc  
LOSrvc User  
User Execute Animi With Personai EXSrvc  
EXSrvc User  
User MM-Embed MediaDevicek At MLock With SA LOSrvc  
LOSrvc User  
User Execute MediaAnimk MediaDevicek At MLock EXSrvc  
LOSrvc User  
Usern MM-Add Personan At MLocn With SA LOSrvc  
LOSrvc Usern  

8        Virtual Performance

8.1       Description

  1. Impresario:
    1. Holds rights in parcel.
    2. Authors auditorium.
    3. Places auditorium on parcel.
  2. Perfomer sings
  3. Participant#1
    1. Buys a ticket for an event with the right to stay close to the performer for 5 minutes.
    2. Moves close to Perfomer
    3. Moves back to original place.
  4. Participant#2
    1. Buys a ticket for an event with the right to stay close to the performer for 5 minutes.
    2. Utters a private speech to Participant#1.
  5. Impresario:
    1. Collects participants’ preferences.
    2. Interprets participants’ mood (Participants Status).
    3. Generates special effects based on preferences and Participants Status.
    4. Pays Performer.

8.2       Workflow

8.2.1      Declarations

Declare User1 Impresario.
Declare AUSrvc1 Author Service.
Declare IDSrvc1 Identify Service.
Declare ITSrvc1 Interpret Service.
Declare LOSrvc1 Location Service.
Declare PASrvc1 Parcel Service.
Declare TRSrvc1 Transaction Service.
  Auditorium1.1 Auditorium for performances.
  Collect1.1 Program collecting preferences.
  Interpretation1.1 Interpretation sent to ITSrvc.
  Interpretation1.2 Interpretation received from ITSrvc.
  MLoc1.1 Impresario’s Parcel.
  MLoc1.i Places in Auditorium where Special FXs are placed.
PersonalStatus1.i Personal Status of i-th participants in event.
Rights1.1 Rights in Auditorium.
  SFX1.i Special FX.
Transaction1.1 Payment for Auditorium authoring.
  Transaction1.2 Impresario’s Consideration for Performance.
Declare User2 Performer
  Persona2.1 Performer’s Persona
  M-Loc2.1 Stage in Auditorium
  Song2.1 Performance
  ULoc2.1 Place in Universe where Performer resides.
Declare User3 Participant#1
  Persona3.1 Participant#1’s Persona
  M-Loc3.1 Participant#1’s place in Auditorium
  Rights3.1 Participant#1’s Rights to attend event.
Speech3.1 Speech Object
  Transaction3.1 Ticket#1 to event
  ULoc3.1 Place in Universe where Participant#1 resides.
Declare User4   Participant#2
  Persona1 Participant#2’s Persona
  M-Loc4.1 Participant#2’s place in Auditorium
  Transaction4.1 Ticket#2 to event
  ULoc4.1 Place in Universe where Participant#2 resides.

8.2.2      Operation


S-Process Action S-Complements D-Process D-Compl. Comments
User1 Author With (Data, Qualifier, MRights1.1) AUSrvc1 At User1 Impresario authors Auditorium
AUSrvc1 Auditorium1.1 User1    
User1 Transact Transaction1.1 TRSrvc1 At User1 Impresario pays for Auditorium
TRSrvc1 Rights1.1 User1    
User1 MM-Embeds Auditorium1.1 At M-Loc1.1 With SA LOSrvc1   Impresario places Auditorium
LOSrvc1 User1    
User1 Execute Collect1.1 EXSrvc1   Impresario launches preference collection program
EXSrvc1 User1    
User2 Track Persona2.1 From ULoc2.1 With SA To MLoc2.1 With SA LOSrvc1, Device1, IDSrvc1   Performer’s Persona is invisible
User2 MM-Enable Persona2.1 At MLoc2.1 LOSrvc1   Performer’s Persona is visible
LOSrvc1 User2    
User3 Transact Transaction3.1 TRSrvc1   User3 buys ticket
TRSrvc1 Rights3.1 User3    
User3 Track Persona3.1 From ULoc3.1 At MLoc3.1 With SA LOSrvc1, Device1, IDSrvc1   User3’s Persona is invisible
User3 MM-Enable Persona3.1 At MLoc3.1 LOSrvc1   User3’s Persona is visible
LOSrvc1 User2    
User2 MM-Embed Song2.1 At MLoc2.1 With SA LOSrvc1   Performer sings
LOSrvc1 User2    
User3 MM-Move Persona3.1 From MLoc3.1 To MLoc3.2 With SA LOSrvc1   User3’s Persona comes close to Performer
LOSrvc1 User3    
User3 MM-Move Persona3.1 From MLoc3.2 SA To MLoc3.1 With SA LOSrvc1   User3’s Persona returns to original place
LOSrvc1 User3    
User4 Transact Transaction4.1 TRSrvc1    
TRSrvc1 Rights4.1 User3    
User4 Track Persona4.1 From ULoc4.1 With SA At MLoc4.1 With SA LOSrvc1, Device1, IDSrvc1   User4 buys ticket
User4 MM-Send Speech4.1 COSrvc1 To User3 User4 vocal message to User3
COSrvc1 User4    
User1 Interprets With Interpretation1.1 ITSrvc1 At User1 Impresario gets interpretation of preferences
ITSrvc1 Interpretation1.2 User1    
User1 MM-Embeds SFX1.i At M-Loc1.i With SA LOSrvc1   Impresario places SFX’s at appropriate places
LOSrvc1 User3    
User1 Transact With Transaction1.2 TRSrvc1 To User2 Impresario pays Performer
TRSrvc1   User2    

