1. Definition 2. Functional Requirements 3. Syntax 4. Semantics

1. Definition

Real Environment Data In (RE Data In) consists of a wide variety of Data Types extracted from the Real Environment including the Scene (Performers and Stage or Performance Set), Participants, and Operators.

2. Functional Requirements

RE Data In includes data describing three elements of the Real Environment:

  1. Performance Data includes data describing all elements of the entire Real Environment Scene (e.g., stage, props and set pieces, lighting, FX), and performer data (e.g., MoCap, Volumetric, Biometric).
  2. Participants Data includes data describing participants individual and group behaviour  (e.g., video, audio, app responses).
  3. Operator Data includes data from show operator consoles.

Data entering the XRV-LTP belong to the following categories:

  1. DMX/RDM Data includes data from Lighting fixtures, Special effects, DJ and VJ consoles, rigging, elevator stages, prop motions, pyro, and miscellaneous sensors.
  2. Audio Data includes audio from microphones and all audio sources.
  3. Visual Data includes visual data from 2D/3D cameras, video servers, and all other video sources.
  4. Motion Capture Data includes performer motion and object motion tracking data.
  5. LiDAR Data includes scans of performance and participant areas.
  6. Biometric Data includes biometric measures of performers and participants.
  7. Time Code Data as required for show synchronisation.
  8. App Data from performer and participant devices.
  9. Controller Data from performer and participant devices.

3. Syntax


4. Semantics

Label Size Description
Header N1 Bytes RE Data In Header
– Standard – REDataIn 9 Bytes The characters “CAE-RDI-V”
– Version N2 Bytes Major version – 1 or 2 characters
– Dot-separator 1 Byte The character “.”
– Subversion N3 Bytes Minor version – 1 or 2 characters
MInstanceID N4 Bytes Identifier of M-Instance.
REDataInID N5 Bytes Identifier of RE Data In.
Time N7 Bytes Time info of RE Data In.
REDataIn N8 Bytes Data from performance/participants/operators
– DMXRDMData N9 Bytes Data from Lighting fixtures, Special effects, DJ and VJ consoles, and Miscellaneous sensors.
– AudioData N10 Bytes From Performance, Participants, Operators
– VisualData N11 Bytes From Performance, Participants, Operators
– MoCapData N12 Bytes From Performance, Participants
– LiDARData N13 Bytes From Performance, Participants
– BiometricData N14 Bytes From Performance, Participants per ISO/IEC 19785
– Time CodeData N15 Bytes From Consoles
– AppData N17 Bytes Specified by Real Venue Specifications
– ControllerData N18 Bytes Specified by Real Venue Specifications
DescrMetadata N19 Bytes Descriptive Metadata