1 Introduction
This Informative Chapter collects M-Instance Use Cases in different contexts with the goal to verify that MMM-TEC V2.0 supports a range of representative Use Cases thus confirming validity of the Technical Specification .
Note that, unless disclaimed otherwise, a sentence like “A student attends a lecture held by a teacher in a classroom created by a school manager” s to be read as “A User representing a student attends a virtual lecture in a virtual classroom Authored by a User representing a school manager and MM-Embedded at an M-Location”.
2 Use Case Description Language
Metaverse Use Cases involve a plurality of Processes – Users, Devices, Services, Apps – requesting other Processes to perform Process Actions involving a variety of Items and Processes. In a Use Case:
- Processes (e.g., Users) are sequentially identified by one subscript.
- Items Acted on by a Process are identified by the subscript of the Process performing the Action followed by a sequential number of the Item.
- Objects, Scenes, Events, and Personae may be prefixed by S, A, V, AV, or AVH to indicate their Speech, Audio, Visual, Audio-Visual, or Audio-Visual-Haptic nature, respectively.
- The Location Item where the Actions take place are similarly identified by the subscript of the Process performing an Action at the Location followed by a sequential number.
- If the Actions are performed at different M-Instances, all Processes, Items, and Locations have a sequential capital letter as first suffix.
For instance:
- Useri MM-Embeds Personaj at M-Locationi.k.
- Useri MU-Embeds Itemj at U-Locationi.k.
- UserA,i MM-Sends Messagei.j to UserB.k.
All Use Cases assume that Actions are performed in an M-Instance. Action specified in the Universe are specifically noted.
The following conventions are used throughout:
MLoc | M-Location |
MData | Model Data |
MRights | Model Rights |
MTransaction | Model Transaction |
SA | Spatial Attitude |
ULoc | U-Location |
For graphical convenience, the Services used in the Use Cases are abbreviated as
Author | AUSrvc |
Communication | COSrvc |
Execution | EXSrvc |
Identification | IDSrvc |
Interoretation | ITSrvc |
Location | LOSrvc |
Rights | RISrvc |
Transact | TRSrvc |
Use Cases use include the following
- Description of Use Case
- Workflow in two parts:
- Declarations of all Processes and Items involved
Note that Model Items are not declared as Items are declared. - Operation of Use Case using the Inter-Process Protocol
- Declarations of all Processes and Items involved
- Elementary Messages used by the Use Case.
3 Virtual Lecture
3.1 Description
- School Manager
- Authors and embeds a virtual classroom in an M-Instance.
- Pays teacher.
- Teacher
- Is at home.
- Embeds a persona of theirs from home close to the classroom’s desk.
- Embeds and animates a 3D Object in the lecture.
- Eventually leaves the classroom and returns home.
- Student
- Is at home.
- Pays lecture fees with the right to make a copy of the Audio-Visual Event.
- Embeds a persona of theirs in the classroom.
- Approaches the teacher’s desk to feel the 3D Object with haptic gloves.
- Stores the lecture’s Audio-Visual Event.
- Leaves the classroom and returns home.
3.2 MMM-Script representation
Declare | User1 | School manager |
AVHObject1 | Classroom | |
MLoc1.1 | Metaverse Location | |
Transaction1.1 | Lecture consideration | |
Declare | Service1 | Author Service |
Declare | User2 | Teacher’s User |
human2 | Teacher | |
AVHPersona2.1 | Teacher’s Persona | |
MLoc2.1 | Place of classroom desk | |
MLoc2.2 | Place close to object being experimented | |
AVHObject2.1 | Object being experimented | |
Declare | User3 | Student |
AVHPersona3.1 | Student’s Persona | |
MLoc3.1 | Student’s home | |
MLoc3.2 | Classroom seat | |
MLoc3.3 | Location close to Object being experimented | |
Transaction3.1 | Lecture fees | |
AVHEvent3.1 | Lecture |
S-Proc. | Action | S-Complements | D-Proc. | D-Compl. |
User1 | Authors | With (Data1.1, Qualifier, MRights1.1) | ASrvc1 | At ASrvc1 |
ASrvc1 | Room1.1 With Rights1.1 | |||
User1 | MM-Add | Room1.1 With (Qualifier, MRights1.2) From ASrvc1 At MLoc1.1 | LSrvc1 | |
LSrvc1 | Room1.1 With Rights1.2 | User1 | ||
User1 | Transact | With Transaction1.1 | User2 | |
TSrvc1 | User1 | |||
User2 | MM-Add | Persona2.1 With (Qualifier, MRights2.1) At MLoc2.1 | LSrvc1 | |
LSrvc1 | Rights2.1 | |||
Device2 | UM-Capture | Media2.1 At ULoc2.1 | ||
Device2 | Data2.1 With (Qualifier, Rights2.1) | Device2 | ||
Device2 | Identify | Data2.1 With Qualifier, MRights2.2) | ISrvc1 | At User2 |
ISrvc1 | Stream2.1 With Rights2.2 | User2 | ||
User2 | MM-Animate | Persona2.1 With (Stream2.1, With MRights2.3) | LSrvc1 | |
LSrvc1 | Rights2.3 | User2 | ||
User2 | MM-Add | Persona2.1 With (Qualifier, MRights2.4) At MLoc2.1 | LSrvc1 | |
LSrvc1 | Rights2.4 | User2 | ||
User2 | MM-Add | Persona2.1 With Qualifier, MRights2.5) | LSrvc1 | |
LSrvc1 | Rights2.5 | User2 | ||
User2 | MM-Add | Speech2.1 With (Qualifier, MRights2.6) At MLoc2.2 | LSrvc1 | |
LSrvc1 | Rights2.6 | User2 | ||
User3 | MM-Add | Persona3.1 With (Qualifier, With MRights3.1) At MLoc3.1 | LSrvc1 | |
LSrvc1 | Rights3.1 | User3 | ||
Device3 | UM-Capture | Media3.1 At ULoc3.1 | ||
Device3 | Data2.1 With (Qualifier, Rights2.1) | Device3 | ||
Device3 | Identify | Data3.1 With (Qualifier, MRights3.2) | ISrvc1 | At User3 |
ISrvc1 | Stream3.1 With Rights3.2 | User3 | ||
User3 | MM-Animate | Persona3.1 With (Stream3.1, MRights3.3) | LSrvc1 | |
LSrvc1 | Rights3.3 | User3 | ||
User3 | Transact | With Transaction3.1 | User1 | |
TSrvc1 | Rights3.4 | User3 | ||
User3 | MM-Add | Persona3.1 With (Qualifier, MRights3.4) At MLoc3.2 | LSrvc1 | |
LSrvc1 | Rights3.4 | User3 | ||
User3 | MM-Add | Persona3.1 With (Qualifier, MRights3.5) At MLoc3.3 | LSrvc1 | |
LSrvc1 | Rights3.5 | User3 | ||
User3 | MM-Add | Persona3.1 With (Qualifier, MRights3.6) At MLoc3.1 | LSrvc1 | |
LSrvc1 | Rights3.6 | User3 | ||
User3 | MM-Add | Persona3.1 With (Qualifier, MRights3.7) At MLoc3.3 | LSrvc1 | |
LSrvc1 | Rights3.7 | User3 |
3.3 Process Actions
Table 6 gives the list of Actions, Items, and Data Types used by the Virtual Lecture Use Case. The Table also gives the Actions implied by the Track Composite Action (MM-Embed, MM-Animate, MM-Send, MU-Render, UM-Capture, MU-Send, and Identify). The list of these Actions will not be repeated in the next tables.