8.3       Elementary Messages

S-Process Action S-Complements D-Process D-Compl.
User1 Author With (Data, Qualifier, MRights1.1) AUSrvc1 At User1
AUSrvc1 Auditorium1.1 User1  
User1 Transact Transaction1.1 TRSrvc1 At User1
TRSrvc1 Rights1.1 User1  
User1 MM-Embeds Auditorium1.1 At M-Loc1.1 With SA LOSrvc1  
LOSrvc1 User1  
User1 Execute Collect1.1 EXSrvc1  
EXSrvc1 User1  
User2 Track Persona2.1 From ULoc2.1 With SA At MLoc2.1 With SA LOSrvc1, Device1, IDSrvc1  
User3 Transact Transaction3.1 TRSrvc1  
TRSrvc1 Rights3.1 User3  
User3 MM-Move Persona3.1 From MLoc3.1 At MLoc3.2 With SA LOSrvc1  
LOSrvc1 User3  
User4 MM-Send Speech4.1 COSrvc1 To User3
COSrvc1 User4  
User1 Interpret With Interpretation1.1 ITSrvc1 At User1
ITSrvc1 Interpretation1.2 User1  

9        AR Tourist Guide

9.1       Description

  1. User1 pays for and gets Rights in a land parcel.
  2. User2 develops a landscape with Author Service.
  3. User1
    1. Acquires rights in the Landscape.
    2. Places the landscape on its land parcel.
  4. User3 develops objects with Author Service.
  5. User1
    1. Acquires rights in the objects.
    2. Places objects in the landscape.
    3. Places personae at the different locations.
    4. Animates personae.
    5. Develops Universe-Metaverse Map.
  6. human1 develops and distributes AR app.
  7. human4
    1. Installs app on device.
    2. Moves around in the Universe.
    3. Upon reaching a U-Location, human4 is alerted.
  8. User4 interacts with User1’s Personae at the M-Locations that correspond with the U-Location.

9.2       Workflow

9.2.1      Declarations

Declare human1 AR app developer and distributor.
Declare User1 AR app developer and distributor’s User.
Declare AUSrvc1 Author Service
Declare EXSrvc1 Execution Service
Declare IDSrvc1 Identify Service
Declare LOSrvc1 LocationService
Declare PASrvc1 Parcel Service.
Declare TRSrvc1 Transaction Service
Persona1.i User1’s Persona1.i.
MLoc1.1 Land parcel.
  MLoc1.j Place where User1 places Objects in Landscape2.1.
MLoc1.k M-Locations correspondent to ULoc1.k.
Rights1.1 Rights in MLoc1.1
Rights1.j Rights in MLoc1.1
ULoc1.k U-Locations where App reacts.
Map1.1 Universe-Metaverse Map for the mobile app.
  Transaction1.1 Payment for Land Parcel to PASrvc.
  Transaction1.2 Payment for Landscape.
  Transaction1.3  Payment for Objects3.j
Declare human2 Landscape developer.
Declare User2 Landscape developer’s User.
  Landscape2.1 Landscape developed for Land Parcel.
Declare human3 Object developer.
Declare User3 Object developer.
  Object3.j Objects for landscape.
Declare human4 human installing and running mobile app.
Declare User4 User of human4  (End User)
Declare Device4 Device of human4
Declare App4 Installed on Device4
  MLoc4.k M-Location corresponding to U-Location4.k

