1     Definition 2     Functional Requirements 3     Syntax
4     Semantics 5    Conformance Testing 6     Performance Assessment

1      Definition

Perceptible Entity is one of

  1. Text, Speech, Audio, Visual, 3D Model, and Audio-Visual Object.
  2.  Speech, Audio, Visual, 3D Model, and Audio-Visual Scene.
  3. Audio-Visual Event.

2      Functional Requirements

A Perceptible Entity

  1. Inherits the Functional requirements of Objects, Scenes, and Events listed above.
  2. May include Rights that are Granted to certain Process to perform certain Actions at certain Times and Locations on the Perceptible Entity.

3      Syntax


4      Semantics

Label Size Description
Header N1 Bytes Perceptible Entity Header
– Standard-PerceptibleEntity 9 Bytes The characters “OSD-PCE-V”
– Version N2 Bytes Major version – 1 or 2 Bytes
– Dot-separator 1 Byte The character “.”
– Subversion N3 Bytes Minor version – 1 or 2 Bytes
PerceptibleEntityID N4 Bytes Identifier of Perceptible Entity.
PerceptibleEntity N5 Bytes Anyone of the following Objects, Scenes, or Events.
– TextObject N6 Bytes Intended Text Object
– SpeechObject N7 Bytes Intended Speech Object
– AudioObject N8 Bytes Intended Audio Object
– VisualObject N9 Bytes Intended Visual Object
– 3D Model N10 Bytes Intended 3D Model Object
– AudioVisualObject N11 Bytes Intended Audio-Visual Object
– SpeechScene N12 Bytes Intended Speech Scene
– AudioScene N13 Bytes Intended Audio Scene
– VisualScene N14 Bytes Intended Visual Scene
– 3D Model Scene N15 Bytes Intended 3D Model Scene
– AudioVisualScene N16 Bytes Intended Audio-Visual Scene
– AudioVisualEvent N17 Bytes Intended Audio-Visual Event
– RightsID N18 Bytes Individual Rights ID
– Rights N19 Bytes Individual Rights
DescrMetadata N20 Bytes Descriptive Metadata

5     Conformance Testing

A Data instance Conforms with Perceptible Entity (OSD-PCE) V1.3 if:

  1. The Data validates against the Perceptible Entity’s JSON Schema.
  2. All Data in the  Perceptible Entity’s JSON Schema
    1. Have the specified type
    2. Validate against their JSON Schemas
    3. Conform with their Data Qualifiers if present.

6     Performance Assessment