Table 6 – Virtual Lecture Actions, Items, and Data Types
S-Proc. | Action | S-Complements | D-Proc. | D-Compl. |
User | Authors | With (Data, Qualifier, MRights) | ASrvc | At ASrvc |
ASrvc | Room With Rights | |||
User | MM-Add | Room With (Qualifier, MRights) From ASrvc At MLoc | LSrvc | |
LSrvc | Room With Rights | User | ||
User | Transact | With Transaction | User | |
TSrvc | User | |||
Device | UM-Capture | Media At ULoc | ||
Device | Data With (Qualifier, Rights) | Device | ||
Device | Identify | Data With Qualifier, MRights) | ISrvc | At User |
ISrvc | Stream With Rights | User2 | ||
User | MM-Animate | Persona With (Stream, With MRights) | LSrvc | |
LSrvc | Rights | User |
4 Virtual Meeting
4.1 Description
A meeting manager
- Authors a meeting room, pays for the service, and places the room at a location.
- Places their avatar at a location in the room to act as virtual meeting secretary.
- Executes the virtual meeting secretary program with the task to produce a summary of the conversations that includes participants’ Space-Time and Personal Statuses.
- The summary is displayed in the meeting room for participants to comment.
A participant attends a meeting held in the room.
Another participant
- Attends a meeting held in the room.
- Receives a private speech object in an unknown language.
- Pays the interpretation service to get a translation.
- Sends a private speech object to the originator of the received speech object.
Virtual meeting secretary displays summary.
4.2 Workflow
Declare | User1 | Meeting manager |
Room1.1 | Meeting room | |
Transaction1.1 | Transaction effected by Meeting manager | |
MLoc1.1 | Location where meeting room is placed | |
Persona1.1 | Avatar of Virtual Meeting Secretary | |
Anim1.1 | Program animating Virtual Meeting Secretary | |
MLoc1.2 | Place in Room assigned to Virtual Meeting Secretary | |
Summary1.1 | Meeting Summary | |
MLoc1.3 | Place where Summary is displayed. | |
Rights1.1 | Rights to meeting room | |
Rights1.2 | Rights to place meeting room at MLoc1.1 | |
Rights1.3 | Rights to Act on Items produced by executing Anim1.1 | |
Summary1.1 | Summary posted by Executed Amim1.1 | |
Declare | ASrvc1 | Authoring Service. |
Declare | Esrvc1 | Program Execution Service. |
Declare | ITSrvc1 | Interpretation Service. |
Declare | User2 | Meeting participant #1 |
human2 | Human represented by User2 | |
Persona2.1 | Participant #1’s Persona | |
MLoc2.1 | Participant#1’s location in meeting room | |
Speech2.1 | Speech MM-Sent by User2 to User3 | |
Rights2.1 | Rights of Device2 to captured Media as Data | |
Rights2.2 | Rights attached to Stream2.1 | |
Rights2.3 | Rights attached to Animated Persona2.1 | |
Rights2.4 | Rights attached to Speech2.1 | |
Declare | Device2 | Device of human2 |
Declare | User3 | Meeting participant #2 |
Persona3.1 | Persona of Persona3.1 | |
MLoc3.1 | Place assigned to Persona3.1 | |
Speech3.1 | Speech Object MM-Sent by User3 | |
Rights3.1 | Rights attached to Persona3.1 to be placed at MLoc3.1 | |
Rights3.2 | Rights attached to Stream3.1 | |
Rights3.3 | Rights attached to MM-Animated Persona3.1 | |
Rights3.4 | Rights attached to Interpretation3.1 | |
Rights3.5 | Rights attached to Speech3.1 | |
Declare | ITSrvc1 | Interpretation Service |
S-Proc. | Action | S-Complements | D-Proc. | D-Compl. |
User1 | Authors | With (Data1.1, Qualifier, MRights1.1) | ASrvc1 | At User1 |
ASrvc1 | Room1.1 With Rights1.1 | User1 | ||
User1 | Transact | With Transaction1.1 | User2 | At User1 |
TSrvc1 | User1 | |||
User1 | MM-Add | Room1.1 With (Qualifier, MRights1.2) At MLoc1.1 | LSrvc1 | At User1 |
LSrvc1 | Rights1.2 | User1 | ||
User1 | MM-Add | Persona1.1 With (Qualifier, MRights1.1) At MLoc1.2 | LSrvc1 | At User1 |
LSrvc1 | User1 | |||
User1 | Execute | Anim1.1 With (Persona1.1, MRights1.3), At MLoc1.2 | Esrvc1 | At User1 |
ESrvc1 | Rights1.3 | User1 | ||
User2 | MM-Add | Persona2.1 With (Qualifier, MRights2.1) At MLoc2.1 | LSrvc1 | |
LSrvc1 | Rights2.1 | User2 | ||
Device2 | UM-Capture | Media2.1 At ULoc2.1 | Device2 | MData2.1 At Device2 |
Device2 | Data2.1 With (Qualifier, Rights2.1) | Device2 | ||
Device2 | Identify | Data2.1 With (Qualifier, MRights2.2) | ISrvc1 | At User2 |
ISrvc1 | Stream2.1 With Rights2.2 | User2 | ||
User2 | MM-Animate | Persona2.1 With (Stream2.1, MRights2.3) | LSrvc1 | At User2 |
LSrvc1 | Rights2.3 | User2 | ||
User3 | MM-Add | Persona3.1 With (Qualifier, MRights3.1) At MLoc3.1 | LSrvc1 | At User3 |
LSrvc1 | Rights3.1 | User3 | ||
Device3 | UM-Capture | Media3.1 At ULoc3.1 | Device3 | MData3.1 At Device3 |
Device3 | Data3.1 With (Qualifier, Rights3.1) | Device3 | ||
Device3 | Identify | Data3.1 With (Qualifier, MRights3.2) | ISrvc1 | At User3 |
ISrvc1 | Stream3.1 With Rights3.2 | User3 | ||
User3 | MM-Animate | Persona3.1 With (Stream3.1, MRights3.3) | LSrvc1 | At User3 |
LSrvc1 | Rights3.3 | User3 | ||
User2 | MM-Send | Speech2.1 With (Qualifier, MRights3.4) | LSrvc1 | At User2 |
LSrvc1 | Rights2.4 | At User2 | ||
User3 | Interpret | With (Interpretation3.1, Transaction3.1, MRights3.4) | ITSrvc1 | At User3 |
ITSrvc1 | Rights3.4 | User3 | ||
User3 | MM-Send | Speech3.1 With (Qualifier, MRights3.5) | LSrvc1 | At User3 |
LSrvc1 | Rights3.5 | At User3 | ||
User1 | MM-Add | Summary1.1 With (Qualifier, Rights1.3) At MLoc1.3 | LSrvc1 | At User1 |
LSrvc1 | User1 |
4.3 Elementary Messages
Table 7 gives the list of Actions and Items used by the Virtual Meeting Use Case. For simplicity, the Actions implied by the Track Action have not been added to the Table.
