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1 Function 2 Reference Model 3 Input/Output Data
4 SubAIMs 5 JSON Metadata 6 Profiles
7 Reference Software 8 Conformance Texting 9 Performance Assessment

1 Functions

Personal Status Display (PAF-PSD) V1.4 produces the Portable Avatar corresponding to an Avatar Model speaking a Text Object synthesised with a Speech Model and displaying a Personal Status:

Receives Machine ID ID to be used to identify the Avatar in Portable Avatar.
Text Object Text associated to Avatar in Portable Avatar.
Personal Status Personal Status associated to Avatar in Portable Avatar.
Avatar Model 3D Model associated to Avatar in Portable Avatar.
Speech Model Speech Model Associated to Avatar in Portable Avatar.
Produces Portable Avatar Output Portable Avatar.
Enables PAF-AVR To render the Portable Avatar produced by PAF-PSD.

2 Reference Model

Figure 1 depicts the AIMs implementing the Personal Status Display (PAF-PSD) AIM.

Figure 1 – Reference Model of Personal Status Display (PAF-PSD) AIM

3 Input/Output Data

Table 1 gives the Input/Output Data of Personal Status Display (PAF-PSD).

Table 1 – I/O Data of Personal Status Display

Input data From Description
Avatar ID Upstream AIM Portable Avatar’s ID
Avatar Model Upstream AIM or embedded in PSD Part of Portable Avatar
Text Object Keyboard or upstream AIM Texts of Portable Avatar
Personal Status Personal Status Extraction or Machine To add PS to Speech, Face, and Gesture
Speech Model Upstream AIM or embedded in PSD Neural Network
Output data To Description
Portable Avatar Downstream AIM or renderer As Portable Avatar

4 SubAIMs

Figure 2 gives the Reference Model of the the Personal Status Display Composite AIM.

Figure 2 – Reference Model of Personal Status Display Composite AIM

The Personal Status Display Composite AIM operates as follows:

  1. Avatar ID is the ID of the Portable Avatar.
  2. Personal Status Demultiplexing makes available the component PS-Speech, PS-Face, and PS-Gesture Modalities.
  3. Machine Text is synthesised as Speech using a Speech Model in a format specified by NN Format and the Personal Status provided by PS-Speech.
  4. Machine Speech and PS-Face are used to produce the Machine Face Descriptors.
  5. PS-Gesture and Text are used for Machine Body Descriptors using the Avatar Model.
  6. Portable Avatar Multiplexing produces the Portable Avatar.

Table 2 gives the list of PSD AIMs with their input and output Data.

Table 2 –AIMs of Personal Status Display Composite AIM and JSON Metadata

AIW AIMs Name and Specification JSON
PAF-PSD Personal Status Display X
MMC-PDX Personal Status Demultiplexing X
MMC-TTS Text-to-Speech X
PAF-EFD Entity Face Description X
PAF-EBD Entity Body Description X
PAF-PMX Portable Avatar Multiplexing X

5 JSON Metadata


6 Profiles

The Profiles of Personal Status Display are specified.

7 Reference Software

8 Conformance Testing

The Conformance Testing Method for the PAF-PSD Basic AIM is provided here. The Conformance Testing Method for the individual Basic AIMs of the PAF-PSD Composite AIM is provided by the individual Basic AIMs.

Table 2 provides the Conformance Testing Method for PAF-PSD AIM.

If a schema contains references to other schemas, conformance of data for the primary schema implies that any data referencing a secondary schema shall also validate against the relevant schema, if present and conform with the Qualifier, if present.

Table 2 – Conformance Testing Method for PAF-PSD AIM

Receives Machine ID Shall be string or validate against Instance ID Schema
Text Object Shall validate against Text Object Schema.
Text Data shall conform with Speech Qualifier.
Personal Status Shall validate against Personal Status Schema.
Avatar Model Shall validate against 3D Model Schema.
Avatar Model Data shall conform with 3D Model Qualifier.
Speech Model Shall validate against Machine Learning Model Schema.
Speech Model Data shall conform with Machine Learning Model Qualifier.
Produces Portable Avatar Shall validate against Portable Avatar Schema.
Portable Avatar Data shall conform with respective Qualifiers.

9 Performance Assessment


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