




Media Data Types

Notices and Disclaimers

Technical Specification: Data Types, Formats and Attributes (MPAI-TFA) V1.0 specifies information called Sub-Types, Formats, and Attributes associated to “media” Data Types (Text, Speech, Audio, and Visual)  to facilitate or even enable the operation of an AI Module receiving a data type.

MPAI-TFA V1.0 is published for Community Comments. Anyone may submit comments on MPAI-TFA V1.0 to Secretariat until 22 September 2024. Comments will be considered when drafting MPAI-TFA V1.0 for publication


Use of the technologies described in this Technical Specification may infringe patents, copyrights or intellectual property rights of MPAI Members or non-members.

MPAI and its Members accept no responsibility whatsoever for damages or liability, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of this Technical Specification.

Readers are invited to review Notices and Disclaimers.

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