Table 7 – Elementary Messages
S-Proc | Action | S-Complements | D-Proc | D-Complements |
User | Authors | With (Data, Qualifier, MRights) | ASrvc | At User |
ASrvc | Room With Rights | User | ||
User | Transact | With Transaction | User | At User |
TSrvc | User | |||
User | MM-Add | Room With (Qualifier, MRights) At MLoc | LSrvc | At User |
LSrvc | Rights | User | ||
User | Execute | Anim With (Persona, MRights), At MLoc | Esrvc | At User |
ESrvc | Rights | User | ||
Device | UM-Capture | MediaAt ULoc | Device | MData At Device |
Device | Data With (Qualifier, Rights) | Device | ||
Device | Identify | Data With (Qualifier, MRights) | ISrvc | At User |
ISrvc | Stream With Rights | User | ||
User | MM-Animate | Persona With (Stream, MRights) | LSrvc | At User |
LSrvc | Rights | User | ||
User | MM-Send | Speech With (Qualifier, MRights4) | LSrvc | At User |
LSrvc | Rights | At User | ||
User3 | Interpret | With (Interpretation, Transaction, MRights) | ITSrvc | At User |
ITSrvc | Rights | User | ||
User | MM-Add | Summary With (Qualifier, Rights) At MLoc | LSrvc | At User |
LSrvc | User |
5 Hybrid working
5.1 Description
A company applies a mixed in-presence and remote working policy.
- Workers attend Company
- Physically (R-Workers).
- Virtually (V-Workers).
- All Workers
- Are Authenticated.
- Are also present in the Virtual office if physically present.
- Communicate by sharing AV messages (Communication of R-Workers’ Personae is also mapped to the M-Environment).
- Participate in Virtual meetings where a whiteboard is placed.
5.2 MMM-Script representation
Declare | User1 | // Company manager // |
AVObject1.1 | // Office // | |
MLoc1.1 | // Office Location // | |
AVPersona1.1 | // Office Gatekeeper // | |
MLoc1.2 | // Place for Gatekeeper // | |
Declare | Process1 | //Animates Office Gatekeeper // |
Declare | User2 | // R-Worker // |
AVPersona2.1 | // R-Worker’s Persona (R-Persona) // | |
MLoc2.1 | // Home (R-Worker) // | |
MLoc2.2 | // Place of R-Worker’s Office desk // | |
MLoc2.3 | // Place in meeting room | |
AVObject2.1 | // Whiteboard // | |
MLoc2.4 | // Place for Whiteboard // | |
Declare | Process2 | // Animates Whiteboard // |
Declare | User3 | // V-Worker #1 // |
AVPersona3.1 | // V-Worker’s Persona (V-Persona) // | |
MLoc3.1 | // V-Worker’s home // | |
MLoc3.2 | // Place for V-Worker’s desk // | |
SObject3.1 | // Speech Object// | |
MLoc3.3 | // Place close to R-Worker’s virtual desk // | |
MLoc3.4 | // Place#7 in meeting room // |
ProcessA | Action | Item | Indirect Item or Process |
Manager | MM-Embeds | Office | At MLoc1.1 With SA |
MM-Embeds | AVPersona1.1 | At MLoc1.2 With SA | |
MM-Animates | AVPersona1.1 | ||
User2 | Tracks | AVPersona2.1 | At MLoc2.1 With SA |
User1 | Authenticates | human2 | At User1 |
User3 | Tracks | AVPersona3.1 | At MLoc3.1 With SA |
MM-Embeds | V-Persona | At MLoc3.2 With SA | |
MM-Sends | SObject3.1 | To User2 | |
MM-Embeds | AVPersona3.1 | At MLoc3.3 With SA | |
MM-Disables | AVPersona3.1 | From MLoc3.2 | |
MM-Embeds | AVPersona3.1 | At MLoc3.4 With SA | |
MM-Disables | AVPersona3.1 | From MLoc3.3 | |
User2 | MM-Embeds | AVPersona2.1 | At MLoc2.2 With SA |
MM-Disables | AVPersona2.1 | From MLoc2.1 | |
MM-Embeds | AVObject2.1 | At MLoc2.2 With SA | |
MM-Disables | AVPersona2.1 | From MLoc2.2 | |
V-Worker | MM-Embeds | V-Persona | At MLoc3.1 With SA |
MM-Disables | V-Persona | From MLoc3.4 |
5.3 Actions, Items, and Data Types
Table 8 – Hybrid Working Actions and Items
Actions | Items |
MM-Animate | AObject |
MM-Disable | AVHObject |
MM-Embed | AVPersona |
MM-Send | Coordinates |
Track | M-Location |
Orientation | |
Position | |
Spatial Attitude |
6 eSports Tournament
6.1 Description
- Site manager
- Develops a game landscape.
- Makes it available to a game manager.
- Game manager
- Deploys autonomous characters.
- Places virtual cameras and microphones in the landscape.
- Captured AV from game landscape is displayed onto a dome screen and streamed online.