9.2.2      Operation

S-Process Action S-Complements D-Process D-Compl. Comments
User1 Transact With Transaction1.1 TRSrvc1 At User1 AR app developer pays for Land parcel
TRSrvc1 Rights1.1 User1    
User2 Author With (Item2.1, Data, Qualifier, ModelRights1.1) AUSrvc1 At User1 Developer authors Landscape
AUSrvc1 Landscape2.1 User2    
User1 Transact With Transaction1.2 TRSrvc1 At User1 Gets Rights in Landscape
TRSrvc1 Rights1.1 User1    
User1 MM-Embed Landscape2.1 At MLoc1.1 With SA LOSrvc1   AR app developer places Landscape
LOSrvc1 User1    
User3 Author With (Item, Data, Qualifier, ModelRights1.j) AUSrvc1 At User1 Object developer authors objects for Landscape
AUSrvc1 Object3.j User2    
User1 Transact With Transaction1.2 TRSrvc1 At User1 AR app developer buys objects.
TRSrvc1 Rights1. j User1    
User1 MM-Embed Objects3.j At MLoc1.j With SA LOSrvc1   AR app developer places objects in Landscape.
LOSrvc1 User1    
User1 MM-Embed Persona1.i At MLoc1.i With SA LOSrvc1   AR app developer places NPCs in Landscape.
LOSrvc1 User1    
User1 Execute Anim1.i At MLoc1.t With SA LOSrvc1   AR app developer animates NPCs.
LOSrvc1 User1    
App4 MU-Actuate MLoc1.k At ULoc1.k LOSrvc1 End User’s App renders M-Instance.
LOSrvc1 Media1.k App4    

9.3       Elementary Messages

S-Process Action S-Complements D-Process D-Compl.
User1 Transact With Transaction1.1 TRSrvc1 At User1
TRSrvc1 Rights1.1 User1  
User1 MM-Embed Landscape2.1 at MLoc1.1 With SA LOSrvc1  
LOSrvc1 User1  
User2 Author With (Item, Data, Qualifier, ModelRights1.1) AUSrvc1 At User1
AUSrvc1 Landscape2.1 User2  
User1 Execute Anim1.i At MLoc1.t With SA LOSrvc1  
LOSrvc1 User1  
App4 MU-Actuate MLoc1.k At ULoc1.k LOSrvc1
LOSrvc1 Media1.k App4  

10    Virtual Dance School

10.1   Description

  1. Dance teacher:
    1. Places their Persona#1 at the reception area of the dance school as virtual receptionist.
    2. Animates Persona#1 with an autonomous agent.
  2. Student #1:
    1. Shows up at school.
    2. Greets receptionist.
  3. Virtual receptionist reciprocates greetings.
  4. Dance teacher:
    1. Places their Persona#2 (with haptic capabilities) in dance area#1.
    2. Dances with student #1’s Persona (with haptic capabilities).
  5. Student #2 shows up at school.
  6. Teacher:
    1. Places their Persona#3 (with haptic capabilities) in dance area #2.
    2. Keeps on dancing with student #1 by animating Persona#2 with an autonomous agent.
    3. Dances with student #2’s Persona (with haptic capabilities).

10.2   Workflow

10.2.1   Declarations

Declare human1 Dance teacher.
Declare User1 Dance teacher’s User.
Persona1.1 School Receptionist persona.
MLoc1.1 Teacher’s Office.
Anim1.1 Receptionist animation program.
Persona1.2 Dancing persona#1
Anim1.2 Dancer animation program.
MLoc1.2 Dancing area#1
Persona1.3 Dancing persona#2 (with autonomous agent)
MLoc1.3 Dancing area#1
Speech1.1 Speech Object#2 (Greetings)
Persona1.4 Dancing persona#3 (with autonomous agent)
MLoc1.4 Dancing area#2
Declare Device1 Dance teacher’s Device
Declare human2 Dance student #1
Declare User2 Dance student #1’s User
  Persona2.1 Dance student#1’s Persona
  ULoc2.1 Dance student#1’s home.
  MLoc2.1 Place close to reception area.
  MLoc2.2 Place at dancing area#1
Declare Device2 Dance student#1’s Device.
Declare human3 Dance student#2
Declare User3 Dance student#2#1’s User.
Persona3.1 Dance student#2#1’s Persona.
ULoc3.1 Dance student#2#1’s home.
MLoc3.1 Dance student#2’s landing place.
Mloc3.2 Dance student#2’s dancing place.
Declare Device3 Dance teacher’s Device.

