1 Functions
Visual Instance Identification (OSD-VII) V1.3 identifies a Visual Object based on a Taxonomy:
Receives | Visual Object | To be identified. |
Produces | An Instance ID | Identifying an element of a set of Visual Objects belonging to a level in a taxonomy. |
2 Reference Model
Figure 1 specifies the Reference Model of the Visual Instance Identification (OSD-VII) AIM.
Figure 1 – The Visual Instance Identification (OSD-VII) AIM Reference Model
3 Input/Output Data
Table 1 specifies the Input and Output Data of the Visual Instance Identification (OSD-VII) AIM.
Table 1 – I/O Data of Visual Instance Identification (OSD-VII) AIM
Input | Description |
Target Visual Object | The Visual Object crossed by the line traversing the forefinger of the Entity. |
Output | Description |
Visual Instance Identifier | The Identifier of the specific Visual Object belonging to a level in the taxonomy. |
4 SubAIMs
No SubAIMs.
5 JSON Metadata
6 Profiles
No Profiles
7 Reference Software
8 Conformance Testing
Table 2 provides the Conformance Testing Method for OSD-VII AIM.
Note that a schema may contain references to other schemas. In this case, validation of data for the primary schema implies that any data that refers to a secondary schema shall also validate.
Table 2 – Conformance Testing Method for OSD-VII AIM
Receives | Visual Object | Shall validate against Visual Object schema. Visual Data shall conform with Qualifier. |
Produces | Instance ID | Shall validate against Instance ID schema. |
Table 3 provides an example of MMC-AQM AIM conformance testing.
Table 3 – An example MMC-AQM AIM conformance testing
Input Data | Data Type | Input Conformance Testing Data |
Input Image | JPEG | All input Text files to be drawn from Image files. |
Output Data | Data Type | Data Format |
Object Instance ID | Identifier | All Identifiers of Visual Objects shall be represented according to Instance Identifier |