1. Definition 2. Functional Requirements 3. Syntax 4. Semantics

1. Definition

Real Environment Data In (RE Data In) consists of a wide variety of Data Types extracted from the Real Environment including the Scene (Performers and Stage or Performance Set), Participants, and Operators.

2. Functional Requirements

1     Performance Data

Data collected from performers and scene including the stage:

  1. Lighting fixtures
  2. Special effects
  3. Audio and video sources
  4. Volumetric performers and objects.
  5. Motion captured performers and objects.
  6. LiDAR captured performers and objects.
  7. Biometric sensors.
  8. Miscellaneous sensors (encoders, trackers, and status flags).

2       Participants Data

Data collected from participants, including:

  1. Audio and video sources
  2. Volumetric of participants
  3. LiDAR of participants
  4. Data semantics for apps and controllers.
  5. Biometric sensors.
  6. Miscellaneous sensors (encoders and trackers).

3       Operator Data

Data collected from operator consoles:

  1. Lighting
  2. Special effects
  3. Audio and video consoles
  4. DJ and VJ consoles
  5. Data semantics for equipment.
  6. Show control consoles.

3. Syntax

4. Semantics

Label Size Description
Header N1 Bytes Header
– Standard- 9 Bytes The characters “CAE-ECS-V”
– Version N2 Bytes Major version – 1 or 2 characters
– Dot-separator 1 Byte The character “.”
– Subversion N3 Bytes Minor version – 1 or 2 characters
MInstanceID N4 Bytes Identifier of M-Instance.
ID N5 Bytes Identifier of
SpaceTime N7 Bytes  Space-Time info of CogState.