10.2.2   Operation

S-Process Action S-Complements D-Process D-Compl. Comments
User1 MM-Embed Persona1.1 At MLoc1.1 With SA LOSrvc1   Teacher places NPC
LOSrvc1 User1    
User1 Execute Anim1.1 With Persona1.1 At MLoc1.1 EXSrvc1 Teacher animates NPC
EXSrvc1 User1
User2 Track Persona2.1 From Uloc2.1 With SA At MLoc2.1 With SA LOSrvc1, Device1, IDSrvc1   Student#1 represented as Persona (invisible)
User2 MM-Embed Persona2.1 At MLoc2.1 With SA LOSrvc1   Persona2.1 invisible
LOSrvc1 User2    
User2 MM-Embed Speech2.1 At MLoc2.1 With SA LOSrvc1   Persona2.1 greets
LOSrvc1 User2    
User1 MM-Embed Speech1.1 At MLoc1.1 With SA LOSrvc1   NPC reciprocates
LOSrvc1 User1    
User1 Track Persona1.2 From Uloc1.1 With SA At MLoc1.2 With SA LOSrvc1, Device1, IDSrvc1   Teacher represented as Persona (invisible)
User1 MM-Embed Persona1.2 At MLoc1.2 With SA LOSrvc1   Persona1.2 is visible
LOSrvc1 User2    
User2 MM-Move Persona2.1 From MLoc2.1 To MLoc2.2 With SA LOSrvc1   Persona2.1 moves to dancing area #1
LOSrvc1 User2    
User3 Tracks Persona3.1 From Uloc3.1 With SA At MLoc3.1 With SA LOSrvc1, Device1, IDSrvc1   Student#2 represented as Persona (invisible)
User3 MM-Embed Persona3.1 At MLoc3.1 With SA LOSrvc1   Student#2 is visible
LOSrvc1 User3    
User3 MM-Move Persona3.1 To MLoc1.4 With SA LOSrvc1   Student#2 moves to dancing place #2
LOSrvc1 User3    
User1 MM-Disable Persona1.2 At MLoc1.2 LOSrvc1   Teacher makes its dancing persona#1 invisible
LOSrvc1 User1    
User1 MM-Embeds Persona1.3 At MLoc1.2 With SA LOSrvc1   Teacher places its dancing persona#2 at dancing place #1
LOSrvc1 User1    
User1 Execute Anim1.2 With Persona1.3 At MLoc1.2 EXSrvc1 Teacher animates its dancing persona#2
EXSrvc1 User1
User1 MM-Move Persona1.2 From MLoc1.2 With SA At MLoc1.3 With SA LOSrvc1   Teacher moves its dancing persona#1 at dancing place #2
LOSrvc1 User1    

10.3   Elementary  Messages

S-Process Action S-Complements D-Process D-Compl
User MM-Embed Persona At MLoc With SA LOSrvc  
LOSrvc User  
User Execute Anim With Persona At MLoc EXSrvc
EXSrvc User
User Track Persona From Uloc With SA At MLoc With SA LOSrvc, Device, IDSrvc  
User MM-Move Persona From MLoc At MLoc With SA LOSrvc  
LOSrvc User  
User MM-Disable Persona At MLoc LOSrvc  
LOSrvc User  

11    Virtual Car Showroom

11.1   Description

  1. A car dealer
    1. Places its Persona in the car showroom.
    2. Animates Persona as showroom attendant.
    3. Places another Persona in the car showroom.
    4. Animates second Persona as showroom salesman.
  2. A customer:
    1. Moves its Persona in the car showroom.
    2. Greets showroom attendant.
  3. Showroom attendant reciprocates the greeting.
  4. Dealer (as salesman):
    1. Converses with Customer.
    2. Embeds a model of the car being discussed.
  5. Customer
    1. Has a virtual test drive.
    2. Buys the car.
    3. Returns home.

11.2   Workflow

11.2.1   Declarations

Declare human1 Car dealer
Declare User1 Car dealer’s User.
  AVPersona1.1 User1’s Persona (showroom attendant).
  AVPersona1.2 User1’s Persona (salesman).
  MLoc1.1 Showroom attendant’s place.
  AVPersona1.2 Showroom attendant.
ULoc1.1 U-Location of Car dealer.
  MLoc1.2 Salesman’s place.
  Speech1 .1 Showroom attendant’s greetings.
  CarModel1.1 3D A-V-H model of car.
  MLoc1.3 Car model’s place.
  Anim1.1 Program to animate showroom attendant.
  Anim1.2 Program to animate car model.
Declare IDSrvc Identification Service
Declare LOSrvc1 Location Service
Declare RISrvc1 Rights Service
Declare COSrvc1 Communication Service
Declare Device1 Car dealer’s Device
Declare human2 Customer.
Declare User2 Customer’s User.
  Persona2.1 User2’s Persona.
ULoc2.1 U-Location of Customer.
  MLoc2.1 Place in showroom where Customer lands.
  MLoc2.2 Customer’s home.
  Transaction2.4 Payment for car.
Declare Device2 Customer’s Device.
Declare TRSrvc1 Transaction Service.

