1      Definition

A Data Type representing an Object’s Position, Orientation and their velocity and acceleration.

2      Functional Requirements

  • The Position of an Object is that of a representative point in the Object.
  • Cartesian and Polar Coordinate Systems are supported.
  • The following media used types are supported: Audio; Visual; Audio-Visual; Haptic; Smell; RADAR; LiDAR; Ultrasound.
  • Error is measured as a percentage of the value of each of CartPosition, SpherPosition, Orientation, CartVelocity, SpherVelocity, OrientVelocity, CartAccel, SpherAccel, OrientAccel.
  • Error is assumed to be the same for the three components of each value set.

3      Syntax


1.1.4      Semantics

Table 2 provides the semantics of the components of the Spatial Attitude. The following should be noted:

  1. Each of Position, Velocity, and Acceleration is provided either in Cartesian (X,Y,Z) or Spherical (r,φ,θ) Coordinates.
  2. The Euler angles are indicated by (α,β,γ).

Table 2 – Semantics

Header N1 Bytes
·       Standard-Spatial Attitude 9 Bytes The characters “OSD-OSA-V”
·       Version N2 Bytes Major version – 1 or 2 characters
·       Dot-separator 1 Byte The character “.”
·       Subversion N3 Bytes Minor version – 1 or 2 characters
ObjectSpatialAttitudeID N4 Bytes  Identifier of Object Spatial Attitude.
·       CoordType bit 0 0: Cartesian, 1: Spherical
·       ObjectTypeID bit 1-2 00: Digital Human

01: Generic

10 and 11: reserved

·       MediaTypeID bit 3-5 000: Audio; 001: Visual; 010: Audio-Visual; 011: Haptic; 100: Smell; 101: RADAR; 110 LiDAR; 111: Ultrasound.
·       Precision bit 6 0: single precision; 1: double precision
·       Reserved bit 7 reserved
·       SpatialAttitudeMask 2 Bytes 3*3 matrix of booleans (by rows)

Position Velocity Acceleration
Position and Orientation
·       CartPosition (X,Y,Z) 12/24 Bytes Array (in metres)
·       SpherPosition (r,φ,θ) 12/24 Bytes Array (in metres and degrees)
·       Orient (α,β,γ) 12/24 Bytes Array (in degrees)
Velocity of Position and Orientation
·       CartVelocity (X,Y,Z) 12/24 Bytes Array (in metres)
·       SpherVelocity (r,φ,θ) 12/24 Bytes Array (in metres and degrees)
·       OrientVelocity (α,β,γ) 12/24 Bytes Array (in degrees)
Acceleration of Position and Orientation
·       CartAccel (X,Y,Z) 12/24 Bytes Array (in metres)
·       SpherAccel (r,φ,θ) 12/24 Bytes Array (in metres and degrees)
·       OrientAccel (α,β,γ) 12/24 Bytes Array (in degrees)
·       ErrCartPosition N5 Bytes Err/CartPosition*100
·       ErrSpherPosition N6 Bytes Err/SpherPosition*100
·       ErrOrientation N7 Bytes Err/Orientation*100
·       ErrCartVelocity N8 Bytes Err/CartVelocity*100
·       ErrSpherVelocity N9 Bytes Err/SpherVelocity*100
·       ErrOrientVelocity N10 Bytes Err/OrientVelocity*100
·       ErrCartAccel N11 Bytes Err/CartAccel*100
·       ErrSpherAccel N12 Bytes Err/SpherAccel*100
·       ErrOrientAccel N13 Bytes Err/OrientAccel*100

1.1.5      Data Types

Object Types, Media Types, and Coordinate Types are required.

1.1.6      To Respondents

Respondents are requested to comment on Functional Requirements and Object Type ID, Media Type ID, and Coordinate Type ID.