1      Definition

Position and Orientation of an Object, e.g., a Virtual Human in a Virtual Environment.

2      Functional Requirements

The static subset of Spatial Attitude.

3      Syntax


4      Semantics

Table 1 provides the semantics of the components of Point of View. The following should be noted:

  1. Each of Position, Velocity, and Acceleration is provided either in Cartesian (X,Y,Z) or Spherical (r,φ,θ) Coordinates.
  2. The Euler angles are indicated by (α,β,γ).

Table 1 – Semantics of Point of View

Header N1 Bytes Point of View Data Type header
·       Standard-Point of View 9 Bytes The characters “OSD-OSA-V”
·       Version N2 Bytes Major version – 1 or 2 characters
·       Dot-separator 1 Byte The character “.”
·       Subversion N3 Bytes Minor version – 1 or 2 characters
ObjectPointOfViewID N4 Bytes  Identifier of Object Point of View.
·       CoordType bit 0 0: Cartesian, 1: Spherical
·       ObjectType bit 1-2 00: Digital Human

01: Generic

10 and 11: reserved

·       MediaType bit 3-5 000: Audio; 001: Visual; 010: Audio-Visual; 011: Haptic; 100: Smell; 101: RADAR; 110 LiDAR; 111: Ultrasound.
·       Precision bit 6 0: single precision; 1: double precision
·       Reserved bit 7 reserved
·       PointOfViewMask 2 Bytes Vector of booleans

Position and Orientation
·       CartPosition (X,Y,Z) 12/24 Bytes Array (in metres)
·       SpherPosition (r,φ,θ) 12/24 Bytes Array (in metres and degrees)
·       Orient (α,β,γ) 12/24 Bytes Array (in degrees)
·       ErrCartPosition N5 Bytes Err/CartPosition*100
·       ErrSpherPosition N6 Bytes Err/SpherPosition*100
·       ErrOrientation N7 Bytes Err/Orientation*100
DescrMetadata N8 Bytes Descriptive Metadata