11.2.2   Operation

S-Process Action S-Complements D-Process D-Compl. Comments
User1 Track Persona1.1 From Uloc1.1 With SA At MLoc1.1 With SA LOSrvc1, Device1, IDSrvc1   Car dealer’s Persona1.1 is invisible
User1 MM-Embed Persona1.1 At MLoc1.1 With SA LOSrvc1   Persona is visible
LOSrvc1 User1    
User1 Execute Anim1.1 With Persona1.1 At MLoc1.1 EXSrvc1 Persona (NPC) is animated
EXSrvc1 User1    
User2 Tracks Persona2.1 From Uloc2.1 With SA At MLoc2.1 With SA LOSrvc1, Device1, IDSrvc1   Customer’s Persona1.2 is invisible
User2 MM-Embed Persona1.1 At MLoc2.1 With SA LOSrvc1   Persona is visible
LOSrvc1 User2    
User1 MM-Embed Speech1.1 At MLoc1.1 With SA LOSrvc1   NPC greets Customer
COSrvc1 User1    
User2 MM-Embed Speech2.1 At MLoc2.1 With SA LOSrvc1 To User1 Customer reciprocates
COSrvc1 User2    
User1 MM-Embed CarModel1.1 At MLoc1.3 With SA LOSrvc1   Dealer places visible Car Model
LOSrvc1 User1    
User1 Execute Anim1.2 With CarModel 1.1 At MLoc1.3 EXSrvc1 Dealer animates Car Model
EXSrvc1 User1    
User2 MM-Move Persona2.1 From MLoc2.1 To MLoc1.3 With SA At MLoc2.3 With SA   Customer gets in the  Car Model
LOSrvc1 User2    
User2 MM-Move Persona2.1 From MLoc1.3 To MLoc2.1 With SA At MLoc2.3 With SA   Customer returns to original place
LOSrvc1 User2    
User2 Transacts With Transaction.1 To User1 At User1 Customer pays
TRSrvc1 Rights1.1 User2    
User2 MM-Moves Persona2.1 To MLoc2.2 From MLoc2.1   Customer returns to home
LOSrvc1 User2    

11.3   Elementary Messages

S-Process Action S-Complements D-Process D-Compl
User Track Persona From Uloc With SA At MLoc With SA LOSrvc, Device, IDSrvc  
User MM-Embed Persona At MLoc With SA LOSrvc  
LOSrvc User  
User Execute Anim With Persona At MLoc EXSrvc
EXSrvc User  
User MM-Move Persona From MLoc At MLoc3 With SA At MLoc3 With SA  
LOSrvc User  
User Transacts With Transaction To User At User
TRSrvc Rights User  
LOSrvc MM-Disable Persona At MLoc3 From MLoc  
LOSrvc User  

12    Meeting in Connected Autonomous Vehicles

12.1   Description

A humanA.1 traveling in CAVA wishes to have a meeting with a friend who is travelling in CAVB. The metaverses generated by the two CAVs comply with the MPAI-CAV specifications but the metaverses they generate are independent but conform with the CAV-TEC 2.0 Technical Specification.

  1. Human1
    1. Registers with CAVA’s Registration Service by providing their Personal Profile.
    2. Registers
      1. Their own UserA.1 to interact with CAVA via the CAVA’s Human-CAV Interaction Subsystem.
      2. UserA.1’s PersonaA.1.1,
      3. Their own UserA.2, to access the CAVA M-Instance created by the Autonomous Motion Subsystem.
    1. Requests a Route to User1.
  1. User1 requests and obtains proposed Routes to the destination from UserA.2 of CAVA, communicates the proposed Routes, and puts CAVA in motion.
  2. While travelling, human1 wishes to meet in the virtual cabin of CAVB with a friend travelling on CAVB.

12.2   Workflow

12.2.1   Declarations

Declare humanA.1 CAVA’s Passenger.
Declare UserA.1 CAVA User implemented as Human-CAV Interaction Subsystem.
Declare UserA.2 CAVA User implemented as Autonomous Motion Subsystem.
Declare COSrvcA.1 CAVA’s Communication Service.
Declare IDSrvcA.1 CAVA’s Identification Service.
Declare LOSrvcA1 CAVA’s Location Service.
Declare RESrvcA.1 CAVA’s Resolution Service
Declare RGSrvcA.1 CAVA’s Registration Service
Declare RPSrvcA.1 CAVA’s Route Selection Planning AIM.
PersonaA.1.1 UserA.1’s avatar.
BEDA.1.1 Initial CAVA’s Basic Environment Descriptors
EgoRemoteAMSMessageA.2.1 CAVA’s request for U-Location details
EgoRemoteAMSMessageA.2.1 CAVB’s response
InterpretationA.1.1 Request to Interpret SpeechA.1.1
InterpretationA.1.2 Response to InterpretationA.1.1
InterpretationA.1.3 Request to Interpret SpeechA.1.2
InterpretationA.1.4 Response to InterpretationA.1.3
AMSHCIMessageA.1.1 Message#1 from UserA.1 to UserA.2
AMSHCIMessageA.1.2 Message#2 from UserA.2 to UserA.1
AMSHCIMessageA.1.3 Message#3 from UserA.1 to UserA.2
PersonaIDA.1 Identifier of PersonaA.1
ResolutionA.1.1 Resolution Item sent to CAVB by CAVA
ResolutionA.1.2 Resolution Item sent to CAVA by CAVB
ULocA.1.1 Place where humanA.1 boards CAVA.
UserIDA.1 Identifier of UserA.1
UserIDA.2 Identifier of UserA.2
Declare UserB.1 User of CAVB implemented as Human-CAV Interaction Subsystem.
Declare RESrvcB.1 CAVB’s Resolution Service
MLocB.1.1 CAVB’s Virtual Cabin.