6.2 MMM-Script representation
Declare | User1 | // Site Manager // |
AVHObject1 | // Game landscape | |
MLoc1.1 | // Game Location // | |
Declare | Service1 | // Author Service // |
Declare | User2 | // Game manager // |
Value1 | // Game Location Renting Fees // | |
Personae2.i | //Autonomous characters // | |
M-Loc2.i | // Places in Game landscape // | |
Scene2.1 | //Game’s Scene // | |
Declare | Userj | // Players // |
Personaej.1 | // Players’ characters // | |
M-Locj.1 | // Location in Game landscape // | |
Declare | Processi | // Animates i-th Autonomous character // |
Device1 | // Microphone/Camera control | |
Declare | Service2 | // Operates Microphone/Camera control // |
Declare | Device2 | //Dome screen // |
Declare | Devicek | // Online Device of human // |
ProcessA | Action | Item | Secondary Item – Process |
User1 | Authors | AVHObject1 | By Service1 With Data At Service1 |
MM-Embeds | AVHObject1 | From Service1 At MLoc1.1 With SA | |
User2 | Transacts | Value1 | To User1 |
MM-Embeds | Personae2.i | At M-Loc2.i With SA | |
MM-Animates | Personae2.i | ||
Userj | Tracks | Personaej.1 | At M-Loc2.i With SA |
User2 | Calls | Service2 | To Device1 |
User2 | MU-Renders | Scene2.1 | At Device2 |
At Devicek |
6.3 Actions, Items, and Data Types
Table 9 – eSports Tournament Actions, Items, and Data Types.
Actions | Items |
Author | AVHObject |
MM-Animate | AVHPersona |
MM-Embed | AVHScene |
MU-Render | Coordinates |
Track | Currency |
Transact | M-Location |
Orientation | |
Position | |
Spatial Attitude | |
U-Location | |
Value |
7 Virtual performance
7.1 Description
- Impresario:
- Acquires Rights to parcel.
- Authors Auditorium
- Embeds Auditorium on Parcel.
- Participant
- Buys a ticket for an event with the right to stay close to the performance stage for 5 minutes.
- Utters a private speech to another participant.
- Impresario:
- Collects participants’ preferences.
- Interprets participants’ mood (Participants Status).
- Generates special effects based on preferences and Participants Status.
7.2 MMM-Script representation
Declare: | User1 | // Impresario // |
Value1.1 | // Payment for Land Parcel // | |
AVObject1 | // Auditorium // | |
Value1.2 | // Payment for Auditorium authoring // | |
M-Loc1.1 | // Parcel// | |
AObject1.i | // SFX // | |
M-Loc1.i | // SFX Places on Auditorium // | |
Value1.3 | // Consideration for Performance // | |
PersonalStatus1.i | // Status of i-th event participants // | |
Declare: | Service1 | // Content Authoring // |
Declare: | Service2 | // Preference Collection // |
Declare | Service3 | // Parcel Service // |
Declare: | User2 | // Performer // |
AVPersona2.1 | // Performer’s Persona | |
M-Loc2.1 | // Performer’s home // | |
M-Loc2.2 | // Stage in Auditorium // | |
Declare: | User3 | // Participant #1// |
AVPersona3.1 | // Participant#1’s Persona // | |
M-Loc3.1 | // Home // | |
M-Loc3.2 | // Seat#1 in Auditorium // | |
Scene3.1 | // Scene of Stage // | |
SObject3.1 | // Speech Object /// | |
Value3.1 | // Ticket#1 to event // | |
Declare | User4 | // Participant#2// |
AVPersona1 | //Participant#2’s Persona // | |
M-Loc1 | // Participant#2’s Home // | |
M-Loc2 | // Seat#2 in Auditorium // | |
Value1 | // Ticket#2 to event // | |
Declare: | User5 | // Land Parcel owner // |
ServiceA | Action | Item | Secondary Item – Process |
User1 | Transacts | Value1.1 | To Service3 |
Authors | Auditorium | By Service1 With Data At Service1 | |
Transacts | Value1.2 | To Service1 | |
MM-Embeds | AVObject1.1 | From Service1 At M-Loc1.1 With SA | |
Calls | Service2 | At Service2 | |
User2 | Tracks | AVPersona2.1 | At M-Loc2.1 With SA |
MM-Embeds | AVPersona2.1 | At M-Loc2.2 With SA | |
MM-Disables | AVPersona2.1 | From M-Loc2.1 | |
User3 | Tracks | AVPersona3.1 | At M-Loc3.1 With SA |
Transacts | Value3.1 | At User1 | |
MM-Embeds | Persona3.1 | At M-Loc3.2 With SA | |
MM-Disables | AVPersona3.1 | From M-Loc3.1 | |
User4 | Tracks | AVPersona4.1 | At M-Loc4.1 With SA |
Transacts | Value3.1 | At User1 | |
Embeds | AVPersona4.1 | At M-Loc4.2 With SA | |
MM-Disables | AVPersona4.1 | From M-Loc4.1 | |
User3 | MM-Sends | SObject3.1 | To User4 |
Calls | Service2 | At Service2 | |
MM-Sends | Scene3.1 | To User3 | |
User1 | Calls | Service2 | At User1 |
Interprets | PersonalStatus1.i | At User1 | |
MM-Embeds | AObject1.i | At M-Loc1.i With SA | |
Transacts | Value1.3 | To User2 | |
User2 | MM-Embeds | AVPersona2.1 | At M-Loc2.1 With SA |
MM-Disables | AVPersona2.1 | From M-Loc2.2 | |
User3 | MM-Embeds | AVPersona3.1 | At M-Loc3.1 With SA |
MM-Disables | AVPersona3.1 | From M-Loc3.2 | |
User4 | MM-Embeds | AVPersona4.1 | At M-Loc4.1 With SA |
MM-Disables | AVPersona4.1 | From M-Loc4.2 |
7.3 Actions and Items
Table 10 – Virtual Event Actions and Items.
Actions | Items |
Author | AObject |
Interpret | AVObject |
MM-Disable | AVPersona |
MM-Embed | Coordinates |
MM-Send | Currency |
Track | M-Location |
Transact | Orientation |
Participants Status | |
Position | |
Spatial Attitude | |
Value |
8 AR Tourist Guide
8.1 Description
In this Use Case human3 (AR Tourist Guide Service Provider) engages the following humans:
- human1 to cause their User1 to buy a virtual parcel and develop a virtual landscape suitable for a tourist application.
- human2 to cause their User2 to develop scenes and autonomous agents for the different places of the landscape.
- human4 to create an app that alerts the holder of a smart phone running the app.
