1     Functions

Visual Object Identification (OSD-VOI):

Receives Visual Scene Geometry
Visual Objects
Body Descriptors
Produces Visual Instance ID that identifies a Visual Object in the Scene that belongs to some level in a taxonomy.

3      Reference Architecture

Figure 1 depicts the Visual Direction Identification (OSD-VOI) AIM.

Figure  – The Visual Direction Identification (OSD-VOI) AIM

4      I/O Data

Table 1 specifies the Input and Output Data of the Visual Object Identification AIM.

Table 1 – I/O Data of the Visual Object Identification AIM

Input Description
Body Descriptors The Descriptors of the Body Objects of Entities in the Visual Scene.
Visual Scene Geometry The digital representation of the spatial arrangement of the Visual Objects of the Scene.
Visual Object The Visual Objects in the Visual Scene that are not Entities.
Output Description
Visual Instance Identifier The Identifier of the specific Visual Object belonging to a level in the taxonomy.

5      SubAIMs

Visual Direction Identification (OSD-VOI) is a Composite AIM as depicted in Figure 2.

Figure 2 – The Visual Direction Identification (OSD-VOI) Composite AIM

Note that the Visual Direction Identification AIM can parse either an AV Scene Geometry or its Visual Scene Geometry subset.

The AIMs composing the Visual Direction Identification (OSD-VOI) Composite AIM are:

AIMs Names
OSD-VOI Visual Object Identification
OSD-VDI Visual Direction Identification
OSD-VOE Visual Object Extraction
OSD-VII Visual Instance Identification

6     JSON Metadata