12.2.2   Operation

S-Process Action S-Complements D-Process D-Comp. Comments
humanA.1 Registers  With PersonalProfileA.1.1 RGSrvcA.1 To humanA.1 humanA.1 registers with RGSrvcA.1
RGSrvcA.1 AccountA.1.1 humanA.1   humanA.1 receives AccountA.1.1
humanA.1 UM-Send UserA.1 IDSrvcA.1 To humanA.1 humanA.1 registers UserA.1 to CAVA
IDSrvcA.1 UserIDA.1 humanA.1  
humanA.1 UM-Send UserA.2 IDSrvcA.1 To humanA.1 humanA.1 registers UserA.2 to CAVA
IDSrvcA.1 UserIDA.2 humanA.1  
humanA.1 UM-Send PersonaA.1 IDSrvcA.1 To humanA.1 humanA.1 uploads PersonaA.1 to CAVA
IDSrvcA.1 PersonaIDA.1 humanA.1  
UserA.1 Track PersonaA.1.1 From ULocA.1.1 With SA At MLocA.1.1 With SA LOSrvcA.1, DeviceA.1, IDSrvcA.1   PersonaA.1.1 shows up (invisible).
UserA.1 MM-Send AMSHCIMessageA.1.1 COSrvcA.1 To UserA.2 UserA.1 sends route request
COSrvcA.1 UserA.1    
UserA.2 Execute ESSA.1 EXSrvcA.1   UserA.2 activates ESSA.1
EXSrvcA.1 BEDA.1.1 UserA.2   UserA.2 receives Basic Environment Description
UserA.2 Execute RoutePlanA.1 EXSrvcA.1   UserA.2 activates RoutePlanA.1
EXSrvcA.1 UserA.2    
UserA.2 MM-Send AMSHCIMessageA.1.1 COSrvcA.1 To RoutePlanA.1 RoutePlanA.1 sends route request
COSrvcA.1 UserA.2
RoutePlanA.1 MM-Send AMSHCIMessageA.1.2 COSrvcA.1 To UserA.1 UserA.2 sends proposed routes
COSrvcA.1 RoutePlanA.1  
UserA.1 MM-Send AMSHCIMessageA.1.3 COSrvcA.1 To UserA.2 With selected Route and Start command
COSrvcA.1 UserA.1    
UserA.1 Resolve With ResolutionA.1.1 RESrvcA.1 UserA.1 requests session with CAVB
RESrvcA.1 Resolve With ResolutionA.1.1 RESrvcB.1 RESrvcA.1 contacts RESrvcB.1
RESrvcB.1 Resolve With ResolutionA.1.1 UserB.1 RESrvcB.1 contacts UserB.1
UserB.1 Resolve With ResolutionA.1.2 RESrvcB.1 UserB.1 responds to RESrvcB.1
RESrvcB.1 Resolve With ResolutionA.1.2 RESrvcA.1 RESrvcB.1 responds to RESrvcA.1
RESrvcA.1 Resolve With ResolutionA.1.2 UserA.1 RESrvcA.1 responds to UserA.1
UserA.1 MM-Embed At MLocB.1.1 With SA LOSrvcA.1   Persona A.1.1 is visible at MLocB.1.1
LOSrvcA.1 UserA.1    
UserA.1 MM-Move From MLocB.1.3 To MLocA.1.3 With SA LOSrvcA.1   Persona A.1.1 leaves MLocB.1.1
LOSrvcA.1 UserA.1    
UserA.1 Resolve With ResolutionA.1.3 RESrvcA.1 UserA.1 leaves Multi-Metaverse session
RESrvcA.1 Resolve With ResolutionA.1.3 RESrvcB.1 RESrvcA.1 contacts RESrvcB.1
RESrvcB.1 Resolve With ResolutionA.1.4 RESrvcA.1 RESrvcB.1 responds to RESrvcA.1
RESrvcA.1 Resolve With ResolutionA.1.4 UserA.1 RESrvcA.1 responds to UserA.1