- human5 holding a smart phone with the app to perceive Entities and interact with Personae MM-Embedded at M-Locations and MM-Animated.
8.2 MMM-Script representation
Declare | User1 | // Virtual Land developer// |
MLoc1.1 | // Land Parcel // | |
AVObject1.1 | // Landscape // | |
Value1.1 | // Payment for Land Parcel // | |
Declare | Service1 | // Authoring Service // |
Declare | User2 | // Object developer // |
AVObject2.i | // Objects for landscape // | |
MLoc2.i | // Where Objects are placed // | |
Value2.1 | // Payment for AVObjects2.i // | |
Declare | User3 | // Tourist application developer // |
Value3.1 | // Payment for populated landscape // | |
Persona3.k | // Persona to be MM-Animated // | |
MLoc3.k | // correspondent to ULoc3.k // | |
ULoc3.k | // ULoc where App reacts // | |
Declare | human4 | // Software developer // |
Map4.1 | // Universe Metaverse Map for mobile app // | |
Value4.1 | // Payment for Map and App // | |
Declare | human5 | // holds Device running human4’s App // |
User5 | // User of human5 // | |
Declare | App1 | // Installed on Device1 // |
Message1.1 | // From App1 to User4 // | |
Declare | User6 | // Land Parcel Rights holder // |
ProcessA | Action | Item | Secondary Item or Process |
User1 | Transacts | Value1.1 | To User6 |
Authors | AVObject1.i | At Service1 | |
Embeds | Object(V)1.1 | At MLoc1.1 With SA | |
User2 | Transacts | Value2.1 | To User1 |
Authors | AVObject2.1 | At Service1 | |
MM-Embeds | AVObject2.1 | From Service1 At MLoc2.i With SA | |
User3 | Transacts | Value3.1 | To User2 |
Authors | AVPersonae3.i | At Service1 | |
MM-Embeds | AVPersonae3.i | From Service1 At MLoc2.i With SA | |
MM-Animates | MLoc Personae3.i | ||
human4 | develops | Uni-Metaverse Map | |
develops | App | ||
sells | Map and App | To human3 | |
human5 | arrives | At U-Loc3.i | |
App1 | MM-Sends | Message1.1 | To Device |
User4 | MM-Animates | Persona3.i | At MLoc3.i |
User5 | MU-Renders | Animated Persona | At U-Loc3.i |
8.3 Actions and Items
Table 11 – AR Tourist Guide Actions and Items.
Actions | Items |
Author | Coordinates |
Author | Currency |
MM-Animate | Map |
MM-Animate | Message |
MM-Embed | M-Location |
MM-Send | Object(AV) |
MU-Render | Object(V) |
MM-Send | Orientation |
Transact | Persona |
Position | |
Service | |
Spatial Attitude | |
U-Location | |
Value |
9 Virtual Dance
9.1 Description
This Use Cases envisages that:
- Dance teacher places their virtual secretary Persona animated by an autonomous agent in the dance school.
- Student #1:
- Shows up at school.
- Greets the secretary.
- Virtual secretary reciprocates greetings.
- Dance teacher:
- Places a haptic Persona of theirs in the dance school.
- Dances with student #1.
- Student #2:
- Is at home.
- Shows up at school.
- Teacher:
- Places their haptic Persona close to student #2.
- Places (replaces) another haptic Persona of theirs close to student #1.
- Animates the new haptic Persona with autonomous agent dancing with student #1.
- Dances with student #2.
9.2 MMM-Script representation
Declare | User1 | // Dance teacher // |
AVHPersona1.1 | // Dancing persona#1 // | |
MLoc1.1 | // Place#1 (Teacher’s Office) // | |
AVHPersona1.2 | // School Secretary // | |
MLoc1.2 | // Place#2 (Dancing School // | |
AVH Persona1.3 | // Dancing persona#2 // | |
MLoc1.3 | // Place#3 (dancing area) // | |
SObject1 | // Speech Object#2 (Greetings) // | |
MLoc1.4 | // Place#4 (dancing area) // | |
Declare | User2 | // Dance student #1 // |
AVHPersona2.1 | // Student’s Persona/ | |
MLoc2.1 | // Student#1’s home // | |
MLoc2.2 | // Place#5 in dancing area // | |
Declare | User3 | // Dance Student #2 // |
AVHPersona3.1 | // Student’s Persona // | |
MLoc3.1 | // Dance Student#2’s home // | |
MLoc3.2 | // Place#6 in dancing area // |
ProcessA | Action | Item | Secondary Item or Process |
User1 | Tracks | AVHPersona1.1 | At MLoc1.1With SA |
MM-Embeds | AVHPersona1.1 | At MLoc1.2 With SA | |
MM-Embeds | AVHPersona1.2 | At MLoc1.3 With SA | |
MM-Animates | AVHPersona1.2 | ||
User2 | Tracks | AVHPersona2.1 | At User2’s MLoc2.1With SA |
MM-Embeds | AVHPersona2.1 | At MLoc2.2 With SA | |
MM-Disables | AVHPersona2.1 | From MLoc2.1 | |
User1 | MM-Embeds | AVHPersona1.3 | At MLoc1.3 With SA |
User3 | Tracks | AVHPersona3.1 | At MLoc3.1 With SA |
MM-Embeds | AVHPersona3.1 | At MLoc3.2 With SA | |
MM-Disables | AVHPersona3.1 | From MLoc3.1 | |
User1 | Tracks | AVHPersona1.1 | At MLoc1.4 With SA |
MM-Disables | AVHPersona1.1 | From MLoc1.3 | |
Tracks | AVHPersona1.3 | At MLoc1.3 With SA |
9.3 Actions and Items
Table 12 – Virtual Dance Actions and Items.
Actions | Items |
MM-Animate | AObject |
MM-Disable | AVHPersona |
MM-Embed | AVPersona |
MM-Send | M-Location |
Track | Orientation |
Position | |
Spatial Attitude |
10 Virtual Car Showroom
10.1 Description
This Use Cases envisages that:
- A car dealer MM-Embeds an MM-Animated Persona in the car showroom (as attendant).
- A customer:
- MM-Embeds its Persona in the car showroom.
- Greets the showroom attendant.
- The Showroom attendant reciprocates the greeting.
- The dealer:
- UM-Animates the attendant.
- Converses with the customer.
- Embeds a 3D AVH model of a car.
- The customer
- Has a virtual test drive.
- Buys the car.
- Returns home.
