1      Definition

A Data Type representing an Object’s  orientation, velocity, and acceleration.

2      Functional Requirements

  • The Orientation of an Object is that of the principal axis of an Object.
  • The following media types are supported: Audio; Visual; Audio-Visual; Haptic; Smell; RADAR; LiDAR; Ultrasound.
  • Error is the estimated error in the measured value of each of  Orientation,  OrientVelocity, and OrientAccel.
  • Error is assumed to be the same for the three components of each value set.

3      Syntax


4      Semantics

Table 1 provides the semantics of the components of Orientation. It should be noted that the Euler angles are indicated by (α,β,γ).

Table 1 – Semantics of Orientation

Header N1 Bytes
– Standard-Orientation 9 Bytes The characters “OSD-OOR-V”
– Version N2 Bytes Major version – 1 or 2 characters
– Dot-separator 1 Byte The character “.”
– Subversion N3 Bytes Minor version – 1 or 2 characters
ObjectOrientationID N4 Bytes  Identifier of Object Orientation.
General N5 Bytes Set of general data
– CoordType N6 Bytes One of Cartesian, Spherical, Geodesic, Toroidal.
– ObjectType N7 Bytes One of Digital Human, Generic.
– MediaType N8 Bytes One of Speech, Audio, Visual, Audio-Visual, Haptic, Smell, RADAR, LiDAR, Ultrasound.
– Precision N9 Bytes One of single precision, double precision
– Orient (α,β,γ) 12/24 Bytes Array (in degrees)
Velocity of Orientation
– OrientVelocity (α,β,γ) 12/24 Bytes Array (in degrees/s)
Acceleration of Orientation
– OrientAccel (α,β,γ) 12/24 Bytes Array (in degrees/s2)
– ErrOrientation N10 Bytes Error of Orientation
– ErrOrientVelocity N11 Bytes Error of OrientVelocity
– ErrOrientAccel N12 Bytes Error of OrientAccel
DescrMetadata N13 Bytes Descriptive Metadata