12.3   Elementary Messages

S-Proc. Action S-Complements D-Proc. D-Compl.
humanA.1 Registers  With PersonalProfileA.1.1 RGSrvcA.1 To humanA.1
RGSrvcA.1 AccountA.1.1 humanA.1  
humanA.1 UM-Send UserA.1 IDSrvcA.1 To humanA.1
IDSrvcA.1 UserIDA.1 humanA.1  
humanA.1 UM-Send PersonaA.1 IDSrvcA.1 To humanA.1
IDSrvcA.1 User1ID humanA.1  
UserA.1 Track PersonaA.1.1 From UlocA.1.1 With SA At MLocA.1.1 With SA LOSrvcA.1, DeviceA.1, IDSrvcA.1  
UserA.1 MM-Send AMSHCIMessageA.1.1 COSrvcA.1 To UserA.2
COSrvcA.1 UserA.1  
UserA.2 Execute ESSA.1 EXSrvcA.1  
EXSrvcA.1 BEDA.1.1 UserA.2  
UserA.2 Execute RoutePlanA.1 EXSrvcA.1  
EXSrvcA.1 UserA.2  
UserA.2 MM-Send AMSHCIMessageA.1.1 COSrvcA.1 To RoutePlanA.1
COSrvcA.1 UserA.2
RoutePlanA.1 MM-Send AMSHCIMessageA.1.2 COSrvcA.1 To UserA.1
COSrvcA.1 UserA.2  
UserA.1 MM-Send AMSHCIMessageA.1.3 COSrvcA.1 To UserA.2
COSrvcA.1 UserA.1  
UserA.1 Resolve With ResolutionA.1.1 RESrvcA.1
RESrvcA.1 Resolve With ResolutionA.1.1 RESrvcB.1
RESrvcB.1 Resolve With ResolutionA.1.1 UserB.1
UserB.1 Resolve With ResolutionA.1.2 RESrvcB.1
RESrvcB.1 Resolve With ResolutionA.1.2 RESrvcA.1
RESrvcA.1 Resolve With ResolutionA.1.2 UserA.1
UserA.1 MM-Embed At MLocB.1.1 With SA LOSrvcA.1  
LOSrvcA.1 UserA.1  
UserA.1 MM-Move From MLocB.1.3 To MLocA.1.3 With SA LOSrvcA.1  
LOSrvcA.1 UserA.1  
UserA.1 Resolve With ResolutionA.1.3 RESrvcA.1
RESrvcA.1 Resolve With ResolutionA.1.3 RESrvcB.1
RESrvcB.1 Resolve With ResolutionA.1.4 RESrvcA.1
RESrvcA.1 Resolve With ResolutionA.1.4 UserA.1




S-Proc. Action S-Complements D-Proc. D-Compl.
human Registers  With PersonalProfile RGSrvc At human
RGSrvc Account. human  
User Track Persona. From Uloc. With SA At MLoc. With SA LOSrvc, Device, IDSrvc  
User MM-Send Message. COSrvc At User
COSrvc User  
User Execute ESS EXSrvc  
EXSrvc User  
User Execute RoutePlanning EXSrvc At User
EXSrvc User  
User Resolve With Resolution RESrvc
RESrvc Resolve With Resolution RESrvcB
RESrvcB Resolve With Resolution UserB
UserB Resolve With Resolution RESrvcB
RESrvcB Resolve With Resolution RESrvc
RESrvc Resolve With Resolution RESrvc
RESrvc Resolve With Resolution User
User Authenticates With Authentication ATSrvc At User
ATSrvc Authentication User  
User MM-Move From MLoc3 At MLocB3 With SA LOSrvc  
LOSrvc User  

13    Co-design across metaverses

13.1   Description

  1. CompanyA based in M-InstanceA has commissioned the design of their new car to CompanyB based in M-InstanceB.
  2. UserB1, a Designer of CompanyB, produces a 3D Model Object composed of different 3D Model Objects, and 3D Model Basic Objects.
  3. A 3D Model Object may include different versions of car elements, eg, rearview mirrors, the dashboard, cabin lights etc.
  4. The progress meeting has two participants: Customer (UserA1) and Designer (UserA),
    1. User1
      1. Has full Rights on Car Model1.1.
      2. MM-Embeds Car Model at MLoc1.
      3. Grants Rights to User1 to Act on MLocB.1.1, i.e., RoomB.1.1 (mirror of room in M-InstanceB), CarModelB.1.1 (Car Model) and UserB.1
    2. User1 initiates a session with Resolution ServiceA.1 to be able to interact with MLocB.1.1 and perform Actions on its Items on
    3. User1 assesses the results of selecting different options, e.g.,
      1. MM-Disables RearviewMirror1.1
      2. MM-Enables RearviewMirror1.2
      3. Resizes RearviewMirror1.2 by Rx, Ry, Rz