10.2 MMM-Script representation
Declare | User1 | // Car dealer // |
AVPersona1.1 | // Car dealer // | |
MLoc1.1 | // Place#1 (Car dealer’s Office) // | |
AVPersona1.2 | //Showroom attendant // | |
MLoc1.2 | // Place#2 (in Showroom) // | |
AObject1 .1 | //Greetings // | |
M-Loc1.2 | // Place#3 (in Showroom) // | |
AVHModel1.1 | // 3D Model of car // | |
Declare | User2 | // Customer // |
AV Persona2.1 | // Customer’s Persona // | |
M-Loc2.1 | // Customer’s home // | |
M-Loc2.2 | // Place#4 in showroom // | |
AVH Persona2.1 | // User2’s Persona for test driving // | |
M-Loc2.3 | // Place#5 (in virtual car) | |
Value2.1 | // Payment for car // | |
U-Loc2.1 | // U-Place#1 (U-Location of Customer) // |
ProcessA | Action | Item | Secondary Item or Process |
User1 | Tracks | AVPersona1.1 | At MLoc1.1 With SA |
MM-Embeds | AVPersona1.2 | At MLoc1.2 With SA | |
MM-Animates | AVPersona1.2 | ||
User2 | Tracks | AVPersona2.1 | At MLoc2.1 With SA |
MMEmbeds | AVPersona2.1 | At MLoc2.2 With SA | |
MMDisables | AVPersona2.1 | From MLoc2.1 | |
User1 | MMSends | Speech Object | To User2 |
MMEmbeds | AVPersona1.1 | At MLoc1.2 With SA | |
MMDisables | AVPersona1.1 | From MLoc2.1 | |
MMEmbeds | AVHModel1.1 | At MLoc2.3 With SA | |
MMAnimates | AVHModel1.1 | ||
User2 | MMEmbeds | AVPersona2.1 | At MLoc2.3 With SA |
MMDisables | AVPersona2.1 | From MLoc2.2 | |
Transacts | Value2.1 | To User1 | |
MMEmbeds | AVPersona2.1 | At MLoc2.1 With SA | |
MMDisables | AVPersona2.1 | From MLoc2.3 |
10.3 Actions and Items
Table 13 – Virtual Car Showroom Actions and Items
Actions | Items |
MM-Animate | Currency |
MM-Disable | AObject |
MM-Embed | Orientation |
MM-Send | AVPersona |
Track | AVHPersona |
Transacts | Position |
AVHScene | |
Spatial Attitude | |
Value |
11 Drive a Connected Autonomous Vehicle
11.1 Description
This Use Case considers some of the steps made by a human having rights to an implementation of Technical Specification: Connected Autonomous Vehicle (MPAI-CAV) – Architecture and Technologies. The Use Case assumes that there are two CAVs: CAVA and CAVB and that the CAVA rights holder (UserA.1) wants to see the CAVB Environment in the CAVB M-Instance and have their Persona joining CAVB‘s cabin:
The human CAVA rights holder Registers with the CAV to access the CAV-created M-Instance by providing:
- The requested subset of their Personal Profile.
- Two User Processes required to operate a CAV:
- UserA.1 to operate the Human-CAV Interaction Subsystem.
- UserA.2 to operate the Autonomous Motion Subsystem.
- UserA.1’s PersonaA.1.1 (representing the human CAV rights-holder).
The workflow then progresses as follows:
- UserA.1
- Authenticates the human’s voice.
- Interprets driving instructions from human.
- Communicates driving instructions to User2.
- UserA.2
- Gets information about CAVA
- Gets travel options from Route Planner.
- Communicates travel options to UserA.1.
- UserA.1
- Produces Speech Object with travel options.
- human
- utters selected option to UserA.1.
- UserA.1
- Interprets driving instructions from human.
- Communicates driving instructions to UserA.2.
- User2
- Gets the Basic Environment Representation from its ESS.
- Authenticates its peer UserB.2 in CAVB.
- Gets elements of CAVB‘s Full Environment Representation from UserB.2 in CAVB.
- Produces Full Environment Representation.
- Sends a command to the Ego CAV’s Motion Actuation Subsystem.
- UserA.1
- Authenticates its peer UserB.1 in CAVB.
- Watches CAVB’s Environment.
- MM-Animates PersonaA.1.1 in CAVB‘s cabin.
11.2 MMM-Script representation
Declare | User1 | Meeting manager |
Room1.1 | Meeting room | |
Transaction1.1 | Transaction effected by Meeting manager | |
MLoc1.1 | Location where meeting room is placed | |
Persona1.1 | Avatar of Virtual Meeting Secretary | |
Anim1.1 | Program animating Virtual Meeting Secretary | |
MLoc1.2 | Place in Room assigned to Virtual Meeting Secretary | |
Summary1.1 | Meeting Summary | |
MLoc1.3 | Place where Summary is displayed. | |
Rights1.1 | Rights to meeting room | |
Rights1.2 | Rights to place meeting room at MLoc1.1 | |
Rights1.3 | Rights to Act on Items produced by executing Anim1.1 | |
Summary1.1 | Summary posted by Executed Amim1.1 | |
Declare | ASrvc1 | Authoring Service. |
Declare | Esrvc1 | Program Execution Service. |
Declare | ITSrvc1 | Interpretation Service. |
Declare | User2 | Meeting participant #1 |
human2 | Human represented by User2 | |
Persona2.1 | Participant #1’s Persona | |
MLoc2.1 | Participant#1’s location in meeting room | |
Speech2.1 | Speech MM-Sent by User2 to User3 | |
Rights2.1 | Rights of Device2 to captured Media as Data | |
Rights2.2 | Rights attached to Stream2.1 | |
Rights2.3 | Rights attached to Animated Persona2.1 | |
