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Technical Specification: Data Types, Formats and Attributes (MPAI-TFA) V1.1 – in the following also called MPAI-TFA V1.1 or MPAI-TFA – specifies Qualifiers, i.e., Data added to an instance  of a Data Type, e.g., Text, Speech, and Visual that an AI Module may need to properly process the Data Type instance.

MPAI-TFA classifies that additional information as:

  1. Sub-Types, information related to the different forms that can be taken by a Data Type instance, for example, Colour Space is a Sub-Type of the Visual Data Type.
  2. Formats, the different ways in which a Data Type can be digitally represented or transported, for example, AAC is a Format of the Speech Data Type.
  3. Attributes, the different types of information providing details on a Data Type instance, for example, the ID of an Object in a picture.

Sub-Types, Formats, and Attributes are further organised into subordinate hierarchies. MPAI publishes new elements in existing hierarchies of Data Types or hierarchies of new Data Types in response to application needs.

The use of Qualifiers and of specific elements of a Qualifier is optional. The decision to add a Qualifier populated with specific elements defined in this Technical Specification resides solely with the user.

The current version of MPAI-TFA specifies Qualifiers for the following Data Types:

  1. “Media” Data Types: Text, Speech, Audio, Visual, 3D-Model, and Audio-Visual.
  2. “Metaverse” Data Types: Contract, Discovery, Information, Interpretation, Location, Program, and Rules.

This Technical Specification has been developed by CAE-DC, MMC-DC, PAF-DC, XRV-DC, and the CAV, MMM, and OSD groups of the Requirements Standing Committee. MPAI may publish new versions of MPAI-TFA or new standards covering – or extending – the scope currently covered by MPAI-TFA.


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