13.2   Workflow

13.2.1   Declarations

Declare humanA.1 Car Model customer
Declare UserA.1 Car Model customer’s User (in M-InstanceA)
PersonaA.1.1 UserA.1’s avatar.
M-LocationA.1.1 UserA.1.1’s location in M-InstanceA
U-LocationA.1.1 Portion of Universe where humanA.1 is located.
RoomRightsA.1.1 Rights on Room B.1.1 granted to UserA.1
ModelRightsA.1.1 Rights on CarModelB.1.1 granted to UserA.1
ResolutionA.1.1 Resolution Item sent by UserA.1 to Resolution ServiceA.1
Declare DeviceA.1 Device used by humanA.1
Declare LOSrvcA.1 Location Service of M-InstanceA
Declare IDSrvcA.1 Identification Service of M-InstanceA
Declare RESrvcA.1 Resolution Service of M-InstanceA
Declare humanB.1 Car Model designer.
Declare UserB.1 Car Model designer’s User (in M-InstanceB)
PersonaB.1.1 UserB1’s avatar.
M-LocationB.1.1 UserB.1’s location in M-InstanceB
U-LocationB.1.1 humanB.1’s location in Universe
CarModelB.1.1 3D-Model Object of Car Model
RVMirrorB.1.1 First Rearview Mirror
RVMirrorB.1.2 Second Rearview Mirror
Declare DeviceB.1 Device used by humanB1
Declare LOSrvcB11 Location Service of MetaverseB
Declare IDSrvcB.1.1 Identification Service of MetaverseB

13.2.2   Operation


S-Proc Action S-Complements D-Process D-Compl Comments
UserA.1 Track PersonaA.1.1 From UlocA11 With SA At MLocA.1.1 With SA LOSrvcA.1, DeviceA.1, IDSrvcA.1 PersonaA.1.1 shows up (invisible).
UserA.1 MM-Embed PersonaA.1.1 At MLocA.1.1 LOSrvcA.1 PersonaA.1.1 is visible.
LOSrvcA.1 UserA.1
UserB.1 Track PersonaB.1.1 From UlocB.1.1 With SA At MLocB.1.1 With SA LOSrvcB.1, DeviceB.1, IDSrvcB.1 PersonaB.1 shows up (invisible)
UserB.1 MM-Embed PersonaB.1.1 At MLocB.1.1 LOSrvcB.1 PersonaB.1.1 is visible.
LOSrvcB.1 UserA.1
UserA.1 Resolve With ResolutionA.1.1 RESrvcA.1 UserA.1 requests Multi-MV session
RESrvcA.1 Resolve With ResolutionA.1.1 RESrvcB.1 RESrvcA.1 contacts RESrvcB.1
RESrvcB.1 Resolve With ResolutionA.1.1 UserB.1 RESrvcB.1 contacts UserB.1
UserB.1 Resolve With ResolutionA.1.2 RESrvcB.1 UserB.1 responds to RESrvcB.1
RESrvcB.1 Resolve With ResolutionA.1.2 RESrvcA.1 RESrvcB.1 responds to RESrvcA.1
RESrvcA.1 Resolve With ResolutionA.1.2 UserA.1 RESrvcA.1 responds to UserA.1
UserB.1 MM-Embed CarModelB.1.1 At MLocB.1.1 With SA LOServB.1 UserB.1 places CarModelA.1.1
LOServB.1 UserB.1
UserA.1 MM-Disable RVMirrorA.1 LOServA.1 UserA.1 makes current RVMirrorA.1 invisible
LOServA.1 UserA.1
UserA.1 MM-Enable RVMirrorA.2 LOServA.1 UserA.1 makes new RVMirrorA.2 visible
LServA.1 UserA.1
UserA.1 MM-Disable RVMirrorA.2 LOServA.1 UserA.1 makes new RVMirrorA.2 invisible
LOServA.1 UserA.1
UserA.1 MM-Embed RVMirrorA.2 With (Rx,Ry,Rz,) LOSrvcA.1 UserA.1 changes RVMirrorA.2’s size
LOSrvcA.1 UserA1
UserA.1 Resolve With ResolutionA.1.3 RESrvcA.1 UserA.1 leaves Multi-MV session
RESrvcA.1 Resolve With ResolutionA.1.3 RESrvcB.1 RESrvcA.1 contacts RESrvcB.1
RESrvcB.1 Resolve With ResolutionA.1.4 RESrvcA.1 RESrvcB.1 responds to RESrvcA.1
RESrvcA.1 Resolve With ResolutionA.1.4 UserA.1 RESrvcA.1 responds to UserA.1

13.3    Elementary Messages

S-Proc Action S-Complements D-Proc D-Compl
User Track Persona From Uloc With SA At MLoc With SA LOSrvc, Device , IDSrvc
User Resolve With Resolution RESrvc
RESrvc Resolve With Resolution RESrvc
RESrvc Resolve With Resolution User
User Resolve With Resolution RESrvc
RESrvc Resolve With Resolution RESrvc
RESrvc Resolve With Resolution RESrvc
RESrvc Resolve With Resolution User
User MM-Embed CarModel At MLoc With SA LOServ
LServ User
User MM-Disable RVMirror LOServ
LServ User
User MM-Enable RVMirror LOServ
LServ User
User MM-Embed CarModel With (Rx,Ry,Rz,) LOSrvc
LOSrvc User