Rights2.4 | Rights attached to Speech2.1 | |
Declare | Device2 | Device of human2 |
Declare | User3 | Meeting participant #2 |
Persona3.1 | Persona of Persona3.1 | |
MLoc3.1 | Place assigned to Persona3.1 | |
Speech3.1 | Speech Object MM-Sent by User3 | |
Rights3.1 | Rights attached to Persona3.1 to be placed at MLoc3.1 | |
Rights3.2 | Rights attached to Stream3.1 | |
Rights3.3 | Rights attached to MM-Animated Persona3.1 | |
Rights3.4 | Rights attached to Interpretation3.1 | |
Rights3.5 | Rights attached to Speech3.1 | |
Declare | ITSrvc1 | Interpretation Service |
S-Proc. | Action | S-Complements | D-Proc. | D-Compl. |
User1 | Authors | With (Data1.1, Qualifier, MRights1.1) | ASrvc1 | At User1 |
ASrvc1 | Room1.1 With Rights1.1 | User1 | ||
User1 | Transact | With Transaction1.1 | User2 | At User1 |
TSrvc1 | User1 | |||
User1 | MM-Add | Room1.1 With (Qualifier, MRights1.2) At MLoc1.1 | LSrvc1 | At User1 |
LSrvc1 | Rights1.2 | User1 | ||
User1 | MM-Add | Persona1.1 With (Qualifier, MRights1.1) At MLoc1.2 | LSrvc1 | At User1 |
LSrvc1 | User1 | |||
User1 | Execute | Anim1.1 With (Persona1.1, MRights1.3), At MLoc1.2 | Esrvc1 | At User1 |
ESrvc1 | Rights1.3 | User1 | ||
User2 | MM-Add | Persona2.1 With (Qualifier, MRights2.1) At MLoc2.1 | LSrvc1 | |
LSrvc1 | Rights2.1 | User2 | ||
Device2 | UM-Capture | Media2.1 At ULoc2.1 | Device2 | MData2.1 At Device2 |
Device2 | Data2.1 With (Qualifier, Rights2.1) | Device2 | ||
Device2 | Identify | Data2.1 With (Qualifier, MRights2.2) | ISrvc1 | At User2 |
ISrvc1 | Stream2.1 With Rights2.2 | User2 | ||
User2 | MM-Animate | Persona2.1 With (Stream2.1, MRights2.3) | LSrvc1 | At User2 |
LSrvc1 | Rights2.3 | User2 | ||
User3 | MM-Add | Persona3.1 With (Qualifier, MRights3.1) At MLoc3.1 | LSrvc1 | At User3 |
LSrvc1 | Rights3.1 | User3 | ||
Device3 | UM-Capture | Media3.1 At ULoc3.1 | Device3 | MData3.1 At Device3 |
Device3 | Data3.1 With (Qualifier, Rights3.1) | Device3 | ||
Device3 | Identify | Data3.1 With (Qualifier, MRights3.2) | ISrvc1 | At User3 |
ISrvc1 | Stream3.1 With Rights3.2 | User3 | ||
User3 | MM-Animate | Persona3.1 With (Stream3.1, MRights3.3) | LSrvc1 | At User3 |
LSrvc1 | Rights3.3 | User3 | ||
User2 | MM-Send | Speech2.1 With (Qualifier, MRights3.4) | LSrvc1 | At User2 |
LSrvc1 | Rights2.4 | At User2 | ||
User3 | Interpret | With (Interpretation3.1, Transaction3.1, MRights3.4) | ITSrvc1 | At User3 |
ITSrvc1 | Rights3.4 | User3 | ||
User3 | MM-Send | Speech3.1 With (Qualifier, MRights3.5) | LSrvc1 | At User3 |
LSrvc1 | Rights3.5 | At User3 | ||
User1 | MM-Add | Summary1.1 With (Qualifier, Rights1.3) At MLoc1.3 | LSrvc1 | At User1 |
LSrvc1 | User1 |
11.3 Actions, Items, and Data Types
Note: The MPAI-CAV specific Items are included. New application-dependent Items and Processes are needed.
Table 14 – Drive a Connected Autonomous Vehicle Actions, Items, and Data Types.
Action | Item | Data Types |
Authenticate | AMS-HCIR Message | Spatial Attitude |
Interpret | AMS-MAS Message | Coordinates |
MM-Embed | Environment Representation | Orientation |
MM-Send | Ego-Remote HCI Message | Position |
MU-Render | Ego-Remote AMS Message | |
Register | M-Location | |
Request | Audio Object | |
Track | Audio-Visual Object | |
UM-Render | Path | |
Persona | ||
Route | ||
Scene | ||
Trajectory |
12. Co-design across metaverses
12.1 Description
CompanyA operating in M-InstanceA has commissioned the design of a new car to CompanyB operating in M-InstanceB.
UserB1 is a CompanyB employee tasked with the design of the Car Model represented by a Visual Object composed of different Visual Objects and Basic Visual Objects. Each Basic Visual Object is accompanied by a Qualifier providing colour, transparency and other properties.
A regular progress meeting has three participants:
- UserA1 and UserA2.
- UserB1, the designer of the car who has full Rights on the car.
with the following workflow:
- UserB1
- MM-Embeds Car Model at MLocB1. This contains different options of car elements, e.g., rearview mirrors, dashboard, cabin lights etc. Their visibility is controlled by their Qualifiers’ alpha channels.
- Grants Rights to UserA1 to Modify the designed car.
- UserA1 initiates a session with Resolution ServiceA1 to interact with M-InstanceB.
- UserA1 and UserA2 walk around and look inside the car.
- UserB1 walks with them and illustrates the features of the Car Model.
- UserA1 assesses the results of selecting different options, e.g.,
- MM-Disables RearviewMirror1.1 (by changing its Qualifier’s alpha channel value)
- MM-Enables RearviewMirror1.2 (by changing its Qualifier’s alpha channel value)
- Change car’s colour (by changing its Qualifier’s colour)
- Resizes objects in car.
