1. Definition 2. Functional Requirements 3. Syntax 4. Semantics

1. Definition

The focused status data obtained by observing the individual and collective behaviour of Performers in the Real Environment by interpreting the descriptors, per the current Cue Point, including behaviours, Emotion, Cognitive State, and Social Attitude, as needed by:

  1. The Action Generation AIM to service the current cue point.
  2. The Cue Point Identification AIM to trigger the next cue point.

Performance Status AIM generates status data for use by Cue Point Interpretation and Action Generation from each Descriptor component (audio, video, …).

2. Functional Requirements

  1. Visual (performers and scene)
    1. Visual status data
      1. Proximity
      2. Gesture: performer A looking at Performer B
    2. Scene attributes
      1. Position and Orientation (Spatial Attitude) of set pieces
      2. The scene as volume (Volumetric, e.g., point cloud)
  2. Audio behaviour
    1. Performers are captured by one or more microphones (on body/stage).
    2. Status on a per-performer basis:
      1. Text uttered by performer.
      2. Performer’s audio activity:
        1. Performer doing a certain activity, e.g., Laughing, Clapping, Booing, Shouting, Singing
        2. Intensity of the Performer’s activity
        3. Particular phrase/text uttered
  3. Object data:
    1. The scene as volume or mesh (Volumetric, e.g., point cloud).
    2. Position and Orientation (Spatial Attitude) of set pieces.
    3. Other data (encoders, triggers, measuring devices, motion/proximity sensors, etc.).

3. Syntax

4. Semantics