12.2 IPP representation
Declare | humanA.1 | Human commissioning Car Model |
Declare | UserA.1 | User representing humanA.1 in MetaverseA |
PersonaA.1.1 | UserA.1.1’s avatar | |
M-LocationA.1.1 | UserA.1.1’s location in MetaverseA | |
ModelRightsA.1.1 | Model Rights on PersonaA.1.1 | |
OutRightsA.1.1 | OutRights on PersonaA.1.1 | |
MediaA.1.1 | Audio-Visual information MM-Captured by DeviceA.1 | |
U-LocationA.1.1 | humanA.1’s location in Universe | |
DataA.1.1 | MediaA.1.1 converted to Data with Qualifier by DeviceA.1 | |
ModelRightsA.1.2 | Model Rights on Item converted from DataA.1.1 and Qualifier | |
OutRightsA.1.2 | OutRights on StreamA.1.1 Item from DataA.1.1 and Qualifier | |
ModelRightsA.1.3 | Model Rights on MM-Animated PersonaA.1.1 | |
OutRightsA.1.3 | OutRights on MM-Animated PersonaA.1.1 | |
ModelRightsA.1.4 | Model Rights on RVMirrorA.1.1 | |
OutRightsA.1.4 | OutRights on RVMirrorA.1.1 | |
ModelRightsA.1.5 | Model Rights on RVMirrorA.1.2 | |
OutRightsA.1.5 | OutRights on RVMirrorA.1.2 | |
ResolutionA.1.1 | Resolution Item sent by UserA.1 to Resolution ServiceA.1 | |
ModelRightsA.1.6 | Model Rights on ModelCarB.1.1 | |
OutRightsA.1.6 | OutRights on ModelCarB.1.1 | |
ModelRightsA.1.7 | New Model Rights on ModelCarB.1.1 | |
OutRightsA.1.7 | New OutRights on ModelCarB.1.1 | |
Declare | DeviceA.1 | Device used by humanA.1 |
Declare | Location ServiceA.1.1 | Location Service of MetaverseA |
Declare | Identication ServiceA.1.1 | Identification Service of MetaverseA |
Declare | Resolution ServiceA.1 | Resolution Service of MetaverseA |
Declare | humanB.1 | Human designing Car Model |
Declare | UserB.1 | User representing humanB.1 in MetaverseB |
PersonaB.1.1 | UserAB.1.1’s avatar | |
M-LocationB.1.1 | UserB.1.1’s location in MetaverseB | |
ModelRightsB.1.1 | Model Rights on PersonaB.1.1 | |
OutRightsB.1.1 | OutRights on PersonaB.1.1 | |
MediaB.1.1 | Audio-Visual information MM-Captured by DeviceB.1 | |
U-LocationB.1.1 | humanB.1’s location in Universe | |
DataB.1.1 | MediaB.1.1 converted to Data with Qualifier by DeviceB.1 | |
ModelRightsB.1.2 | Model Rights on Item converted from DataB.1.1 and Qualifier | |
OutRightsB.1.2 | OutRights on StreamB.1.1 Item from DataB.1.1 and Qualifier | |
ModelRightsB.1.3 | Model Rights on MM-Animated PersonaB.1.1 | |
OutRightsB.1.3 | OutRights on MM-Animated PersonaB.1.1 | |
ModelCarB.1.1 | 3D-Model Object of Car Model | |
RearViewMirror B.1.1 | First Rearview Mirror | |
RearViewMirror B.1.2 | Second Rearview Mirror | |
Declare | DeviceB.1 | Device used by humanB.1 |
Declare | Location ServiceB.1.1 | Location Service of MetaverseB |
Declare | Identication ServiceB.1.1 | Identification Service of MetaverseB |
Msg | Res | S-Proc. | Action | Item/Proc. | S-Complements | D-Proc. | D-Complements | Ack |
M1S | UserA.1 | MM-Embeds | PersA.1.1 | At MLocA.1.1 With SA | LSrvcA.1 | At UserA.1 With MRightsA.1.1 | ||
M1R | M1s | LSrvcA.1 | With OutRightsA.1.1 | UserA.1 | Ack | |||
M2S | DeviceA.1 | UM-Capture | MediaA.1.1 | At ULocA.1.1 With SA | ||||
M3S | DeviceA.1 | Identify | DataA.1.1 | With Qualifier | ISrvcA.1 | At UserA.1 With MRightsA.1.2 | ||
M3R | M3S | ISrvcA.1 | With OutRightsA.1.2 | UserA.1 | Ack | |||
M4S | UserA.1 | MM-Animate | PersonaA.1.1 | With StreamA.1.1 | LSrvcA.1 | At UserA.1 With MRightsA.1.3 | ||
M4R | M4S | LSrvcA.1 | With OutRightsA.1.3 | UserA.1 | Ack | |||
M5S | UserbB.1 | MM-Embeds | PersB.1.1 | At MLocB.1.1 With SA | LSrvcB.1 | At UserB.1 With MRightsB.1.1 | ||
M5R | M5s | LSrvcB.1 | With OutRightsB.1.1 | UserB.1 | Ack | |||
M6S | DeviceB.1 | UM-Capture | MediaB.1.1 | At ULocB.1.1 With SA | ||||
M7S | DeviceB.1 | Identify | DataB.1.1 | With Qualifier | ISrvcB.1 | At UserB.1 With MRightsB.1.2 | ||
M7R | M7S | ISrvcB.1 | With OutRightsB.1.2 | UserB.1 | Ack | |||
M8S | UserB.1 | MM-Animate | PersonaB.1.1 | With StreamB.1.1 | LSrvcB.1 | At UserB.1 With MRightsB.1.3 | ||
M8R | M8S | LSrvcB.1 | With OutRightsB.1.3 | UserB.1 | Ack | |||
M9S | UserA.1 | Resolve | With ResolutionA.1.1 | RSvrcA.1 | At UserA.1 | |||
M10S | RSvrcA.1 | Resolve | With ResolutionA.1.1 | RSvrcB.1 | At RSvrcA.1 | |||
M11S | RSvrcB.1 | Resolve | With ResolutionA.1.1 | UserB.1 | At RSvrcB.1 | |||
M11R | M11S | UserB.1 | With ResolutionA.1.2 | RSvrcB.1 | Ack | |||
M12R | M12S | RSvrcB.1 | With ResolutionA.1.2 | RSvrcA.1 | Ack | |||
M13R | M13S | RSvrcA.1 | With ResolutionA.1.2 | RSvrcA.1 | Ack | |||
M14R | M14S | RSvrcA.1 | With ResolutionA.1.2 | UserA.1 | ||||
M15S | UserA.1 | MM-Embed | MdlCarB.1.1 | At MLocB.1.1 With SA | LServB.1 | At UserB.1 With MRightsB.1.1 | Ack | |
M16R | M16S | LServB.1 | With OutRightsA.1.1 | UserB.1 | Ack | |||
M17S | UserA.1 | MM-Disable | RVMirrorA.1.1 | LServA.1 | At UserA.1 With MRightsA.1.2 | |||
M18R | M18S | LServA.1 | With OutRightsA.1.2 | UserA.1 | Ack | |||
M19S | UserA.1 | MM-Enable | RVMirrorA.1.2 | LServA.1 | At UserA.1 With MRightsA.1.3 | |||
M19R | M19S | LServA.1 | With OutRightsA.1.3 | UserA.1 | Ack | |||
M20S | UserA.1 | MM-Enable | MdlCarB.1.1 | With Qualifier | IServA.1 | At UserA.1 With MRightsA.1.4 | ||
M20R | M20S | LServA.1 | With OutRightsA.1.5 | UserA.1 | Ack | |||
M21S | UserA.1 | MM-Enable | MdlCarB.1.1 | With Qualifier | IServA.1 | At UserA.1 With MRightsA.1.5 | ||
M22R | M22S | LServA.1 | With OutRightsA.1.5 | UserA.1 | Ack |